Thursday 30 April 2015

Evening Light

Hello Lovelies, I've already taken almost 1000 photos this month, twice the tally of March. 
The pretty spring colours are so photogenic, and the sunlight brings every image into sharp focus.
I particularly love the evening light at the moment.  

These first few pictures were taken on Sunday evening. Eldest wanted to show me somewhere he had been walking with Explorers and it seemed like the perfect evening to go for a leisurely drive on quiet lanes. He took the first two pictures, out of the passenger window ....a stunning bank of spring colour in a  pretty village..............

and sheep wandering right up to the car, on a track with cattle grids.............

Here we both got out of the car and admired the far reaching views.........

It's always lovely to spend a bit of one to one time with any of my boys. We decided not to hurry home, but stopped at a local canal basin.....the light was stunning.....every ripple highlighted as it slowly crossed the surface of the water..........

And the blue sky reflections were so beautiful............

Just yesterday evening the golden light tempted me out on my second walk of the day..........

Pink cherry blossom, new leaves............

Crab apple blossom flowers bursting open...........

It all seemed to lovely to miss by sitting indoors watching films ( like the rest of the family were doing)

I was happy wandering with my camera, photographing the moon rising above the church..........

And checking on the corner if the graveyard that leads to the Wild Garlic patch............

Where the setting sun shone brightly through the trees........

and the delicate white flowers are blooming. I only discovered this patch after it had flowered last year, and I've been waiting to see it finally certainly looked pretty on such a lovely evening...........

Back at the church the Daffodils have faded, but the new leaves on the Whitebeam are eye-catching..........

I love the way they unfurl.........

There was birdsong everywhere yesterday evening, as the landscape glowed in the last of the suns rays  and the moon rose still higher in the sky...........

How I LOVE Spring evenings.
Jacquie x

Sunday 26 April 2015

This Weeks Group Walk :: Was Amazing

Hello Lovelies,
back in November I started walking with a local group. Some of you may recall I wrote about that first walk HERE.  Oh, and my nerves before that walk are recorded HERE :0)

On that walk the thing that I was struck by was just how friendly and welcoming the group were. They are also very well organised. On that first outing the treasurer handed me a neatly printed list of all the walks in their programme for the following six months. 
They all looked interesting but one stood out as potentially outstanding.....and this week it finally arrived.

It was misty when we arrived in Derbyshire, but oh so pretty walking beside the Cromford Canal.

Everybody was enchanted by the Ducklings...........

As we climbed the first of many hills I loved the views over the stone walls ..........

The world is so pretty at this time of year, full of fresh greens and colourful flowers.........

It was still hazy but the distant views looked wonderful...........

Here we entered the first of several woodland sections....all of which were enchanting....and so different to each other............

I was very happy when I realised the sun had now come out....making this view of a chimney across the valley even prettier............

And I loved the glimpse of blue skies and hills............

We descended the steep slope carefully into the valley and passed romantic ruins..........

then joined the canal tow-path again..........

Oh look, that chimney we had spotted earlier.........

And  more of this stunning canal............

It really made a perfect stopping point for our morning coffee.
 And it was idyllic, sitting on a bench, quietly watching the wildlife and the scenery.........

 I just couldn't believe our luck with the weather........

Soon it was time to start climbing again. Along the former railway incline that is now part of the high peak trail...........

It was a steep climb, warm work in the sunshine....but the views were stunning...........

and after a while we turned off into even more delightful woodland..........

The light was soft and warm, making every corner look pretty.......

How I loved these holiday homes beside the footpath.........

Down we trekked, then steeply upwards again..........

And into another wooded glade, where the new Beech leaves were the brightest green.........

Every valley was different and seemed even more perfect than the last.........

In the bottom of this one we walked beside a glittering stream, lined with Marsh Marigolds.......

 and nearby I loved the pretty Wood Anemones........

By now I was getting peckish and at the top of this hill I was glad we had reached our lunch stop......

On such a lovely sunny  day it was a really beautiful place to have a picnic..........

After lunch the walk continued to delight , with far reaching views........

Looking towards Crich Stand


Rocky outcrops........

Pretty Woodland........

And babbling brooks........

Around every corner was another delight. I know the lovely day and the time of year helped, but it really did seem like heaven.

Here we stopped for another drink and a short rest.........

It felt like the most perfect picnic spot. Like a different world.

I  sat on a rock, enjoyed my  favourite  chocolate treat.........

And thought how very lucky I was to be there.

The final part of the walk was along the Cromford canal again. The afternoon light was magical....How I loved the reflections..........

And the bird-life.........


the water was so clear you could easily see the Ducks heads as they dabbled.......

 This sight always makes me think of THIS cheerful verse

This tranquil, gentle wander was the perfect end to a tiring but amazing walk 11 mile walk through such beautiful countryside.........

And all with such lovely company...... It was a day will remember for a long time.

Jacquie x