Sunday 14 December 2014

Happy Winter Things

Hello Lovelies,
I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. I'm by no means ready for the big day....but I'm not feeling too stressed about it just yet.

Here are a few happy things from our weekend.

1. An early morning walk on Saturday. I'm happy that the boys  join me on these daybreak wanders. All three came out with me yesterday. That's a rarity these days.
I love watching a new day begin and it's easy to be around to see it at this time of year.

This was about 8 am, the sky was getting light, but the moon still shone brightly........

It was COLD..........

A flock of birds rested in the bare tree branches.........

then took flight in the icy morning air...........

How different this view looks to how it did HERE....I do love being able to look back at my photos and see the contrast .

on the way back these frosty ferns caught my eye..............

2. My first hyacinth bulbs flowering. It takes a couple of weeks from buying them as little, emerging plants, to flowering. I love watching them grow.............

And then when they open the colour and the scent is heavenly...............

3.Gradually   adding more decorations around the home. I'll most likely be doing this untill Christmas eve. Rooting through boxes and discovering all the festive touches we have gathered over the years. I was very happy to find a tiny nativity set I thought we had lost. This charming decoration is so small it fits into a match box. It was part of a Anne's lovely give-away prize  a few years back..........

today we have been making Pomanders. It's been a few years since the boys last made these simple and deliciously scented decorations. When middle son said he would like to make one this year I was delighted. Who knows if this simple activity will appeal next year.........

I simply tied a ribbon around an orange and held it in place with a pin top and bottom. Then we found a bamboo kebab stick was the best tool to make holes for the cloves........

Eldest made one too as he sat watching a Christmas movie.

It's hanging with my door-frame greenery now. And I think it looks great............

I still love this spot where I can be a bit restrained with the colour scheme. I've made many red and white decorations over the years. Simple gingham hearts, scotty dogs
 ( from HERE) and crochet snowflakes ( from HERE )

4. My indoor bulb garden in the room without a view...........

when the days are so short and it's cold outside it makes me very happy to have flowers to look at as do all those kitchen things...........

My pot holders are a miss matched  mixure of old bowls, and holders. But I think they look O.K. and it's the plants that I notice from day to day.

So many simple joys to be thankful for. I'm happy to have this space to record them, and share them with you lovelies.
Jacquie x


  1. I so admire your early morning hikes.. I'm not a morning person. We're heading off shopping soon and I'm going to try to find a hyacinth.. yours inspired me! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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  2. A lovely early morning walk and it's great they your boys are up to go with you.
    Your Christmas decorations are looking lovely and I especially like your hyacinths. I'd have them here but my hubby can't deal with the scent it sets his asthma off.
    Jackie x

  3. I can practically smell your Hyacinth!! I got mine out of their dark covering today, the green shots are there, so am looking forward to watching them grow. After seeing pictures of the early morning jaunt, I wish I was a morning person!!! But sadly I'm not!!! X

  4. I love your window sill with all your plants. And I just LOVE that they are miss matched!!! I do believe that I will be heading to the store tomorrow to get me some oranges and cloves.

  5. This is such a lovely post! I love the scent of hyacinths too, I was given several pots of them when in hospital after my second baby was born, a lovely reminder of that precious time! And yes, in those days potting mix wasn't frowned upon in hospitals as it is now. Enjoy this special boy time as I know you do. Xxx

  6. Such pretty views...outside and in, Jacquie! Your hyacinth is beautiful, and my favorite color! I just planted an amaryllis bulb that promises to produce a white trumpet bloom with red highlights; and a small red poinsettia and a raspberry pink Christmas cactus followed me home last week :) I still have an orange pomander hanging up from last year and the noses of my two oldest granddaughters are at its level so they report to me as they pass it by that it still smells good. Maybe another one will be made this year. You inspire me! xx

  7. I love the scent of pomanders, and had forgotten to add oranges and cloves to my Christmas shopping gift. Thank you so much for this sweet reminder. And also for the tip about the kebab stick.


  8. The early morning is a magical time isn't it. How pretty your windowsill looks with all of the plants grouped together. I had a cyclamen last year and it flowered and flowered and flowered, it was wonderful. I love the pomander, I think I might do this with the boys soon. I hope you have a good week. CJ xx

  9. Ohh its starting to look very chilly. Your kitchen window is very like my own... I love to have flowers growing or in vases too :)

  10. Looks like you guys are having some lovely wintry days! : ) I love the decorations you chose for your house, and I've always wanted to make a Pomander myself - maybe this year I'll do it for real! xx

  11. I love the wintry photo of the birds in the tree, and always make orange pomanders at Christmas too. Your kitchen window garden is very pretty, and a good way to solve the 'no view' problem, which I also have in my own kitchen. I have candles, flowers and fairy lights to brighten mine up :0
    Cathy x

  12. Oops! Meant to do a smiley face :) must type more slowly!
    Cathy x

  13. It all looks lovely in your home. I love your lead photo, with moon and just maybe I will make an orange pomander too! I have been craving and orange christmassey smell. Enjoy the preparations, Heather X

  14. How lovely the fern looks all frosty.Your window sill is charming! Love the red and white decorations and the oranges, how lovely that all the boys joined in. As they get older it does seem to be harder, even with girls. I'm currently adding a red and white round ripple throw to the holiday dƩcor here. Have a great week! x

  15. How lovely! Super photos from your icy morning walk and your home looks so cosy and cheerful. I usually make a couple of pommanders - you've reminded me I have ribbon and cloves but must get some oranges:)

  16. Wow that looks fun, something to do with pickle me thinksxx

  17. I love the frosty mornings, but's been cold. Frozen puddles are always a welcome sight.

    Nina x

  18. Hi Jacquie. I love your cheery home. It seems so welcoming!
    I notice you do not have your curtains drawn, or a blind down on your window, which is what happens here in winter, as the cold seems to fight the warm air from the inside. And the cold wins. You must have double glazing!
    Thanks for the link on the Scotties. I've made quite a few of Melly & Me's Scotty McSpotty, as well as playing with different sizes. I recently completed one that took four pillows worth of stuffing, and may have needed just a little bit more! He was only a prototype to see if it could be done. So, the next task will be to make him out of a stronger fabric than the wintella I chose, and then I can really give him what for with the stuffing!!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours. And thank you for sharing your makes, walks and experiences.

  19. Your decorations are lovely. You've reminded me I have another box (at least) to unpack. the tiny nativity set is really cute.

  20. Beautiful winter photo's and I love that canvas of the rendeers ,a cozy Christmas mood Enjoy it

  21. Thank you for sharing with us all lovely views from english countryside!!nice your bulbs I love them so much!!happy days!!

  22. It's always a pleasure to visit and see your wonderful photos. Oh, that moon.
    Wishing you and your Welsh Dresser a very Happy Christmas.

  23. I just love the idea of your early morning walk, what a wonderful thing to do, when the fields are misty and the sun is coming up. It's always so quiet and peaceful at that time of day, especially at the weekend. The pomander is great, I want to make one now. x


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