Friday 14 January 2011

January Nature

I've got a non-yarny post for you lovelies today.

Fridays are my BIG shop day, I usually take my Mother-in-law along as she doesn't drive . One of her favourite subjects is the weather...suppose I talk about it quite a lot too, hopefully not in a boring way ?!

Well, today I made a comment about the days getting longer and she quoted one of her favourite weather sayings... " as the days lenghten the cold strengthens" Have you ever heard this saying ? I must admit I used to think she was just saying it to annoy me ( sorry MIL ).
This year though ,it didn't, and we got to talking about other similar sayings she could remember from her youth. I'm finding it actually quite interesting .

I came home and asked Mr google what he knew, with the idea of printing off something to show my MIL. I found a nice site here.

But better than that, something on another page jogged my memory about this ......

I found this last year, in the very bookshop I mentioned in my last post.
It's the sister book to the more famous " Country diary of an Edwardian lady" I remember when that book was published in the eighties, it became hugely popular. Spawning loads of merchandise . I seem to remember bedding and crockery sporting the beautiful illustrations from the book.
It didn't do much for me at the time.

Now, though ,I love these books. They have stunning paintings of British nature. " Nature Notes " is from 1905.
The lady behind them is Edith Holden, you can read more about her here.
The book is organised into months.This is her January painting ....

I think it's so lovely.Here are some other illustrations from this month....

Birds( gold crested wrens, do we still have those ?),Ivy and my fave ..berries.

In the pages there are also Edith's thoughts on the Nature around her . Not to mention poems and folk-lore sayings like...........
(Remember you click on the image to make it bigger.)

Result :0)
 I'll be taking this to show my MIL tomorrow and I plan to share each month with you lovelies as the year're in for a treat.

This afternoon the sun peeped through and I was inspired ,by this book ,to set out to school a bit early and stop to see what January nature I could find. By the time I got to the fields the clouds were blocking out the sun, bother, I thought . But actually the brooding sky was stunning......

The countryside did look pretty bleak , with bare hedges and trees , but beautiful,none the less.........

I managed to find some colour, Ivy , like Edith, and this stunning Lichen...

I'll be back soon with crochet goodness , but I hope you enjoyed this little nature interlude :0)
Have a great weekend .
Jacquie x


  1. hello Jacquie

    Your photos are a real treat, and thanks for sharing the illustrations, I really enjoyed those. I must tell you that we do get a couple of goldcrests in the garden - I think it's because we're quite rural and have a little river, Ive only ever seen them in the countryside before and it was a real treat to see them at home!
    Really enjoyed your nature post, sending hugs
    Julia x x x

  2. Great photos! A very enjoyable post today. Thanks.


  3. I've got that book! :0)
    It's the type of book that when you get it off the shelf, it kinda follows you about the house for a couple of weeks!
    The pictures and letter fonts are just beautiful.
    I was so sad when I read how Edith died. What a sad loss of a young, talented lady :(
    Anyway :)
    Have a great weekend Jacquie

  4. I have that book you have reminded me to get it out.Thanks

  5. Hey Jacquie, there was a sharp intake of breath when I saw the front of the book......
    I have the Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady on my bookshelf. Given to my mum by a very dear friend in England it now lives with me and I looooove it.
    Never saw any of the 'merch' in this neck of the woods. No doubt it wouldn't have done much for back in the eighties either, but I would love to get my hand on some of it now, just beautiful.
    Life in another era, a gentler way of life, would love to turn the clock back a bit.............
    Lovely snaps and stunning colour of the lichen....

  6. Thanks for a lovely post, great pictures.

  7. Oh you've reminded me - I've got its sister book - must hunt that out.

    Trying hard here today to be warm but I think it will be wet too :( Hoping for sunshine tomorrow.

  8. Thanks for the link to that site. Lovely quotes. Helps you to really appreciate the time of year when it is seemingly so darn miserable! x

  9. How really beautiful, I love that lichen xox

  10. The book is certainly a treasure! How interesting that you had your MIL's saying in print and didn't realize it! I'm looking forward to seeing more of the drawings.

  11. I have that book, isnt it lovely :) xx

  12. Lovely lovely photos. That was my favoutite book in the early 80's. I had the full range of bedroom linen that M&S did based on the book too - I wish I still had it. xxxx

  13. I love when the days are getting warmer and warmer, but hopefully the cold will stay away too! :P So far so good, but I hear a chill returning at the end of january.. I know it is a bit too early to start wanting the spring weather, but both my body and heart are just SO ready for it! :)

  14. One year - I think it was 2009 I had the Diary of an Edwardian Lady open at that Month's page on a side table with flowers or a plant or whatever. It was lovely to turn it each month - have a mooch through and then choose my favourite page for the month. I am a simple girl - easily pleased - LOL.
    Love your blog, by the way!

  15. Very nice Jacquie. I love this book. The illustrations are really nice.
    Nice to see some outdoor photos too,
    well done,
    Hugs Suex

  16. Hi Jacquie! That book looks so wonderful - I just love those drawings! You have took lovely photos! Thank you for this great 'nature post'!
    xxx Teje

  17. How beautiful and how lucky to view a similar landscape. I loved your photos. You have prompted me to take "The country diary of Edwardian lady" of the shelves. It was given to me from a very special uncle when I was about 8. I haven't looked at it for years. I'm going to sit down with a cup of tea and revisit it now:)

  18. Hey Jacquie!

    Just catching up on everyones posts.
    I LOVE this post particularly, I enjoy watching the seasons come and go and taking in all the little details.
    I have a copy of 'Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady' and I browse each month as it goes by, year after year and never get bored. The illustrations are stunning!


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