So, so much has happened to us all since my previous post. I don't feel that I can put into words the effect it has had on me, and yet I know I'm really blessed, we are all far, touch wood, not counting any chickens.
So, as life begins to gain a little more normality, I do sincerely hope this finds you all well. It's hard to know how much personal stuff to publish....and I don't think I can share too much at the moment, but I need to say I've struggled, and stumbled.
But this is my happy space and it's good to be back, sharing the small stuff that gets us through the days and means so much.
So lets have a bit of a catch up shall we? Back in late March , when eldest was furloughed, middle son came home from uni, youngest stopped going to school and hubby and I carried on working as normal (except my work was becoming far from normal) I was feeding my local Robin...
And trying to find some solace in my favourite places.
The lock-down meant the local roads were super quiet so we ventured out on a family bike ride.
There was time to tackle the little shed of horrors..
Were I found many ancient, mouse chewed, seeds..
And took a chance on planting a few
I still got the shed ship shape too...
And we got a new that was still allowed despite social distancing. Meet Fred, the little lady tortoise. She belongs to my mum-in-law, but is staying with us for a while. Her age is uncertain, but hubby remembers her from his childhood, so she's over 50...
There were also cute creatures in the local fields..
And much walking with eldest, who loves the outdoors as much as me.
Another distraction was baking...and boy did I need distractions...
Playing with rainbow yarn felt like a good thing to do, to share a bit of hope with the neighbours.
This bunting is still in our front window.
Like many others I felt the urge to try and grow some food this year, so we made a start on a kitchen garden area...
And the natural world did it's wonderful spring thing...thank goodness.
We even had blue tits nesting in the garden for the first time..
In April I was really struggling. Jigsaws proved a great distraction. I don't think I've ever completed a puzzle as an adult pastime, but getting absorbed in an idyllic scene suddenly seemed like a lifeline.
Eldest likes to be busy, so was invaluable around the house. The "recycling cupboard" before...
And after...
I planted potatoes in old compost bags, along with carrots and lettuce in the big planter.
In England we were still allowed to drive a short distance for once daily exercise...but I stuck to walking from home, and that got less and less as the footpaths suddenly seemed busy with people.
I gave the kitchen a fresh coat of paint.
And looked at the pretty rubbish mileage I was managing in April. A was suddenly afraid to leave the house alone, so walks were mostly short evening wanders with hubby.
There's definitely a "sewing season" in this house...when the conservatory is not too cold or too hot, so I made the most of that by making myself a new apron. Drawing around my "messy job" apron...
And even making my own bias binding as the fabric I had was only just big enough.
I just love how creative projects evolve as you go along, it's another fantastic news avoidance pastime..
I really took my time over this project and tried my hardest to make is as neat as I could...
To spend as much time as possible on this and not thinking about the virus.
Here I am, hiding in my own bubble of creativity...and the only outside space I felt safe in..
I do love how this second temperature blanket is coming along...
I also made the ubiquitous "banana bread"
And watched IG videos from one of my favourite gardens, which was closed to the public. These were honestly a highlight of my day.
In mid May restrictions were eased a little, and one early morning eldest and I drove to the woods.
we were too late for the bluebells, but it still felt like a magical place.
All the fresh green against the blue.
And frothy cow parsley....
Back at home I got out my pencils to make a birthday card for my niece...
I also made a second apron, this one was for my sister-in-law. Once again I only just had enough this one also got contrasting ties, but I manged to make two pockets from the cut-outs...
At the end of the month my twins said goodbye to their teens , and I used up the last of my flour on a cake....what a strange way to turn twenty. No night out or meet up with friends and family. We had a barbecue and there was a video call with extended family, plus lots of messages from friends. I suppose it will be memorable, just not in the way you might hope at that age.
In more sewing news, I took two patchwork cushion covers...
sewed them together
Cut them in half length ways and made two parasol covers...
Ta dah....all ready for when we can go on holiday...
Personally I'd be more than happy to stay home this year, but I will go with the majority family vote on that matter. I think I am writing this now because I am finally feeling a bit more like my old self
This is another Ravensburger puzzle. I love their quality and the additional info they give you...Sounds amazing....
Phew, almost up to date now. I'm sure you are glad!
I dug out these really old hexagon flowers with the intention of finally making something with them this year.
It's been fun playing with little bits of fabric again.
Just this week I was inspired to draw the most beautiful shop, Liberty of London, which will now be reopened, as Lockdown eases further.
Eldest is now back at work too, and I'm so pleased for him. Mum has been a star, staying put and entertaining herself with her art. Just this week she visited the garden, it was short and sweet, but lovely to see her in person for more than a five minute doorstep chat when I deliver her shopping.
I hope things are gradually improving where you are? And if they are not, I hope this helps you to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Much love to you
Jacquie x