Saturday 6 March 2010


Well Helloooooooooooo ,is there anybody there ? No I don't expect there is just yet and that's fine with me at the moment !!!!! I'll start by introducing myself ,I'm Jacquie a forty something mum of three who has been enjoying reading lots of lovely blogs for about 2 years now . I've had a flikr photostream for a little while and really enjoy the interaction with like minded people so this seems like a natural progression I think !!!!!!!!

I don't expect It will be a very wordy blog as my typing is fairly rubbish LOL

I've just treated myself to a new camera so I'm hoping to include some nice images at least !!!


  1. I'm here! I'm your first Blogger friend! WE'll have some fun, be assured!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  2. Oh my giddy aunt - your blanket is soooo beautiful. I can't wait to see more! Love Kate (from greedy for colour)xxooxxooxx.

  3. I didn't realise you were new to blogland also. I started mine on typepad 2 days after this lol! yay! We can progress together. I already am loving your blog so will be waiting for all the instalments :))


I always love to hear from you , thank you for taking the time to leave a message.