Saturday 9 August 2014

♥Summertime Moments ♥ Simple Joys

Hello Lovelies,
here's a post full of simple things I'm appreciating right now. 

The sentiments in my gorgeous Katie Daisy calendar........this is actually June's favourite....but all the paintings are beautiful and the words uplifting............

Pretty pink Gerberas, these little pot plants are £1 at the supermarket right now.....they make me happy.........

Summertime festivals with stunning fireworks..........we didn't go but loved watching the display from a distance..............

Look, there's a pink heart in the sky :0)

Using my patchwork Peg Bag...........I think this may be the most useful thing I've ever works so well and always makes me smile...........

Simple food...........I'm not a very enthusiastic cook....I wish I was.....but I love that I'm good at producing a tasty roast dinner, from scratch, that my whole family really enjoys..............

Crochet by the bed.........My first ever mandala  is currently under my bedside lamp and I think it looks great there...........

Natures Colours, just wonderful...........

I do hope you are finding simple joys in your life too lovelies.
Jacquie x


  1. I so enjoyed reading and seeing your list of simple things. They all look wonderful and happy. Your Mandela looks perfect and right at home in it's place by your bed.

  2. What a lovely list! Simple and so colourful :-)

  3. I love this type of post, it reminds me to stop a moment and appreciate the simple things in life. I'm so stressed out at the moment that I sometimes forget to take pleasure from the small things. As I'm writing this comment I look out my window and can see my beautiful lillies in bloom, they make me smile. Thanks.

  4. I think I need to slow down a little and appreciate more. Since getting back from holiday I have been rushing around, with little time to notice and appreciate the good bits, and I've not managed to take a single photo! Have a great weekend. X

  5. Lovely post of the simple things

  6. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing. Love that calendar,x

  7. Lovely gerberas, and a good bargain. The bedside mandala is great, a perfect use for it. Making a nice meal for everyone is always a good feeling. I'm not a great cook, but it's so satisfying when they all enjoy what I've made. (Not usually all at once!) I hope you have a good Sunday Jacquie. CJ xx

  8. Your photos are astounding! Thanks for sharing a little bit of your lovely world!

  9. I like your bargain buy. :)
    There is nothing better than a roast dinner. It is the ultimate comfort food, although it also generates the most serious of dishes - the greasy roasting pan!
    I'm an enthusiastic cook, but not an enthusiastic cleaner-upperer! :)

  10. Some beautiful 'joy' there Jacquie. With autumn now approaching, I am taking each day as it comes to enjoy the simple things before the school/college business begins again. Have a wonderful week (I'm out to put the roast beef in the oven!!). xx

  11. Simple pleasures are the best. I made a card with JOY on it - it sits on a little table to remind me to be joyful.

  12. Sometimes the happy things can be the most simple of things!!!! Love the soft color of your gabrenas!!!!! Have a happy week!!!
    AMarie xxx

  13. Just lovely as always. Right now summertime moments are all about keeping cool here.:)

  14. Simple and beautiful!!!

  15. Hi there,
    I notice you haven't posted for a while. Hope you are ok. :)

  16. Love your mandala it is just perfect. Roast dinners are top of my broods list too, I love the appreciation, sit down chat and full tummies!.

  17. Yes, I am simple, and joyous. Nice photo's.

  18. Your mandala under the bedside lamp has given me some ideas...x


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