Sunday 4 May 2014

Now is the Time

Hello Lovelies,
reading Annette's POST yesterday I had to smile. Her words summed up how I feel at the moment. Now is the time we have been waiting for through the short, cold winter days.

All these photos were taken yesterday.......a beautifully sunny May day.

Now is the time to get up early and be greeted by clear skies and birdsong when you have a little wander around the garden before breakfast. There was frost on the grass and the strawberry plants........possibly the last one till the Autumn?..............

Now it the time to notice morning sunlight flooding my kitchen now the sun is rising further along the horizon........

Now is the time to give my kitchen window a good clean as the sunlight shows up previously unnoticed dirt...........

Loving these supermarket Carnations.........I'm a sucker for Cerise............

But mainly now is the time to get out and make the most of May, when mother nature is so fresh and beautiful.........

Another trip to the Bluebell woods , still not masses of flowers, but oh what a gorgeous place to wander through the dappled sunlight............

Right now I feel extra glad to be alive......It's a special time of year for sure.
I'm making the most of it before it's gone.
Jacquie x


  1. Dear Jacquie
    Let the light flow. Let the colours be enjoyed. Let the fragrance from wild flowers and green fields and forests fill our bodies. Beautiful woods and paths you have to walk through. Thank you for popping by and thank you for linking. Today is a special day. Just like tomorrow, and the day after and the day after that...
    My Rose Valley

  2. Your pictures capture the mood of the moment perfectly. It doesn't get much better than this, does it. xx

  3. You're right, this is the moment. So much life zinging forth, it's incredible, it really take my breath away, every year. Such beautiful photos, especially that butterfly. Hope you enjoy the bank holiday Jacqui.

  4. I agree too it the best time of the year as your pictures show so well! Sarah x

  5. Wow, an orange tip butterfly! Apparently they are very hard to spot and photograph from what I have read on some other blogs, so you did amazingly well to capture that! They are beautiful and it is lovely to finally see one as I have heard a lot about them and never seen one! Hope that you are enjoying your long weekend. xx

  6. What beautiful pics, Jacquie - thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of this lovely long weekend xx

  7. Great to see you are enjoying the season, me too had a wonderful trip to a bluebell woods yesterday so beautiful
    Clare xx

  8. Linda postagem, amo a mãe natureza

  9. I was about to ask you the name of that beautiful butterfly, Jacquie, but Amy has already supplied the answer - I have never seen one of those and perhaps it's not around our parts anyway - how gorgeous it is! All your pics once again are so wonderful, thank you so much, I enjoy and appreciate them so much!!! I'm sure you are planning on making the most of your gorgeous weather over there - happy days to you and yours! Love, Joy xo

  10. I do hope it's the last frost. I have a greenhouse bursting at the seams. Lovely photos as always. I love the way a bit of sunshine perks everyone up.

  11. Bluebells take me right back to childhood. We lived behind a huge wood and it had a carpet of bluebells. Breathtaking :)
    :( My little pup absolutely destroyed our strawberry plants. He dug them up over the weekend. They were growing wonderfully too!
    You pictures are stunning as usual xxx

  12. I love May as well, the colours, the light, the temperature which is warm but not too hot yet... a great month indeed, your photos do it justice! : ) Hope you have a nice week! xx

  13. Wow what a difference geography makes! Our bluebells are nearly all over and done here in the SEast. They still small amazing in the early morning though!

  14. Thanks for sharing your spring with us! Whenever I take my camera on a walk, I notice a lot of things I wouldn't see otherwise!

    Some of your flowers I have seen here in Germany, others I don't recognize. Very pretty!

    Take care

  15. Jackie I would say you definetly are!!

  16. A fabulous time of year- your photos capture it really well.

  17. You're so right and May seems to be such a fab month, the beginning of the early summer and the ending of the winter, x

  18. It's the very best time of year, in my humble opinion.

  19. It is a beautiful time of year, isn't it? Even with stresses and worries and niggles, you can't help but feel happy and optimistic.
    So much flowery, green loveliness everywhere!


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