Friday 28 June 2013

A Little Walk

Hello Lovelies,
life is pretty busy at the moment, but thankfully I can still find a spare half an hour occasionally to get out and enjoy the beauty that's all around in late June.
These pictures were taken straight after the school run on Tuesday.
Just a little local walk....some where I've often explored before , but the changing seasons means there is always something new to notice.

The fields are full of rapidly growing grain crops

The paddock at the side of the footpath is full of tall grasses.........

 As I wander along with my camera I notice just how many different types of grasses are here.

There are these bushy ones ......

These oh so delicate ones.......

these soft ones with pinky purple seeds.......

And many others . Like the wild flowers in this post they are so common place that they are very easy to over look , but beautiful in their own way.

A bit further on I find a pretty flower that I never over look, the Dog Rose..........

 Just look at those pink thorns.

I've already been dallying a while but I can't resist climbing over the style to explore a little further before I head back to my list of jobs.......

It's such a beautifully warn sunny morning that it's lovely to walk in the dappled shade......

Everywhere is so lush right now........

Even the nettles look pretty ............

and just before it's time to leave I happily capture my first butterfly photo of the year........

I'm not familiar with this species but I've looked it up and I think it's one of these.

Such a simple little walk ......... looking at some grass, nettles,wild roses, leaves and a brown butterfly.
All quite unremarkable, but very beautiful on a sunny summers morning. It made me happy.
Jacquie x


  1. This is brilliant, thank you. This brightens up my (so far) grey and rainy day.

  2. lovely your posts are so interesting and varied i look forward to seeing what you post next thank you :)

  3. A lovely way to start the day and prepare yourself for some mummy chores at home.

  4. Those are beautiful pictures, especially the rose and butterfly.

  5. oh the Dog Rose, so beautiful! my camera is at the ready and I'm about to go and snap some I spotted yesterday. This really is their moment! have a good weekend Heather x

  6. Glad you took some time out for yourself and to share these lovely photos :-) A few days ago I was at our local forest school site with Yr 3's and 4's, looking at grasses and, better still, chasing crickets and grasshoppers!!!

  7. I love your photos!!! Specially the grass-photos!!!

  8. Jacquie, thank you for letting us go along for this refreshing walk. The pace you set and your route were perfect. I could even imagine I felt a bit of a summer breeze!


  9. Oh I am so jealous of your school run, it's a lot more scenic than mine? Can we swap please? Lovely photos, full of a feeling of Engish high summer. x

  10. beautiful walk, lovely country side around you xx

  11. It's so pretty where you live. Thanks for taking the time to share your corner of the world with us.

  12. Everywhere you walk is just so pretty! Even your weeds look nice. Our weeds here always stand out. Probably because for much of the country, it isn't green all year round, yet until they are almost dead, the weeds stick out like sore thumbs.
    Please keep taking the pictures. Loving them here in Aus! :)

  13. You take such beautiful photos, thank you for sharing such loveliness with us, xxx

  14. A lovely way to start a sunny day. Unfortunately, we have just watched cricket in the rain! Not the best way to spend the last day of term! x

  15. Lovely post Jacquie and warmed me up a little, very cold here lol

  16. A lovely little walk, the nice sunny weather helps I'm sure!

  17. Always good to go out for a walk. It relieves stress and blows away the cobwebs. Hope your mum is doing better.

  18. What a beautiful walk in nature!

  19. Hi Jacquie,Sometimes the simple things in life are often the most rewarding!!!Have a great day!!!

  20. I love your blog. I found you trough running initially. I seem to remember you did a 10k in the past. Did you train to a specific programme? If so can you point me in the right direction please. I thought I'd bookmarked it but apparently not.


    1. Hi Carol, all my running posts can be found by clicking the "Running" link in my labels.
      I train by gradually increasing my distances over 6 to 8 weeks. You can find lots of plans online via google , then adapt it to suit you.
      Hope this helps.
      Jacquie x

  21. Good Day...I have just discovered you! Lovely crochet ideas and such beautiful photos. I am so glad! I live in Harrison Arkansas in the South Central part of America. I wish I had more time to enjoy your website today but I will be back. Your writing reminds me of my favorite author, Gladys Taber. She wrote about her life (back in the 1940s until her death in 1982)in the countryside too. Her place was called Stillmeadow. I think you would enjoy reading about seem to be kindred spirits.


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