Friday 12 April 2013

This weeks drawing....Time Outdoors

Hello Lovelies,
thank you for all your comments on my previous post. Quite a few of you said that you recognised  where we had been, others enquired where it was .
  Bradgate park is somewhere we had not visited before but it does seem that it is much loved by  people who spend time there and I can see why. It's a huge park , able to offer a gentle stroll beside the river with a pushchair and youngsters on bikes, or an energetic hike in solitude. It also has an interesting history and wildlife.

But more than anything else I loved the open spaces and unchanged, natural landscape.
I loved the walk with a climb and the stunning view , it's a bonus that there is an interesting structure at the summit as well. The folly at the top of Bradgate park is called " Old John Tower" .

On Saturday it was a busy spot , despite the steep walk , and I imagine it's usually like that on any  pleasant weekend day.It's somewhere to wander around and take in the 360 degree views. Somewhere to sit and recover from your climb, sheltered from the wind.
There's a wider angle photo here
I really like the shape of the folly and decided I would try and draw it,with it's many visitors, because that's how it  was ...... busy and colourful and full of life.
Here's my initial rough sketch, just to get my ideas down on paper.........

I then worked from my photo to draw the tower and added the people from my memory and imagination.
Here is the neat pencil drawing.....

 Here it is in fine black pen, ready for colouring.....

here it is partly coloured.........

And here is the finished picture.........

click on the picture to make it clearer

Again I've tried to add light and shade to show that it was a sunny day. The colours of the tower were tricky. I build light layers of colour till I'm happy with the effect. In this case I started with grey as a base then added mid brown, dark brown. Yellow and a tiny bit of orange to warm up the sunny side. Black, dark blue and purple to darken the shaded side.
 I'm certainly no expert on drawing , but I thought some of you lovelies may be interested to read how I approach it.

I think  the sky was more important in this picture than in any of my previous pictures . I do that last ( not sure why ), so I was a bit concerned that I could ruin the whole thing if I got it wrong. I haven't tried to draw clouds before so they were " hanging over me" till I did them :0)
I could have drawn a cloudless sky but I wanted to try and draw the little fluffy clouds that were so beautiful on the day. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out...PHEW .

To the right of the tower you can see the Toposcope that is also at this site. It's marked with lines that radiate out and indicate what landmarks are visible in each direction. It's also inscribed around the edge to the memory of Lady Jane Grey who was born here ........

This is the other corner...I'm pleased with how the fluffy dog turned out :0).....

In the middle a couple sit in Old John's doorway with their thermos flask, enjoying the view and a man looks up at the plaque on the towers wall..........

This is the plaque..........

It says.........
In grateful remembrance of
of Thurnby in this county
who in the year 1928 with the helpful concurrence of the heirs of the Greys
of Groby purchased from them this park
of Bradgate and presented it in trust
for the city and county of Liecester
that for all time it might be preserved
in its natural state for the quiet 
enjoyment of the people of
His true memorial lies around

It certainly is a wonderful park. It was great to explore it for the first time with my growing family in tow and I really enjoyed drawing a memory of the day.........

Thank you for your continued encouragement :0)
Jacquie x


  1. This is so lovely. You really are talented

  2. I love the way you colour in. I have no idea at all where to start when it comes to drawing and even less so with the colouring. Have a lovely weekend. Lily. xxx

  3. Its feel so good to see your beautiful drawings and the lovely bright colours. Full of life and bustling with activity.

  4. Every time you show us a new drawing I decide that it's my favourite so far. This one really is lovely. It really captures a happy sunny day out. I especially love the kite flying in the lovely blue sky. I really like the fact that you tell us how you've achieved some of the colouring. Looking forward to the next one. Fiona x

    1. I completely agree with this comment! Also, when I saw the picture that is completely coloured, the only thing I could think was "that sky!" in awe! :)

  5. Ooh Jacquie, I love your pictures, there is so much detail ... in the expressions on faces, tiny objects, they remind me of Shirley Hughes illustrations.

    Love Claire xx

  6. I love watching you learn and improve your drawings. Thank you for sharing them! They are wonderful.

  7. Absolutely stunning! All your drawings have such a lovely carefree feel to them! Keep them coming :o)

  8. What a fun drawing! My favourite detail is that of the family sitting on the bench and the tower is extremely well done!

