Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bank Holiday Monday

Hello Lovelies ,
Boy ,we had some rain here yesterday. After all the dry weather it was nice that the garden got a proper soaking . We had a lazy morning ...not feeling guilty about staying inside... but after I wrote my last post the boys were getting a bit stir crazy , you know "Muuum what are we doing today ? "
well, it's a bit wet to go outside, I said . Then my youngest suggested a Muddy walk . Yes , why not !! Haven't been on one of those in ages.
So he phoned his cousins .........." Do you want to go on a muddy walk and don't forget your wellies "
Soon five children and three adults set off in the rain......

It wasn't cold and I don't mind the wet if I'm dressed appropriately.Every where looked so green . Mind the slippery bridge...

I stop to take photos of the wet foliage .Loving these oak leaves ....

Ahhh, this is what the little people have been looking forward to ....

It's a big pile of grass clippings that has a sort of crust that covers some truly stinky green sludge .
Thankfully no one fell over or lost a welly in this gloop :0)

On the way home the rain continues to pour down ...at least there are plenty of puddles to clean up stinky wellies ........

I love the look of the wet fields , I'm sure the farmers do as well........

and I was so happy when I found some wild roses ........

So delicate and pretty , they had a gorgeous sweet scent..

Even the plants that have finished flowering looked pretty with the addition of glistening raindrops .........

When I got home and dried out a bit I was so encouraged by your kind comments about my rag rug , I set about making some more Tarn ( T.shirt yarn )....

Looks good doesn't it :0)

Did you notice my circle blanket ? It's been too hot to have this on the bed for a while now so it's just been folded up on my Lucy Chair . But at the weekend I decided to put it on my conservatory sofa .....

It's so nice to see it in a different room and I think it looks right at home with it's crochet cousins :0) Ummmmm...not much space to sit on this sofa these days !
Have a great week .
Jacquie x


  1. Okay, seriously. I just want to dive into that sofa and never. ever. come. out. again! <3

  2. Pretty and inspiring pictures again, Jacquie!
    Love, Maaike

  3. your collection of crochet looks fab, must get my backside in gear and finish by first blanket

  4. Lovely wet walk! I can almost smell the wet earth.
    I thought I was maybe starting to have too many cushions, but looking at your sofa, I've realised I need to make moooooore!!!

  5. Stunning pics of the walk and the sofa is lush!

  6. What a great idea to have a muddy walk. Haha I must get some new wellies as mine have got cracks in them. Your sofa looks lovely and thanks to the link for that chair post as there is a lovely recipe on there which sounds yummo! x

  7. Oooh next time you go on a 'muddy walk' give me a 'hoy' it looks like alot of fun. Who doesn't love walking in the rain?.......

    Love those balls of tarn, fabby colours. How big are you going to make your rug Jacquie? It's a great way to recycle old t shirts.

    Just wondering is it hard on your hands/wrists?

    So glad you have finally received some good rain the farmers should all be smiling.

    Claire :}

  8. Mmmm crochet! I love the 'tarn' as well - what a good idea! Looks like a lovely muddy walk - I walked many a mile in my wellies when I was younger, I loved the fact that I didn't have to worry about where I stepped!
    Jones x

  9. A lovely walk, even in the wet! The wild roses are so pretty!
    Love the rug you're making, I've looked at tee shirt yarn tutorials in the past but I havent attempted it! It looks a bit confusing when you have to cut across from one slit to the other! I should give it a go though! Making crochet roses at the mo with my woolly leftovers!
    Suns out today so we'd better make the most of it!
    Rachel x

  10. We had or fair share of rain during the bank holiday weekend too. I am in love with your crocher corner! So colourful! xx

  11. Thanks for taking us on that walk!!

    Your sofa looks stunning covered in all that crocheted goodness!!

    S x

  12. I haven't had a muddy walk in ages - I might get one today though as its been pouring!
    I'm intrigued by your 'tarn' and now off to read yout post on it.

  13. The blanket looks perfect with all of your fun pillows. I think a muddy walk sounds like a great thing to do on a rainy day. It is so wonderful to see everything outside getting a good rinse, it makes all the plants sparkleHave a great day,

  14. Love, love, love the bright sofa! So inviting and cheering! Wet walks are great but here we would like an occasional day when we could have a rain free, wind free, dry walk!! LOL! Cx

  15. Lovely pictures of your walk - the roses in the rain are beautiful. And the rug looks perfect on your sofa!

  16. Some fab photos as usual!!! I love all your crochet throws and cushions. The mix of colours is gorgeous and they look so welcoming.


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