Monday 27 July 2015

Rainy Day Sewing

Hello Lovelies,
I made something! Gosh, I've been in the crafty doldrums for so long that I was beginning to think I would never have any makes to share with you lovelies ever again.

Yesterday morning I went for a walk and came home just before the rain started. I was sorting the laundry when I noticed my sad and stained looking apron. How I loved this pink polka dot pinny. 

 You can see it looking lovely HERE

But sadly, despite various efforts to remove it's stains, today it looks like this..........

On a whim I looked through my fabric stash and almost immediately came across this thrifted curtain.........

Ooooh, purple checks, that could look nice.

Feeling lazy I placed my old apron in the corner of the curtain so two seams were already made :0)

And I cut around my old apron, leaving a seam allowance for the remaining edges.

For the curve of the bib I made little nicks......

and carefully pressed a narrow hem............

Pinned all the hems in place.........

Then looked out of the window and thought how nice it was to be warm indoors on such a miserable day.......

I dusted off my sadly neglected sewing machine and got stitching..........

The hems were easy enough, but adding the ties was a bit of a struggle.........

For speed I had decided to re-use the ties from my old apron, but the machine didn't like all those layers....there was some frustration...I may have said bad things about my machine...sorry Tess ( Tess the Toyota )

After a tea break I tried again....and finally got there....not perfect but good enough.

Then there was just a pocket to add. My old apron had a small square pocket that was placed rather too high for my liking.

So I decided to make a bigger, curved pocket. I simply folded a sheet of A4 in half and cut off one corner.......

Then I spent a bit of time thinking about pattern matching before I cut out the fabric.......

Oh, this bit went well.....yes.....phew. I can still sew :0)

Just look at the matching checks and the nice neat stitching........

Even the less than perfect stitching on the ties looks OK I think........

I asked eldest to take a photo of my wearing my new pinny and we dashed outside for a few moments while the rain was just a drizzle.

Hello Lovelies..........

I'm thrilled with this simple make. And thrilled to have finally made something after so long.

Back very soon with holiday tales.
Jacquie x

Saturday 25 July 2015

Popping in to say Hello

Hello Lovelies,
We have just got back from a lovely week at the seaside. I'll write up our adventures, and share too many photos very soon.
In the mean time here is a tiny flavour. Maybe you can guess where we have been?

It was such a relaxing break . The weather was so warm and sunny most of the time........

We have come home to heavy rain and a distinct drop in temperatures. I do hope it's only a blip.
Back very soon ....I've missed my little blog.
Jacquie x

Monday 13 July 2015

This Weeks Group Walk :: number 25

Hello Lovelies,
with the summer holidays looming  a long break in my Thursday group walks is inevitable. My boys are not keen walkers, well eldest quiet enjoys it, but my chances of getting them to walk with the group are very slim to none.

Last weeks walk was another Derbyshire outing. After THIS walk I was really looking forward to it.

We started off climbing steadily through the dappled sunlight of the summer woodland......

And emerged to blue sky and the prettiest  view........

Here I spotted a blue plaque and if I had been walking alone I would have gone to investigate.......but walking with the group there wasn't chance.........

I took a quick zoomed in shot and carried on the walk. It wasn't until I reviewed my pictures at home I finally got to see who this plaque was for......... and I had to smile when I saw it was for the author of THESE sweet books..........

Who could fail to be inspired in some way by this beautiful landscape.......

A wild flower I always love to see in Summer is Rosebay Willowherb..........

Reminding me as it does of gathering this plant for our goats ( Annabell and Lola ) when I was a child.

Feeling warm from the climb it was lovely to walk in the cool shade of another small woodland.......

before crossing more open countryside and passing through a village containing lots of cute stone cottages..........

After a welcome coffee stop and a happy chat we wandered through high meadows filled with long grasses ...........

And enjoyed the view of a monument on top of a rocky outcrop...........

I loved walking along quiet lanes.........