  9. Another lovely drawing - you'll have enough to make a book soon!
    Angie x

  10. Jacquie, I love your story drawings... There is so much in them, maybe the pictures are a cross between Shirley Hughes and Richard Scarry! When you look at Richard's pictures you spend ages looking at each page, a story in itself and your drawings are the same, so much to take in. I'm so interested in seeing the story of the Folly too. Keep sharing!! Thankyou, Mrs A

  11. I realy like youre drawing a lot. Love the castle and all teh peoplearound it. There is a lot to look at.
    Liefs, Melanie

  12. Another wonderful drawing....I am so enjoying your artwork! Keep it going!

  13. This is so lovely! It really shows the atmosphere of a nice early spring day!


  14. It's really need to start to illustrate children's books! My sister has wrote a brilliant children's yet it has no illustrations!! It's about an allotment, right up your street! :) x

  15. Oh my ... I love this ... and I think you should get in touch with Vintage Sheet Addict sister!!! xxx

  16. that is such a brilliant picture,love all the colours and the people are great :)

  17. A really lovely picture - they are getting better each time. I hope that doesn't sound rude - the first one was far better than anything I could ever draw! :) x

  18. Gorgeous pictures - you are a very talented lady
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  19. You are very talented, beautiful drawing and the colors are wonderful.

  20. Just adorable. . . you are so good at drawing. Have you thought of designing your own fabrics ??
    I wish I could draw like you !

  21. Both photographs and drawings are wonderful!

  22. I've been meaning to comment on your lovely drawings! I think this one is my favorite so far. The kite placement is perfect! You've really developed your own unique style with them and I agree with the other commenters that they remind me of children's book illustrations. Can't wait to see more!!
    Kate :}

  23. Another lovely drawing, love the story and the detail.

  24. oh my! I love your drawings, wish I could draw like you do. Excellent work! Barb

  25. Very nice. I love the little dog too. :)

  26. Just love it! The tower has such a 3D quality. Keep pleasing us with your drawings. I am sewing at the moment. Jo x

  27. Lovely as usual. Love your drawings. I think you love it to.
    Weekend hug fro, me.

  28. I love seeing it change from a pencil drawing in to pen. Lovely again Jacquie - you have captured a real atmosphere where you can almost here the people chatting. And of course putting yourselves in is a great idea - very Hitchcock! I was a bit worried about Tom Tit this time but was very pleased to find him perching on the wall! Jane x

  29. What a lovely picture, I think the attraction should make a souvenir postcard from it as it sums up what a lovely family attraction it is. Keep calm and keep drawing x

  30. You know you have a real talent there - and a good distinctive style - you could start selling prints of your drawings.

  31. It's lovely Jacquie :-) I think you're really going to enjoy having these to look back on as well as your blog x

  32. Your posts are always a pleasure to read. Your art work is amazing....xx

  33. Hi Jacquie, I love your picture of Old John and the people enjoying both it and the park. I haven't been for a while are the deer still there? Rowen@Coastal Colours x

  34. I'm sure there would be other visitors to the park who would love the picture you created, it's so full of life and certainly captures the fun and excitement felt by all at the top of old John. Hubby and I were up there New Years Eve to watch the fireworks over the whole of Leicestershire, an amazing sight to see.

  35. Lovely. I think the kite is my favourite detail. So much to look at and take in! x

  36. Wow, my favourite drawing so far. Your work is progressing so much.

  37. Your artwork is a delight I really look forward to, each as fun as the last! And I'm enjoying seeing and learning about your country - gorgeous scenery and interesting information. Again I thank you for taking the time to share; I truly appreciate your efforts.

    Sharon in Alabama (USA)

  38. Love your drawing! Thanks for showing your process, it makes the drawing come to life :)

  39. beautiful drawings..Have a lovely weekend..

  40. Every drawing you do is lovely, the details wonderful. Keep going.
    Anne xx

  41. Jacquie,

    You are getting better with each drawing. I love the way you are able to create the side of the tower with darker shade. Lots to learn from you.

  42. I have been reading along here and wanted to let you know how much I love your drawings. This one is so particularly alive! Drawing an experience sinks it even deeper into our experience, I think.

  43. I love your drawings

  44. I am so excited about your drawings. My goal is to at least sit down in my tiny studio this week end. Thanks you so much for all the information you are sharing with those of us who may try our hand with colored pencils. You are my inspiration !!

  45. Power to your elbow, Jacquie! I love your drawings. I do hope you take the time to frame them up!

  46. Another great drawing, Jacquie!! And it seemed impossible, looking to the photo, all grey and just stones and sky, that it could be as shine and bright and vivid as you did it! I´d love to try it... but I think you´re an artist, just discovering the talent you have just like your mother! :)

  47. Hey Jacquie, I love all the little details in the drawing, the family on the bench, the couple on the picnic's all wonderful.
    I can see in time you will graduate from pencils and pens to paints.......

    Claire x

  48. Jacquie, your drawings just get better and better. I love how you showed the progress from sketch to finish. The colors are so bright and happy. They make me smile each time you show us another one.


  49. This is brilliant!! Ive never seen someone draw a picture of one of my most favourite places on Earth! I absolutely love bradgate park and have blogged about it a lot.
    Thankyou for telling us how you drew the picture, nice to have a little 'how-to'.

    Aqeela xx

  50. Your drawings are always lovely, but I just adore this one. There is so much to see, it's full of life and energy :)


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