Sunday 14 April 2013

♥ 52 weeks of happy ♥ 15/52

Hello Lovelies , 
this week I've been on holiday from work and the boys were on their final week of Easter school holidays. We have been busy cycling , walking ,swimming and relaxing at home . It's all gone a bit too quickly for my liking but there have been LOTS of happy moments.

Here are a few more.........

1. Growing things.
How could I resist trying to grow some Zinnia flowers after seeing the stunning displays of them over at Sweet Birdy pop over and see Claire , she is super talented at machine embroidery too........

In my little plastic greenhouse there are already green shoots, just sunflowers and marigolds so far.........

In the veg plot I've planted Carrots, Spring onions, potatoes, Garlic and Lettuce ( under the juice bottle " Cloches")

not pretty at the moment , but hopefully it will be productive.

2.Warm sunshine and signs of spring at our local country park..........



I was particularly interested to see this Swan on his/her huge nest....

The boys cycled , I ran , but only just....oh dear, I need to try and get back into a routine now the weather is getting better.

3. Yummy cake :0)  this is Easy Banana Cake.... recipe HERE , be warned, it's very moreish. There's none left now........

4. Blossom trees beginning to flower....I LOVE pink trees ..........

Finally, finally spring is really getting going ...hurray.
Hope you all have a great spring / autumn week.
Jacquie x


  1. Those are indeed happy things, in fact they are the same things that make me happy and cause me to blog about LOL. I love your plastic juice bottle cloches - I have been saving mine for spring planting too. All my seeds are in my conservatory at the mo - waiting for DH to dig some veggie beds! Thanks for the link for the banana bread - we love it too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, what a beautiful spring! In my garden more snow is ...

  4. Loving your blog x

  5. What a gorgeous sunny post Jacquie. Amazing big nest for the Swans, the male must of spent many hours putting that together! If I remember correctly they mate for life, I am assuming its the male that makes the nest....hmmm must look that one up!
    As for the zinnia's well I think I need to be a big fat copycat and get myself some of those seeds, wow what incredible flowers! Hope you have a good back to school/work week xxx Penny

  6. Woo hoo, spring is here. It's such a lovely time of the year, I love your photos of the new spring shoots. It always fascinates me seeing them sprout each year. X

  7. I've currently got some little lettuce seedlings popping up on the windowsill - can't believe that one day we might actually get them in the garden! Jane x

  8. Great happy moments, Jacquie. The homemade cloches are a great idea! Mmm banana cake, my favourite! I've NEVER seen a picture of a swan on a nest before, what a great shot! I had no idea!
    Enjoy your last day before back to work this week,
    Jones x

  9. Some lovely, happy moments and I'm sure your seedlings will bring you many more

  10. Very jealous of your Zinnia seeds I forgot to buy some so will need to get out to the garden centre. Not that it will be a hard decision.

  11. Hey Jacquie, thanks for the shout out.....look forward to seeing your Zinnias in bloom......♥
    Glad to see Spring is showing her face at long last. Nice to be able to finally get out into the garden and get things happening.
    Love the pic of the swan on her nest. She looks very comfortable there.
    Banana cake yum.....I made a Parsnip and Walnut loaf yesterday. Found the recipe in English Country Living.....
    Enjoy your week.....

    Claire x

  12. Zinnia's are wonderful, such hot colours. I baked that banana loaf when we recovered from the flu, no bananas (or any food for that matter) had been eaten for 3 days. What's a girl to do? Make banana loaf of course. Hope you've had a happy sparkly weekend. Sarah x

  13. Lovely photos. Great to see signs of spring. I've not yet planted anything outside but have nearly every window sill covered in seed trays and propagators will be nice to actually plant things into the veg plot. Looks like your a lot more organised than me. Always lovely reading your posts x

  14. Lovely photos and a great bit of reusing things with the juice bottle cloches. If they look ugly, just get the kids (and you too) to draw on them with sharpies first! :)
    Isnt it great to finally see signs of spring? I have really missed the bright colours this winter. I hope spring decides to stay this time, lol.

  15. Lovely photos Jacquie, especially the Banana Bread.
    Thank you for sharing

  16. Love your spring photographs, and I think I will have to try the Banana Bread recipe. I may have to hide some bananas until they get over ripe! They disappear too quickly otherwise :-) Rowen@Coastal Colours x

  17. it's going to be so nice to see the pink blossom when it all comes! and the banana bread looks yum. I did a run in the gym yesterday, first one for a while. Not quite the same as being outside in nature! I'm aiming to do a couple of shorter ones this week, all going well! Heather x

  18. Oh, I so want to grow some stuff on my balcony this year.


  19. Ohh I'm growing zinnias for the first time, they seem like quite sturdy seedlings so far!
    Yep banana cake doesnt last long at all, but then anything with cake in it doesnt!

  20. It's lovely seeing spring finally making an appearance! Wwooohhhooo

  21. Love the swans! Alas, no blossom here yet, but plenty of sunshine this weekend.

  22. Wonderful - but so very jealous! We have just spent this afternoon clearing up after our plastic greenhouse blew over!! Lost all our seeds, pots were flying all over the garden - and we'd put a concrete slab on the bottom shelf! Oh dear!!

  23. Plastic bottle cloches - what a brilliant idea! Lots of happy things here. Funny how spring just makes everything that bit better. x

  24. Really enjoying reading your blog and I love the idea of '52 weeks of happy'!

  25. Gosh I could really believe it is spring from your lovely photos :-)They have really made me smile. That banana bread looks wonderful too.


  26. Hi There, Love all your happy moments!!! Enjoy your super Spring holiday!!!! (what's left of it)

  27. Loving the Spring time feel to all of your pictures. Glad you had a good time!
    New Follower, hope you can maybe follow back?

  28. Great spring pictures... Enjoy the nice walks :)

  29. Your garden is going to be amazing. I just ordered my seed last night and I can't wait. The cloches are a great idea....mind if I use it? I've never seen a swan's nest before. Love the post and thanks for making me smile this morning.


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