Saturday 1 October 2011

Indian Summer Colours ...and the WINNERS !

Hello Lovelies ,
Lets start with the winners of my crochet bowl giveaway :0)
One hundred and twelve of you put your names in down for this....WOW
To choose the three winners I got my boys to each pick a number between 1 and 112. They chose numbers 8,97and 105.
Which means Anne, Claire and Petunia pill, I'll be in touch very soon to find out where to send your prizes :0)

I seem to be struggling to squeeze in blogging time at the moment and I'm not really sure why. Five posts in September, that's not much at all for me. Hopefully things will start to quieten down a bit round here soon and I'll get more time to spend in my little corner of cyberspace.

The weather in these parts has indeed turned out to be exceptional this week. In fact yesterday reached 29 degrees Celsius...possibly a little too hot...don't really like to complain about warm weather but I had to hide from the sun yesterday.

Earlier in the week the weather was perfect. On Wednesday I managed to get out and enjoy the beautifully warm day. Perfect picture taking weather :0)
As soon as the boys were at school I went for a little walk and was delighted with all the wonderful colours to be found.......

Chinese Lanterns , what a perfect Autumn colour.
Virginia creeper turning red..........

A glimpse of Shumach at it's best in this cute cottage's front garden....

Falling leaves and looooong shadows :0).......

These wonderful berries I'm not familiar with but I love their colour...

Beech leaves....

and Oak Leaves ...

Later in the day ,whilst out shopping, I loved the colour of the strawberries in the sun....not so Autumnish but so photogenic and yummy :0)...

Plums are more seasonal.......

And at the end of the day , when the sun was really low in the sky, the golden light made the  bricks of this old building look such an AmaZing hot orangy brown....

It was wonderful to have chance to explore on such a lovely day and it's always wonderful to be able to share these images with you lovelies.

I am aware I haven't got round to doing my September nature notes post yet...that will follow very soon....hopefully .

Have a great weekend !
Jacquie x


  1. Wonderful pictures, I am also fully enjoying this fall.

  2. Beautiful autumn pictures
    Greetings Crissi

  3. Gorgeous photos! I've taken lots of autumnal pictures in the last two weeks (all on my blog) and have been enjoying the sunshine and colour!

    I'm a bit annoyed with myself about those berries you are not familiar with are - I also wondered what they were when I saw them a couple of years ago - I found out then and now I just cannot remember!

    Looking forward to the nature notes.. I've just realised it's October now, time for me to have a peek in my 'country diary'!

  4. I absolutely love Autumn!!!!! You are ahead of us .....I cannot wait to see some color!! It is supposed to cool down here has been to hot for me...I am ready for crisp days!!!!!!!!! Lovely pictures.....

  5. you capture colours so well , beautiful

  6. I love the chinese lanterns, their colour is stunning!! It is looking very Autumnal with you... still quite summery here, not much Autumn going on - espcially with the weather at the moment, though there are a couple of trees about to turn... and of course the conkers are everywhere but that's about it so far! xxx

  7. I am loving the Autumn pictures all over blogland as I live in Florida and there is not even a hint of Autumn here. Congrats to the winners, Petunia Pill is a lovely blog friend.
    HAppy Weekend,

  8. Oh that Orange Jacqui is stunning, love the lanterns too. I have had the lurgy so have felt awful these past few days and am only just starting to feel human again and can enjoy a little outdoor activity, it's a little too hot for me too and if I was feeling well I would have been in the sea by now :0) Have a great weekend and week ahead, congrats to your winners, lovely crochet bowls x

  9. oooo yea, well thanks to your boys for picking my number :) Loverly chinese lanterns, I hadn't ever seen these until Lucy @ attic24 blogged about them in Sept. And the colour of the buikding is lovely and warming too, you captured that really well x

  10. Your bright photos really have captured this beautiful new season so well. What a lovely area you live in!

  11. Beautiful photos, you guys are so lucky wiyh all that sun, nothing but good ol rain here in the west of ireland. Ah well at least i get to see the sun on blogland :)
    Have a lovely weekend

  12. Lovely photos! :)
    I know what you mean about the heat, I love a bit of sunshine but maybe with an autumnal breeze rather than this humidity!
    Louise xx

  13. Congrats to the winners. And love these great nature photos!

  14. Hello Jacquie!
    Don't know how I missed your giveaway :( Anyhow congrats to the winners and I'll participate for sure next time !
    I'm enjoying so much your lovely pictures...Here we are still in summer ... hope we will not get straight into winter as last year ...
    Have a marvelous autumnal week end :)
    P.S: one last little thing: can you please adjust my new blog address in your blogroll?
    It is now:
    Thank you!

  15. I never win a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g! I am SOOOO thrilled! Thanks to your special number pickers! And thanks to you too! Love this time of year...the colours are so rich and wonderful. And your captures of it are magnificent! Hugs, Annette

  16. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!
    Jacquie your red berries are Rowan or Mountain Ash!
    Great photos - thanks!

  17. The weather looks perfect in your part of the world Jacquie. It's been glorious here today, we took a lovely long walk along our seafront this afternoon, ice cream was a requirement of course!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. ♥

  18. Beautiful photos, the berries are rowan, as Gill says - not the wild type but an ornamental variety; its the one I have in my garden! xx

  19. So nice to enjoy Autumn through your blog Jackie, your photos are beautiful.

    Love the colours of the Chinese Lantern and the Virginia Creeper...........

    Nice to get a bit more warmth before you descend into Winter.
    It's a beautiful, sunny morning here after a very wet, grey week.

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Claire :}

  20. Your photos of autumn colours are beautiful Jacquie. You do take such lovely photos and I appreciate you sharing them with us. There is nothing nicer than relaxed Sunday morning with coffee and pretty photos of your gorgeous country.
    I am so excited to be picked as a winner in your giveaway. Thank you so much.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Anne xx

  21. Congratulations to the winners!

    These are great photos.

  22. Autumn is my favourite time of year. Especialy when the weather is turning out so lovely love your pic's. I'm of for my first walk now... Mr. Iggy is going to enjoy it to. Congratulations on the winners!!!

  23. Congratulations to Amy Clare and Petunia.
    Your autumn photos are lovely


  25. This is SUCH a beautiful post. You have a brilliant eye for colour

    Much love,


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