Wednesday 1 February 2012

Kaleidoscope blanket Ta-dah !!!

Hello Lovelies ,
Well, I did it !! I completed my Kaleidoscope blanket on Monday evening . Yesterday I was at work all day so today was the first opportunity I've had to photograph it . I was so happy that the sun shone, despite the perishingly cold temperatures.
So would you like to see how it turned out ?? I do hope so. This morning I donned new stripy socks especially for the I am stood on my little crochet covered stool ...........

Mainly because it's the best way to get an overhead shot like this ........

Whoooo  Hooooo. I LOVE it :0)

This blanket has been a long time in the making, mainly due to me getting distracted by other ,speedier projects.

I made 120 hexagons in total ,but ended up using 112 of them. As you can see alternate rows are different widths, mine ended up 12 and 13 hexagons wide and nine hexagons deep.........

Having the spares was great for being able to choose combinations I liked right up to the end ......

So the finished blanket measures 163cm x 102cm  ( 65" x 40" ) .Big enough to reach from my toes to my shoulders...ideal :0)

It was made from mostly Cygnet acrylic yarn . I bought it from a couple of local charity shops which sell this brand as new stock...not donated, for around £1.50 for a 100g ball. There's also stylecraft shrimp in there and an apple green from Wilkinsons .

I love the solidness of this pattern and it makes quite a weighty blanket....930 grams ( or 2Lb 1 oz )

Which works out at costing £14 ish for the whole blanket. I wouldn't like to try and work out the number of hours it's taken....I'ts quite a time consuming motif, but I guess as you only need 112 for a decent sized blanket it's not that slow.

What I can work out is that I would not have managed to get it finished as quickly in the end without all your wonderfully encouraging comments. It really was the reason I buckled down and got it done.


As you can see I've gone a bit over the top with pictures but I was having such fun and I know you lovelies like looking at pretty crochet :0)

The border is 2 rows of half double crochet ( U.K. half treble ) .I treated the wavy edges like a ripple and decreased in the bottom of the V's and increased at the top. Despite this after one round this is what was happening ....

So I did the next round with the wrong side facing me and the turned it back over again for the final single crochet ( U.K. double ) and picot round.

I did not have a plan for where this blanket would end up , but right now I'm loving the look of it at the end of our bed .........

So that's where it will be staying for the time being.
It's certainly blanket weather here at the moment.Hope you are keeping warm if you are in the U.K.
Jacquie x


  1. Beautiful blanket!!!

  2. OH MY WORD........I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! So, so, so, so, so pretty. I ADORE the last two pics of it on your bed. It looks amazing, and all the hours spent on it have been SO worth it! It's a complete VISUAL TREAT for the eyes, a true Kaleidoscope. Just love it! Can you guess that I love it?!!! Ha Ha!

    Enjoy it and happy snuggles in it!


  3. It's absolutely gorgeous! Maggie xx

  4. It is absolutely amazing, and no need to apologise for the numerous photos because I would do the same with something i have proudly done!!!hurray!

  5. Well done,Jacquie,its absolutley beautiful and well worth the hard work.I love the colours and it looks so nice on your bed.I would love to give this a go when I get more experience. Looking forward to seeing what you are making next ;O) hugs juliexx

  6. It's beautiful! Great job! Love the colors :)

  7. Love it :) Tis beautiful.

    Am waiting for a sunny day AND time to photograph my first big finished crochet project ;)

  8. Wow wow wow and more wow! I love it. You know when you see something just beautifully colourful and it makes you go all goose bumpy? And I love the fact that you have made something truly lovely without buying the pricey yarns - you are inspiring. Well done.

  9. M*A*G*N*I*F*I*C*E*N*T is all I can say Jacquie. What a marvel to behold, well done on all the hard work it's truly scrumptious and colour candy from heaven xox

  10. Hooorrrraayyyyy for the kaleidoscope blanket,
    LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

  11. This is such a lovely blanket. You must be proud of it! And enjoy having it during these cold, cold days :)

  12. Oh, what a beautiful blanket :D Love the colors :D

  13. Really the most lovely crochet blanket I have ever seen ! x

  14. Beautiful against the blue sky.

  15. Ok I am cracking up about the second picture. The blanket is soooooo beautiful with all of those rainbowy colors. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Gorgeous! I know it makes you happy just to look at it. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Ooooo this is so beautiful - I love it! Those fabulous colours. You are so clever. I am just starting my crochet journey and loving it, and looking forward to the day I can make something like this. xx

  18. It's fabulous Jacquie ~ the colours are really beautiful and work so well together too :O)xx

  19. Your blanket is simply stunning - well done! You'll miss working on it though - maybe have to start another soon x

  20. WOW!!! The colors words... I absolutely love them.
    Gorgeous blanket! Many compliments!!!!!

  21. Love the pictures of it on the washing line. Well done for getting it done to your deadline, it's beautiful. X

  22. Well done! It is a wonderful blanket - one of my favourites I think!

  23. Just perfect.
    Love the colours- it's soooo cheery on a cold wintry day.
    Enjoy snuggling up under it. It's cold tonight!

