Tuesday 7 December 2010


Hello Lovelies , hope you are keeping warm if you are in the frozen U.K.

Last week my youngest turned Eight ,Eight ! how did that happen ?!
I don't suppose I'm alone as a mum , in finding myself thinking of when my children were born on the Anniversary of that day..........

I think about details of the day and they seem so recent, and yet so long ago.

His was a quick , uncomplicated birth . I was on a high for days. He was an easy baby which was just as well , since I had Two year old twins already.

Yes three under Three was super busy, extremely stressy at times .
I think the age they are now is so perfect. Sometimes I want to stop the clock . Keep my little boys who love a cuddle and think I'm great ( most of the time) for ever , but of course that's not going to happen.

So Birthdays are celebrated,with parties , and I take loads of photos and video ,to remember these special times in years to come.......

Happy Birthday Little man .....Please don't grow up too fast .

Mummy x


  1. The big "8". Time goes by soooo quickly. Looks like you've made it a memorable day!

  2. Ahhh a very happy birthday to your little man!

    I loved your pictures from Friday by the way, especially the one of the red berry, such a bright colour! We awoke to a very frosty Glos today. The hoar frost lasted well into the afternoon, it was extremely cold, but very very pretty.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my post by the way - I've still not got round to hanging my stars, must get onto that! Hope you find time for some hooky soon, although you must need a bit of a break following the mamouth blanket!


  3. Happy Birthday to your young man!! I'm like you, I can clearly remember tiny details from the day each of my children was born. Interestingly, most unpleasantness (if any) is gone from memory, unless I work to bring it up. That must be one of the blessings of motherhood - all that struggle is worth the end result!

  4. Oh I know how quick the time goes, it's so important embrace each and every wonderous day xox

  5. Hope he had a lovely day!
    Em xxx

  6. Happy birthday to your little man; mine just turned 5! Time moves swiftly by, that is for sure. Have a great day! :-)

  7. Happy birthday to your little man :)

    I do that thinking about the day they were born thing - my Mum does too - amazing she can remember all the details for all 7 of us !

  8. Happy Birthday to you.. A whole 8 years old. :)) It looks like a wonderful day of celebrations..

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Oh a Sagittarius like me and 2 of my boys, I bet he is wonderful ;)
    Chatty, inquisitive, playful, loving and trusting? They do grow so fast it isn't fair how Father time seems to speed up when we have Children.

  10. I know just how you feel - my daughter is 8, nearly 9 and it only seems like yesterday that she was a toddler! We often watch our videos of her from that time - wonderful, priceless memories. Happy belated birthday to your lovely son x

  11. Hope he had a good day and you got plenty of photos to look back on.

  12. Happy Birthday to your boy! The years do fly. My babies are 29, 27 and 22!!! But they have given us 3 wonderful grands to enjoy all over again!!!

  13. Happy Birthday to your little man! :) x

  14. Happy Belated Birthday to your little man ~ my youngest is 8 too and yes.....the time does fly in far too quickly. I have to admit I struggle a bit with that, but I try to look forward to all the wonderful things still to come. Photo's and videos are lovely reminders to look back on :O) xx

  15. What great ages your sons are Jacquie!
    I bet you have such a lot of washing, all those muddy football shorts and tops!
    I bet you are having a wicked time with them. My two are 25 in February, such a treat seeing them reach milestones together when they were younger. Such good company for me now too!
    Great post and 'Happy Belated Birthday' to your son. x
    Hugs Suex

  16. Oh I hear you! I feel so bereft that mine are growing so fast. The days can drag sometimes but the years just fly by. Happy Birthday not-so-little man. Hope you all enjoyed the day. (just found your blog via Sylvie's Garden - lovely wreath!) cheers Jacs x


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