But this part of the walk was my favourite......this woodland enchanted me ..........

I dropped back and took too many photos, trying to capture it's beauty.........

I didn't care that the group were disappearing around a bend...........

This fairy glade had me under it's spell.

 The wild garlic had faded but you could still get a whiff of it's aroma in the air.....

At my feet all the moss covered rocks and beautiful ferns delighted me. And overhead the canopy of vibrant green was just perfect............

 It was so cool, with the sun only puncturing the leafy covering  for the briefest dazzling moments......

Oh gosh, I was wowed by this magical woodland's beauty on a warm summers day...........

All too soon we were through the trees, emerging at the Cromford Canal.........

Where the ferns at the waters edge were reflected in the water.........

From there it was just a short walk to the riverbank and our lunch stop..........

How I love picnicking on the grass in summer. Lazing around and enjoying a friendly chat. Laughing at the humour of like-minded people. It was kind of hard to tear myself away from this restful place.

 But this was a long walk and we still had quiet a few miles to cover. Time to get climbing up the steep valley sides again.

Past stone farmhouses........

And through more high meadows, before we descended a steep hill into the next valley......

Nestled in the bottom was this idyllic home. With washing on the line, a garden full of flowers and a greenhouse full of ripening tomatoes it really did look like the perfect place to live, surrounded by green fields and quiet ........

This part of the walk was actually familiar as it overlapped with the groups April Derbyshire walk.. But how different the countryside looked in the full  lushness of summer........

I had to smile when I turned around and took this shot. A picture of the beautiful valley I had wanted to take on the previous walk but it was full of people.........

At the top of the hill we were all glad of a short rest in the shade.....

About 7 miles down...only 4 and a half to go our leader happily informed us.

Ummmm, best not think about that too much the undergrowth instead.........

I loved the two toned leaves of this fern.

Further along I loved the stone walls covered in brambles.........

and the views backwards towards Crich Stand in the far distance..........

As we passed another farmhouse this oh so pretty sight of pink roses and frothy white umbellifers was such a lovely sight........

The countryside all looked beautiful in it's many shades of green too.........

Descending a little we were amongst houses, looking down on more homes on the other side of the valley.........

Before climbing steeply up again .........

And I mean STEEPLY UP again.....

this was a bit of a slog on tired legs but as the youngest member of the group I could hardly complain too much could I :0)

Actually I love the effort of a climb. It feels like proper exercise and you know it's going to reward you with a far reaching view at the top...........

Yes...on top of the world ...I LOVE it...........

We enjoyed afternoon coffee at the highest point of the walk. I lay in the sunshine thinking how precious these summer months are. How lucky I am to be able to get out and enjoy them. I could work full time and possibly enjoy some expensive treats....but heck...I'm not sure any would make me as happy.

Our leader informed us at this last stop, that the going was now all downhill....yay.

Past climbers on Black Rocks...........

And steeply sided valleys that looked a bit Alpine to me............

More stone cottages.............

And amazing far reaching views toward Matlock Bath.............

The area is sometime referred to as Little Switzerland . It's certainly hilly and if you enlarge the picture you may even be able to see the cable cars going up to the Heights of Abraham .........

Soon we were descending the steep track that follows a disused railway line here. The High peak trail is now used by walkers and cyclists...this shot is looking back up the sheep pasture incline...........

It's got a nice easy walking surface and the vibrant green once again caught me eye.........

This eleven and a half mile walk was a full day of delights. To me it felt  almost like a holiday in one day.
So many different sights, relaxing breaks and warm sunshine to enjoy. By 4pm the light was softening..........

At the bottom of the hill there is a canal and a visitor centre...with toilets...hurray!
After a visit I could enjoy sitting by the waters edge.........

watching the Moor hens looking after their babies........

And enjoying the perfect holiday treat..........

Gosh it tasted soooo good.

I do hope you lovelies enjoyed joining me too.
Jacquie x