  24. *SWOONS* it's just stunning I love it!
    It must have taken some stamina to get through it well done it must be worth every minute, I would take it outside every day and hang it on the line just to show it off to everyone!
    Kandi x

  25. Beautiful! I'm just now learning HOW TO crochet, so this seems so far away from my reach. *But, being able to make something similar is my "someday" goal. :) Again, it's beautiful. Well done.

  26. WOW! It is absolutely beautiful - well done! And prefect for snuggling under on a cold evening like tonight! xx

  27. Wonderful blanket! You should be proud of making something so beautiful. Well done. xx

  28. I've watched you make it! It is wonderful - Love Froogs xx

  29. Wow wow wow! What a beautiful blanket, well done!

  30. I think I am in LOVE with a blanket! Gorgeous! You must be so very proud! It looks great at the end of your bed--and everywhere else. Just beautiful!

  31. It is glorious, a wonder of colour and creativity. Amazing!

  32. A beautiful, colourful feast for the eyes!! Well done, it's an absolute cracker! :D xxx

  33. its absolutely wonderful and i wish i could crochet like that. your colour choice is amazing its really beautiful you should feel very proud of yourself i love all your work andb y the way thx for the russian doll tutorial i have been going overboard and making lots of them!! don't quite know what i'm going to do with them all but heyho presents for everyone !

  34. It looks just wonderful - so sunny and bright.
    Love from Mum

  35. Outstanding, I am truely jealous it's gorgeous. I wish I could crochet but no matter how I try I can't so yet another reason to be jealous..

  36. This is such a lovely blanket. I think it is my favourite hexagon motif and really well named, especially considering the pictures taken with the sun shining through it in your other post. I really love it; it's absolutely gorgeous and looks stunning at the end of your bed. It's good to know too, that for those of us who don't have a fortune, that it isn't necessary to make beautiful things. I'm going to track some of that yarn down. It's nice to support a charity shop and get to enjoy ourselves too.

    Well done on a great job!

  37. We are sharing your happiness! It is such an amazing, beautiful blanket. I love the turqoise color for the border, along with the final white. It will bring out smiles for a long, long time. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us.
    Ana BC

  38. It's lovely, very colourful. To me it didn't take long for you to make at all. Especially considering you've dealt with all the ends too. Well done!

  39. Great blanket! Love the shot from above and it looks stunning on the bed. I'm impressed with your thriftiness. Oh to be able to crochet...

  40. Wow your blanket is just gorgeous!! I love it :o) I love it on your bed too - it looks so gorgeous and so inviting. You did a fantastic job :O) I only hope that one day I will get to make something near as lovely. For now I'm strugglign with the basic steps! Take care Michelle x

  41. It looks stunning, like a stained glass window. I like the way you have done your edging too.
    Perfect on the bottom of your bed.
    Carol xx

  42. Wow!! Well done, you! This blanket is rather gorgeous! Love how colourful it is. xx

  43. What a glorious blanket snd lovely pics. It looks so lovely and it looks like it needs to live on your bed!

    From another bunny lover


  44. I love the outside photos, they really show off the colours. It has a vintage look to it in my opinion and I really like that. Beautiful work as always x

  45. It's gorgeous! I love the colours and the picot edging. And who would have thought Wilkos did wool?! It does look lovely at the end of your bed too. Well done! XX

  46. It's so lovely! You must be chuffed to bits. I would LOVE that on the end of my bed but it looks super hard xx

  47. LOVELY!
    Definitely blanket weather here in Sweden!
    Yours looks great for snuggling under, keep up your wonderfull post on your blog, it's very inspiring! :)

  48. Love love love it!!!! It is beautiful, totally absolutely gorgeous. And perfect weather to be all snuggled up in it being so freezing at the moment xxx

  49. Jacquie, it's wonderful, stunning, amazing...........what a feat.

    It looks fab on your bed, don't know which hexie I love best, there's so many gorgeous colour combos.
    What a great feeling of satisfaction to have it finished, well done.........

    Claire X

    PS Love the socks too, hehe......

  50. Congratulations Jacquie!
    it is Simply Stunning :)

  51. Eyecatching beauty, be proud, it's fabulous. I loved seing it hanging on the line, fab pic that one.

  52. OH WOW its stunning infact i think its one of the nicest crochet blankets i have seen. I love the border its so pretty. You have something to treasure and love for many years there and im sure it will be passed down the family and last for many years to come. dee x

  53. Lovely blanket!!! Those pictures on the line with the blue sky are just stunning! x

  54. Wow, that looks fantastic! Congratulations, I really admire your determination to finish it. I always have projects laying around unfinished because I get easily distracted and want to start something else!

  55. it's beautiful! Congrats on the finish!!

