Thursday 26 May 2011

An Award

Hello lovelies ,
Heather over at one of my favourite blogs Little Tin Bird has kindly given me an award . I'm sorry I don't always get round to posting about awards but I do appreciate the sentiment a lot .

Anyways , here goes with ten facts about myself....

1.At the moment I'm still enjoying running and I've managed seven miles as the furthest distance . I'm happiest just going out and doing two to three though .I'ts great to get out in the fresh air and so convienient.
Sadly my knees are starting to complain ( despite these expensive trainers) so I may have to go back to the aerobics classes soon.  My knees (along with the rest of me ) ain't as young as they used to be .

2. I will be 45 soon but I don't feel that old till I look in the mirror.

I made this  little sign for my washing machine.... to remind me to turn down the temp after a hot wash .... Could apply to me too :0)

3.One of my favourite films of all time is "Pretty in Pink" I loved the way Molly Ringwald's character made her own prom dress and it has some great 80's music.

4. My favourite chocolate bar is a "Twirl"

5.I made several soft toys for school needlework projects as a teenager . Found this picture.... taken back then,the other day.......

The three in the centre are mine .They are prince charming and Cinderella rag dolls and A Bunny !!Sadly I don't know where they ended up but my latest bunny is a influenced by her.Their dresses are pretty much the same.

6.My eldest 2 have gone away on a school residential visit this week , so we are a family of three at the moment . Thankfully they are back tomorrow  and I'm sure they are having a great time .

7.My favourite flowers are sweet peas easy to grow ...great cut flowers and the scent ...amazing . Here are some of  last years , can't wait for this years crop.........

8.I have loads of W.I.P.'s stashed around the this (not sure what this will be) ......

and this ( it's a rug I'm making from T. shirt yarn ) ....

It doesn't stop me from starting more though!

9.My Mum used to take my brother and I to look around art Galleries a lot as children but I didn't really get inspired till we went to an exhibition of amazing patchwork quilts when I was about 13.
I was completely blown away by them . A resolution for this year, that I haven't managed to fulfill yet ,is to do some more patchwork.

10. Ummm struggling now.......oh , I know .... I can do the Vulcan Salute :0)

Now I have to pass this award on to 10 lovely blogs that inspire me.

Blogger is not letting me comment at the moment ( v.frustrating ) so I can't let you lovelies know but if you see this and want to join in that's great . If not I COMPLETELY understand .

Sally at Robin Red

Jones at The House of Jones

Sandra at Cherry Heart

Anna at Annaboo's House ( Check out her gorgeous crochet toadstool :0)

Lucy at Lucy in the Sky

Karen at A Quiet Corner

Anne at Ungardened Moments

Cuckoo at Tales from Cuckoo Land

Emily at Unravelled

Deborah at Happilicious

Do pop over and have a peek .There are lot's of gorgeous things to see :0)

Jacquie x


  1. Sweetpeas are one of my faves, I have 36 little plants growing this year (grew them for the first time last year, just 3 plants but they kept me in flowers from June-Sept!!)

    Did you buy or make that T-shirt yarn? It's fab and I have been hankering after doing a rug....

    S x

  2. Congratulations, Your blog is always bright with lots happening on the life side of well as craft:)) Well deserved..
    T-shirt yarn is anew one on me, I have made mats/rugs with old sheets etc but not T-shirts, the little squares are very pretty.. :))

  3. Sweet peas are and always have been my FAVES! What a scent...I can conjure it up in my mind's memory right now. But I can't grow them where I live, so I never get to see/smell them anymore! Boo hoo hoo! So many memories of my mother putting a fresh pot of cut sweet peas on the kitchen table each morning when I was a child. Love your blog! Always wonderful things here! x&o, Annette

  4. Bless you, thanks!
    Am loving the colours in that rug - so cheerful.
    My head is full of projects at the moment. Must actually get round to completing one! X

  5. Oh my giddy aunt! Thank you for the award. Right I'll have to really rack my brains now.....

    I really enjoyed you 10 facts, I particularly like the washing machine sign. That's a bonkers and clever thing to do!


  6. awww so creative at any early age to ;-)) love the little bunny. And your rug is going to look gorgeous to. I adore sweet peas that smell is just delicious. Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  7. Congratulations for your reward. I was very curious about the work of the operation for making T-shirt. Show me how you're doing?

  8. Great post, am loving the rug, absolutely gorgeous & sweetpeas mmmmmmm can smell them from here!!!!!
    Took me years to get that vulcan salute too, got to put my trekkie movies away 'bad influence' you know :)

  9. Wow, the t-shirt rug looks amazing. How do you do one? I would love to use something other than yarn and plus i have lots of baby and child clothes that i cant seem to sell so if i could put them to good use by making a rug i would be very happy. x

  10. I like the tshirt rug. I might think about doing something like that with all the t-shirts that have acquired those mysterious tiny little holes in the front.
    Isn't it funny the way running affects us all differently. Cycling and aerobics give me sore knees, but running never does. I'd highly recommend Zumba if you can find a class near you - I have never before found an exercise class where everyone is enjoying themselves so much.
    I love sweet peas too, but only have the wild ones in the front garden this year, they have flowered already and sadly have no scent. xx

  11. Love the washing machine sign and the soft toys.
    I sowed my second lot of sweet pea seeds last week and like the first lot they haven't come up. I'm really disappointed.

  12. Your Sweet peas are absolutly gorgeous!
    I've been reading up on your posts as Blogger has been playing up, I've been finding it difficult to keep up.
    Have a great weekend Jacquie!
    Hugs Suex

  13. Thanks Jacquie! You're one of my real crochet blog gurus, so I'm extra pleased with this award!
    Need to get my thinking cap on now...
    Emily x

  14. Hello,

    Just discovered your blog through unravelled.

    Like the sweetpeas. Leah x

  15. Congratulations. Your Sweet peas are absolutely gorgeous!

    Silver MLM

  16. Congratulations Jacquie!

  17. What fun facts, always nice to get to know people a little more. Love your bunny and of course my all time favouries, sweetpeas! I've always dreamed of a perfume made from sweetpeas xox Have a great weekend with all your family.

  18. Bless you, thanks!
    Am loving the colours in that rug - so cheerful.
    igne Oyası Örnekleri elsanatı ismek

  19. Ohhh --- Your award was then passed on to me and it made my day!!! So thank you for setting that ball off rolling. I have given it a push along Blogland Road as well x

  20. Beautiful Sweet Peas! Loving your t-shirt rug. ax

  21. So impressed. I can only manage a dodgy 75% Vulcan Salute with the help of a stylist/physio. And I hear you on that knee thing.

  22. Thank you so much for the award. I'm flattered! I've just posted a thank you and passed on the award to ten more blogs. Thanks for thinking of me.

    Sandra (Cherry Heart) x

  23. Oh Jacquie, thank you! That is my first ever blog award! I will put my thinking cap on for my 10 things. I enjoyed reading your list, your blog is such an inspiration to me.
    Jones xx


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