Thursday, 19 March 2015

Wednesday = Time

Hello Lovelies,
I do seem to be struggling to find the time to blog at the moment, but I'm not sure why.
I suppose life is generally rather busy, but Wednesdays are usually a nice, slow favourite sort.

There is time to notice last years crochet project, looking pretty on the windowsill..........

and time to smile at real spring flowers, enjoying the sunshine on another windowsill............

Time to finish reading THIS book ( I loved it)
 And time to start another. I came across THIS book in the library. Coincidentally, it's by another poet, and it's started off well....I think I'm going to enjoy it..........

There was also time to look at my little Observer book of birds.......

 I love these illustrations and the gentle, somewhat old fashioned descriptions.

The Great tit has a distinctive "two-tone" call I always recognise these days. You can hear it HERE.

 I smiled at the Observer's description of it's call as "tea-cher".....I'll be thinking of that the next time I hear this little bird, singing in the hedgerows.

Wednesdays also give me some time to spend with mum. We usually drive the slow, scenic route into town, passing through pretty villages.
I loved the "Fairy Rings" of Daffodils that surrounded the trees in this village..........

In town there was time to wander through the park, which was just beginning to look a little spring like.......

Unlike the riverbank we pass on the way home....beautiful, but still so wintry.........

Love those reflections.

Back at home there was time to photograph the beautiful hand made cards I've been lucky enough to receive this week. A colourful little mothers day card from my boys. Made by eldest ( as always...bless him)

 and Mum's sweet thank you card for her simple mothers day gift. She painted the sheep from the photograph I shared in my previous post....bless her.

I've been drawing something from one of my other  photos, taken on the same days walk..........

It's not finished yet, but I'll be sure the share it when it is.

Something I did have time to draw and finish yesterday was a "new home" card for my niece and her fiancée.

I picked up a decorative metal horseshoe for them in town. It's an inexpensive but rather sweet garden ornament, like THIS one. So that gave me the idea for the design.

They moved house yesterday and I remembered how much they loved the engagement card I made them ( it's at the bottom of THIS post )

I know I'm so lucky to have days in the week, where things slow down, and there is time to potter and make.
 And it's all made even more enjoyable by being able to share it with you lovelies.....I LOVE having time to blog
Jacquie x


  1. Lovely Spring post, and I'm sure your niece will appreciate the card! ; )

  2. Lovely card, you've made a beautiful job of it. Funnily enough I just took a couple of photos of our Observer's Book of Bird's Eggs, I love that too. I can highly recommend it if you ever see a copy. It has colour pictures of all the eggs, printed at actual size. Right through from goldcrest to golden eagle. I'll post some pictures this evening. There's something quite enchanting about the little Observer's books isn't there. CJ xx

  3. Love your Spring huggable post,it really cheers me up.I love birds and nature too.Glad you had some YOU time,we all need it.Hugs x

  4. Preciosos post, besinos desde España

  5. Lovely spring postwith all things to do with pleasure on your slow wednesdays.

    Dear greetings, Margaret

  6. Love the card, but the basket is a real delight, stunning.

  7. What a lovely way to spend your Wednesday, I too enjoy a slow day with time to potter but they don't seem to be happening very much at the moment
    Jackie x

  8. I'm still waiting for that slow day this week. ;D It's been sunny and warm so I've been outside catching up on some spring chores (now the inside needs some TLC). Still love your little basket of crochet posies. I have my crochet daffodils out, and I love those fairy rings of daffodils. Look forward to the finished drawing. A wonderful card congrats to them! I have my grandmothers luck horseshoe (a real one) and remember her telling me how you should hang it to catch/hold the luck. Enjoy your day! x

  9. Nice to have a day in the middle of the week where you can pause and look around, especially when you can share it with your mum. x

  10. I enjoyed sharing your slow day with you. The picture of the daffodil rings made me smile. What a fun day to look back on.

  11. So nice to have a day off. Love all the photos and the cards. Your Mum's card is adorable. Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and I am loving seeing them on the blogs. Mine aren't blooming yet so I have to enjoy the blossoms virtually. :)

  12. que bonitas imagenes ! las flores en crochet estan muy bellas ,saludos Sara.

  13. I have the book 'walking home' I've just started it and was lying laughing when everyone was asleep! glad you found time to blog, it does take a long actually doesn't it! that's a very sweet handmade Mother's day card too. x

  14. Such a lovely trip around town taking in the views and enjoying the spring flowers. I often wonder about the people who have planted the daffodils which appear year after year. Our old cottage garden was full of daffodils, including a walk up to the farm. It turned out that the woman who lived in our cottage 50 years ago planted them. What a legacy! I love your Mother's Day cards, especially your mum's, how beautifully personal xx

  15. What a lovely idea for a housewarming gift! The gift of luck (which we have to work so hard for!), with love.
    I love your mum's gift card. There's something cheery about sheep.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. There's something about Wednesdays - my Wednesdays are my days off too. How lovely to share your Wednesday with us. I think I shall name them Welcome Wednesdays because after busy weekends with a house full of people and then the running around with weekday commitments, it is always a welcome change to wake up on a Wednesday to know that the day is one's own.
    I can see that you have your Wednesday priorities straight by incorporating some good quality family time and crafting time.

  17. Time always seems to be in short supply doesn't it? I loved Walking Home and Findings both - and I bet many of us got started with birding with an Observer guide. I'm loving the birdsong at the moment, especially since only a relatively small number of species are in full voice which gives me a better chance of recognising them.


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