Sunday 29 November 2015

The end of November

Hello Lovelies,
It's now a year since I braved joining my local walking group and I'm so happy I did.
I've seen so many new places, had lovely company and so much fun. No to mention the wonderful fresh air and exercise. I still enjoy walking alone, but for longer adventures it's so nice to have company.... and a guide :0)

last week was walk 35... which departed from a village filled with geese..........

As we set off they came over to say hello...........

As one of the group members pointed out, there will be a lot less of them here in January..........

They added much charm to a time of year that badly needs it. Mud is everywhere, but the views are still lovely...........

It's always good to get out in the fresh air even when the sky is grey.........

there is some colour if you look for it............

and pretty scenes that you happen upon...........

As we neared the end of our 8 mile walk the sun even tried to shine a up our destination for a while............

Yesterday was cold and a short walk around the park was all that appealed......I love the waterfall here .........

But by the time I got home I was very glad to put the oven on and bake a cake with some apples that a friend kindly left on my doorstep on Wednesday morning.........

Recipe HERE

 Today the weather has been cold and wet and blustery. Not conducive to walking at I haven't. I always feel happy that I made the most of the outdoors when it was nice on days like this.

It makes me feel content to say indoors, and my little kitchen, that seems dark and annoys me with it's lack of view in the summer, suddenly seems bright and cosy when it's dark outside and the garden lacks interest anyway...well except for the birds. I do wish I could see my popular bird feeders from here............

The geraniums I rescued before the first frost hit are cosy indoors, and this one is making me smile with it's scarlet gorgeousness..........

I think a grey day makes me relish bursts of colour even more. Even the fresh green of the cabbage I was chopping for Sunday dinner looked amazing.......

And what MUST be the final garden posy of 2015 ...beautiful, slightly frost bitten Roses...added another splash of happy colour............

Not wanting to leave my warm kitchen after dinner, and with more gifted apples to use up, I did some batch baking..........

Love having this sort of quick, home made desert in my freezer.........

At tea time I was baking again......a batch of dropped scones....something my mum used to make on dark winter evenings..........

though I was baking in an apron not a girdle :0).........

 I make double this amount for 5 of us.

By eight pm I was all cooked out....and very happy to sit down with my crochet for a little while....

Having missed strictly last night I was keen to watch it on catch up.........oh my word. Helen and Aljaz's Waltz....perfect music, perfect dress, perfect story telling, perfect dancing. Just magical.

Jacquie x

Monday 23 November 2015

My Sunday in pictures

Hello Lovelies,
yesterday was just another ordinary Sunday. Ordinary but at the same time very special, with so many people and things to be thankful for.


A leisurely breakfast... Porridge for my love and I :0)

10 AM.....

 Ripple appreciation...It grows :0)


 fresh air on the way to the DIY shop

 It was cold in the gardens behind the war memorial, with ice in the water where the sun hadn't reached.

 But there were still a few brave favourite colour...ummm.

 Windmills, waterfalls and pretty bridges are among the many things that make me smile.

 After a while the cloud gathered and the wind was chilly....time to go.

12 midday.......

 Defrosting with my favourite books.

Delivering hot chocolate.... Eldest was braving the garden to work at sharpening my dad's old chisels. It's 26 years since he passed away and it's so nice that they are getting another lease of life.

I only popped out to the compost bin with the veg peelings and refilled the bird feeders.........

 Our feathered friends need a little help right now.

 A very simple Sunday dinner...lots of veg, and there are some sausages under the home made Yorkshires too :0)

3.PM ..........

 planting this year's Amaryllis....I love this ritual of growing a big beautiful flower. Slowly watching it emerge and finally bloom, through the darkest months of the year.

 4 PM..........

 A warm mince pie and a cup of tea....just shop bought...Morrisons....but nice and tasty and not too sweet.

5 PM.......

A simple trip to see the Christmas lights in town....we thought they looked really beautiful this year........

It was freezing and the moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky..............


 I nice balanced tea. Sweet and savoury crumpets....ooops there seems to be a lot of comfort food around here at the moment :0)

7 PM..........

 crochet in front of the telly. I do love a bit of Strictly

8 PM.........

A relaxing soak in the bath before the Sunday night rush.

A simple family favourite sort....I am truly blessed.
Jacquie x

Wednesday 18 November 2015

A Quiet Walk

Hello Lovelies,
yesterday I set out for a walk with no firm plan of my route. The day was a bit misty and damp but it was so pleasant to be out in the fresh air ( after I had passed the boys old primary school which was crowed with cars and the smell of exhaust gasses was awful) .
On a whim I headed for the wide open fields, passing beautiful Rose-hips glistening with raindrops. The views were hazy and I loved the quiet stillness, the muted world where any pop of colour really stands out. Little sheep and cattle the size of sheep (Dexter) made me smile.
Through the "secret doorway" and between the gardens I  Unexpectedly found  blossom ....with the most gorgeous scent. It was a real delight.
The views as I walked quietly towards a neighbouring village enchanted me and I (almost) forgot my increasingly soggy latest walking boots annoying.
On the way home Horses, Alpacas and sweet little Finches made me smile. I may not have human company but I certainly didn't feel lonely.
How LOVE to get out in the countryside....even on a grey day.  It's the nicest way I know to keep fit and passing my 10,000 daily step target before 11am gives me a good feeling too :0)
Jacquie x