Friday 11 April 2014

Easter Holidays :: Part 1

Hello Lovelies, 
My three boys are currently on school holidays and while I'm not off work till next week, because I'm lucky enough to work part time, there are still days in the week we can enjoy together.

On Wednesday we headed out with my Mum, along country lanes that are looking pretty in their spring foliage.........

To town, for some essential shopping. There was no chance of any charity shop visits, but that didn't matter. Instead we headed for the park.........

Last year my boys loved this play park, but this year they were not interested. I'm always surprised at these changes ....they are growing up so quickly...........

Thankfully there is some older age-group play equipment they were happy to mess about on for a bit, while I enjoyed the beautiful surroundings.........

Blossom and blues skies , always make a lovely photo :0)

This is a very traditional park, with a bandstand............

It even still has an Aviary, something a lot of parks had in days gone by...........

It always seems a little sad to see caged birds, but they did seem happy and well looked after. I loved these Zebra Finches......

And the colourful Parrots.........

The boys like these Cockatiels , with their cute "mohican" feathers........

I loved the spring flowers in this bed by the pond........

And down by the waters edge it was nice to see some less colourful, but happily free birds...........

 A Moorhen and her baby.

My boys may be growing up rather too fast for my liking, but we came home with bouncy balls........

And bubble mix........

 yay for simple childhood fun.

And I found the time to use up some over-ripe bananas my lovely sister in law gave me.......

I made THIS  very simple banana Cake...........

It was yummy.

My blog posts do often seem to be a family journal at the moment. I suppose I'm trying to record these special times as it seems like they are flying by and I want to remember them. Yes they are pretty ordinary days, but nevertheless they are precious to me. I hope you wont mind me sharing more of these days this holiday.
Jacquie x


  1. We love that particular park, there is so much to do given it's size. Our favourite activity is to climb the tower. Bouncy balls are great aren't they, we still have plenty in our house - they are easily portable and they soon get everyone running about after them.
    Enjoy the rest of the holidays
    Caz xx

  2. What a wonderful park and the birds were a delight. Enjoy family time as much as you can, all too soon they are all grown up and left home. Happy holidays.

  3. Your photos of the aviary in the park remind me of when I was a child and my Nana and Grandad used to take me to the Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds. They had those municipal type flowerbeds and aviaries too! They have both long since passed away so I have not been back to Bury. I wonder if they are still there?

  4. Share away, it is great to read them and share in your days

  5. You are absolutely right to record and share your family days. This year has been the first time school holidays have been almost exclusively given over to revision (matt takes his GCSEs in the Summer). I work from home so am still around to make lunch etc, but I must say I preferred our days out to the park! Enjoy your weekend. x

  6. I loved the school holidays, they boys were back to being my children and no one else's, they do grow up too fast these days
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  7. Parks like these bring back memories of days gone by. Thanks for posting :-)

  8. Loveliness! I was especially interested to hear that the parks have, or had aviaries in them. I love birds, and think that is so great! Wish that were the case here in the states.
    Happy weekend to you!
    xo Kris

  9. Sounds like you had a great time! I remember the colourful Cockatiels from when I lived in Australia. Boy, they can be noisy (but pretty at the same time).

    Have a great weekend,

  10. Lovely and happy post today. Please don't feel you need to apologize for them. The days will fly by and you will be happy for this visual record. Mine have all grown and gone and I wish there had been blogs back then that I could keep a record of our lives.

    Your park is quite beautiful. I especially love the bandstand and aviary. Enjoy your holiday.

  11. What a lovely lovely park to have nearby. I love the blossom picture, we have one nearby that my children call the snow tree.....Your photo tips are great as I am starting my own blog - Coffee, Cakes and would be great if you get a chance to have a look. Thanks x

  12. I'm big fan of your blog♡My english is I don't write so many comments. I think you are a lovely women. I just startet to crochet, that's why I like your blog very much, but the others tings you are writing about are beatiful to :) Do don't worry :)

  13. I love you family posts. My boys are not much younger than yours, so I know how you feel about the years passing too quickly.

    Enjoy the rest of your hols.

  14. Love those flowers and the birds too. I noticed you blogged about the Country Diary the other day - I have just finished a project from the Country Diary Book of Knitting - only took me 17 years to get round to it:) Have a lovely break next week. x

  15. Lovely, just lovely, thanks for sharing. I wish my garden looked so pretty. lol Time does have a way of slipping by, I remember the bubble and bouncing ball stage, and miss it. With teenagers it seems to be more about friends, but lovely in it's own way, seeing them becoming more independent.The cake looks de-lish,I so need to do that with the bananas I have now. Happy holidays! (Ours have just past.)

  16. These ordinary days with boys are so precious, they deserve to be documented and remembered. The park looks wonderful, I love to see aviaries and ponds.

  17. Its lovely to see photos of your family time, my children are all growing up too, I love that they can still just play outside and in the park, and am trying to spend loads of time with them doing just that, as I know these days won't last forever. Such lovely memories to have :)

  18. What a lovely park to be able to visit! Your banana cake looks delicious. Hope that you have a great Easter holiday. xx

  19. Fab Park. Make the most of your chaps ;0) My 3 are all grown x

  20. I think that as the kids get older, it's more and more important to journal the time spent together. I was off this week and I am exhausted with taking one of mine out and then the other one as their interests are so different - also they would prefer to stay at home and talk to their friends on Skype!! Oh well, at least I got them out briefly!

  21. It's so lovely to see those gorgeous spring flowers. Children do grow up way too fast, I'd be enjoying the bouncy balls and bubbles too. That banana bread looks delicious.
    Anne xx

  22. hi
    what a lovely park to able to visit. i love the flowers. mmmh and your banana cake looks very yummi!
    hope you have a lovely easter holiday!!
    hugs regina

  23. Another lovely post. Cockatiels are very clever. Are the cockatiels in the park tame enough to mimic visitors and respond to them? Your park has a 'bandstand' but in my city, this type of structure is called a 'rotunda'. Regardless of what we call them, it is always exciting to see them with a band performing in them. Everybody who has commented here is right when they remark on how quickly children grow. I have three, two of which are older teens. While I miss their younger days, those feelings are soon overtaken by thrill, excitement and delight as they become more independent each day.I am also grateful to have very positive relationships with each of them and they are happy and confident. Spending time on walks with your boys and time in the park is nurturing your mother-son bond. Time spent now is a good investment and so important for keeping lines of communication open between you when the boys are older to foster happy and healthy outcomes during the teenage years. Why should anyone mind that you share such an important part of your life on your blog? I certainly don't mind and love a glimpse into your part of the world.

  24. I'd definitely take advantage of such a great place to keep a record of these things.... and I'm nosey enough to want to see what everyone else is up to! Do keep sharing... xx

  25. It's because they are ordinary is what makes them extraordinary. They are memories that you can treasure. :)

  26. Hi Jacquie what wonderful photographs, you can almost smell spring/summer from them. We have just broken up so I am hoping that we will have some good weather to get out and about if we can. Have a wonderful Sunday and thank you for a lovely post. Sending you big hugs and loves

  27. What lovely photos, Jacquie.
    It's so nice to be able to get out and about with the kids in the Easter hols, isn't it?
    I can't believe we're already onto week 2. It's a trip to the cinema for us today and new shoe shopping (not looking forward to tHe latter!)
    Have a great week,
    Sarah xx

  28. hi, really enjoyed looking at the photos of what was my hometown - I moved away twenty years ago - so it was very lovely to revisit via your blog.


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