Monday 28 November 2016

A Walk at Calke



Today Eldest and I went for a walk in the late Autumn sunshine. What a gift such a day seems, especially when I would normally be at work and he would be home alone ( no college on Mondays for him)
It was chilly, especially at the waters edge, but the reflections there were gorgeous. There's something special about the light when the sun is so low in the sky in the middle of the day. How I loved the stillness and spotting many of my favourite birds. I was especially happy to get a photo for a Wren (even if it was only a rear view) 
We had a simple picnic of homemade cake (tea loaf) and shared some hot chocolate from a flask. I'm all about hot food and hot drinks at this time of year. they really do keep me warm. I loved sitting under the branches of an old oak tree to enjoy our snack, their colour is at it's best right now I think...and the leaves must surely fall very soon.
This is our third visit to the National trust's Calke Abbey...and they have all been in the closed season (no access to the house or gardens) . I must try to remedy that one day. Though to be honest, I'm happiest walking the grounds, and the nearby Staunton Harold reservoir .
The stable block is open year round...and it has excellent toilets, with pretty flowers (or greenery) picked from the gardens. What more could you ask :0)
Jacquie x

P.S. this 3.5 mile walk takes my total for the year so far to close to my 1000 miles goal ( and it's still November....go me :0)


  1. Jacquie ~ I absolutely love your walking posts. I am not walking at the mo (another mini strke😞) but a virtual walk is very nice. Well done on the mileage!! Thanks for sharing xx

  2. Beautiful pics , love your walks, xxxx

  3. Lovely to see your photo's of Calke. I catch the Melbourne bus from my house which goes past the entrance to Calke. ( when going to visit my son.) It is such a long walk , about one and a half miles ( I think) before you actually get into the park. Bit too far for me. South Derbyshire is lovely isn'it? Have you visited Melbourne Hall? The Pool there is a lovely place to sit and rest.

  4. I've never been to Calke, even though it's not really that far away and it's been on 'the list' for years and years! You took some lovely photos and what a treat to enjoy a Monday walk... I'd love to be able to visit places when they're closed!

  5. Wow, fabulous photos, it was a glorious day today wasn't it. And what a lovely place to visit. How is your annual walking total coming along this year? Well I hope, no doubt you have had some lovely walks with your mid-week group. Glad you had a day out with your son, a good treat I think. I'm very much into a nice snack and a hot drink when we're out at this time of year as well. CJ xx

  6. Wow...good for you for reaching your goal. I say that because I'm sure 3 more miles is doable with a month left in the year. This was a very beautiful walk!

  7. well done Jacqui! beautiful walk x

  8. Yay, indeed! I am cheering you on to 1000+ miles :) xx

  9. A beautiful walk! Congrats soon you'll be over your goal miles!

  10. A perfect autumn day and a perfect autumn walk. Just 3 miles to go! .....well done, I'm sure you are going to exceed your target. x


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