  56. perfect :)....colours..pattern..everything, you have inspired me to have a go at a hexie x x x Jane x x x

  57. Linda, maravilhosa, combinaĆ§Ć£o perfeita. ParabĆ©ns. Beijo

  58. I love, love, love your blanket, well done you!!! LOL
    Love that you got the chance to take photos outside!!!
    Well done!!!

    Chris Xxx

  59. Absolutely beautiful!! Lisa

  60. Your hexagons are colorfully magic. So many permutations, such a glow throughout. Bravo to you. (And how wise to have the extra hexagons just in case you found you needed a different color combo at a certain critical spot.)

    Take a bow!

  61. Whjat a lovely cheerful blanket! Well done!

  62. it looks totally fantastic! Love it on the end of your bed, I think it is a good home for it right now, all happy and cheerful to sleep under. :oD

  63. Love your blanket, such a fun splash of colors

  64. It's fantastic! Beautiful! I love it! Ildiko from Hungary.

  65. There's only one word for it: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L

  66. Jacquie that's a triumph! What a wonderful blanket you need to snuggle under that at the moment. Seeing it laying in front of the fire makes me think wouldn't it make a stunning rug!!!!!!

  67. Wowee! It's just gorgeous. I love the way the blue border brings it all together, and I'm glad you had a sunny day for your photos!
    Jane x

  68. Wow so many coments, rightly so the blanket is fab!!

  69. What a wonderful and coluorful blanket well done also love your stool.

  70. It's beautiful, what a fantastic work!

  71. It's stunning. I love the photos on the washing line, it looks like stained glass. And it's picture perfect on your bed.

  72. Hi, Jacquie!
    It isn´t blanket weather here in Brazil at the moment (we´re in full Summer time), but I love to see your work! Beautifully done! It looks great on your bed!

  73. preciosa!!!!!tiene unos colores muy bonitos,un besazo

  74. wow, your'e blanket is so beautiful. love all the gorgeous colors and it is so pretty hanging outside. thanks for posting all the pics.

  75. woweeeeeee its absolutely stunning!!! love your colour combinations too!
    imagine a carpet like that...bliss!!!! x

  76. That is beautiful and love the stool too

  77. Perfect blanket and I love the stool too! :)

  78. OMG!!! i just love your blanket ! i have been dreaming to make one like that or using the african flower pattern. i made several granny stripes blanket so far and one big giant granny blanket i gave to my younger daughter for x-mas. easier andway faster project. one day, i will find the time ( will i ? ) and make one like yours ! ^_^
    congrats on your beautiful work!!! i am so envious !!! ♥

  79. ohhhh, que preciosidad!!! te ha quedado super bonita,TE FELICITO!! un gran trabajo
    un abrazo

  80. It is GOREGOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  81. Lovely! A really great job and what fabulous colours to cheer you up on these winter's days.

    S x

  82. So beautiful! I think it looks great on the end of your bed, too.

  83. Hi Jacquie!! WOW!! I love this!! Hexies are so wonderful! Can't wait to see what you're up to next!

  84. Wow!!! It's wonderful, and just what you need in this cold weather.

  85. Ohhhhh my goodness!!!! It's so beautiful, so inspiring. I love it! :)

  86. OMG!!!!! what a totally awesome blanket!!! I absolutely love it.
    You are a true artist. :)

  87. Oh wow - your blanket is just stunning! What a true labour or love. I bet you smile every time you see it. It looks so cosy and gorgeous on the end of your bed. You've inspired me to get my hexagons out again and make some more progress! Have a fabulous weekend hon.

  88. One word 'scrumptious' I am just adding a little to my mum's blanket whilst reading blogs, then I'm off out for dinner. So what's on the creative agenda now??
    xx Sandi

  89. It truly is one of the most beautiful blankets I have seen! Joyce

  90. so beautiful congratulations :) xx

  91. Espectacular!!!! Preciosa!!!!
    Me encanta!!!

  92. Big congratulations Jacquie, your blanket is gorgeous! The colours you've chosen give life to the pattern, and your version is far more beautiful than the original one! And you've worked out a great join as you go method too!
    This is really inspiring, you're tempting me to leave my beloved granny squares to give the hexagons a try!

  93. wow!! this is incredible please dont apologise for the amount of pictures I love them all.

  94. Congrats on a job very well done. I just can not get the courage to do a real granny square piece. Way too much work. You obviously have the patience of a saint.

  95. Bravo Jacquie, perfect work! I love your new blanket, enjoy it!

    Love and hugs,

  96. Your blanket has turned out so beautiful x

  97. It is just stunningly gorgeous -you must be very pleased-a family heirloom for sure:)

  98. Speechless... Absolutely magnificent. Thanks for popping over b t w, I see I have a lot to catch up with over here. You have inspired me to not give up on my Gypsy Blanket... These hexagons are fab. So well worth every single minute. Well done!♥♥♥

  99. I don't know how I missed this ta dah, this is absolutely beautiful, a real treat for the eyes :)

  100. That is beautiful and looks perfect on your bed

  101. I'm new to your blog --- what a way to begin with a bang! You blanket is gorgeous!! What brand yarn did you use?


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