Saturday 29 June 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy ♥ 26/52

Hello Lovelies,
here are my happy things from the halfway point of 2013. 

1. A beautiful sunset on Monday.........

 2. A rescue makeover on my old handbag. It's really getting worn out but I don't have time to look for a replacement  at the moment ......

 see it's previous guises HERE and HERE 

3. Middle son asking to bake one evening.....I had lemons so he tried THIS recipe.........

 Gosh it was really delicious

Combining the rest of the lemons with sugar and Elderflowers...........

Aren't they pretty close up.

 I'm having a go at making Elderflower cordial for the first time following this recipe found in the news paper............

It's ready for straining now but I don't have a muslin....hope a thin tea towel will do :0)

4. Eating lettuce freshly picked from the vegetable patch........

Mum is making good progress and has had chance to see all your lovely comments and good wishes this week.They really cheered her.Thank you again.
Jacquie x

Friday 28 June 2013

A Little Walk

Hello Lovelies,
life is pretty busy at the moment, but thankfully I can still find a spare half an hour occasionally to get out and enjoy the beauty that's all around in late June.
These pictures were taken straight after the school run on Tuesday.
Just a little local walk....some where I've often explored before , but the changing seasons means there is always something new to notice.

The fields are full of rapidly growing grain crops

The paddock at the side of the footpath is full of tall grasses.........

 As I wander along with my camera I notice just how many different types of grasses are here.

There are these bushy ones ......

These oh so delicate ones.......

these soft ones with pinky purple seeds.......

And many others . Like the wild flowers in this post they are so common place that they are very easy to over look , but beautiful in their own way.

A bit further on I find a pretty flower that I never over look, the Dog Rose..........

 Just look at those pink thorns.

I've already been dallying a while but I can't resist climbing over the style to explore a little further before I head back to my list of jobs.......

It's such a beautifully warn sunny morning that it's lovely to walk in the dappled shade......

Everywhere is so lush right now........

Even the nettles look pretty ............

and just before it's time to leave I happily capture my first butterfly photo of the year........

I'm not familiar with this species but I've looked it up and I think it's one of these.

Such a simple little walk ......... looking at some grass, nettles,wild roses, leaves and a brown butterfly.
All quite unremarkable, but very beautiful on a sunny summers morning. It made me happy.
Jacquie x

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Cottage Gardens

Hello Lovelies ,
 I hope you are in the mood for a bit ( O.K. a lot ) of garden love. 

I have enjoyed gardening since my early twenties when we first owned our little starter home and transformed the bare earth of a new build plot into a garden. It wasn't perfect, by a long way. I didn't have much idea what I was doing , but I still enjoyed the process and the mixed results :0)

I can still vividly recall the first time I did any gardening there. We had a scruffy  lawn laid by a geezer who knocked at the door ( I wouldn't be so gullible these days) and the remaining bare earth was a mass of weeds by spring. 

One sunny day I couldn't bare to look at it any more so I forced myself to head out with a trowel do do battle.  As I sat on the warm concrete slab path that ran the length of that little garden, digging in the earth, I was astonished to realise I was actually enjoying myself. How could this be? there were no pretty flowers to look at, but still it was wonderfully therapeutic to dig  the soil and clear that patch of earth. I remember feeling almost sad when the job was done, but also elated that I had found a love of gardening . 

By the  nineties we had a much bigger garden and I had  a bit more knowledge about gardening, picked up mostly by trial and error and watching gardening shows . One of my favourite T.V. gardeners was the late Geoff Hamilton. I still treasure his cottage gardens book , published in 1996.

The photo with the book was taken by me when on a visit to Geoffs garden BARNSDALE in 1999, as was this ..........

The colours are a bit washed out but I think you can see what wonderful , inspiring place this is. I love the mass of flowers spilling over the paths. 

By 2003 I had three small boys to run around after and my own garden headed into the wilderness years....Mr BM still cut the lawn but I struggled to keep up the borders, there were simply not enough hours in the day for gardening.

Now the boys are older I can indulge my love of plants again. At this time of year I would love to visit gardens like Geoff's every weekend, but it wouldn't be fair on the rest of the family. However,  this weekend I decided that I should be able to visit some gardens as a birthday treat. Youngest was having none of it and went to play with his cousin at his Nana's house, but the older two came along with us.

The open gardens were being held in a pretty village I have only driven through a couple of times. We paid for a map in a local shop, easy enough, and headed off to find the first garden...not that easy !
I'm not sure why but I could not follow the directions and we ended up at the river. Gazing at a canal boat aptly called " rising damp " as the rain began to fall and the wind whipped at my legs and I wondered why I had chosen to wear a skirt and sandals.......

We all sheltered under a tree till it had eased, then, ignoring the boys pleas of  "Can't we just go home", we tried again.
This sight cheered me up a least we had found a pretty cottage .........

Then around the bend , with a rather small sign it would be easy to miss , we found an open garden. It was a courtyard space, full of plants in pots ........

 Phew, everybody cheered up a bit , especially as the sun came out right on cue.

The owner was outside so we chatted for a while ( and asked permission to take photos )  then explored alone.
We found a lovely green corner .......

 and this  path lead to...........

 a fabulous secluded corner. I thought it was simply gorgeous.

I was enchanted by the Astrantias, and the bees loved them too..........

And I loved the use of this old drain pipe as a wall planter.........

Once we had found one garden we made sure to ask the owners directions to the next.

 Some we did not take pictures in , though they were all lovely in their own way.

This garden , which I can only describe as enchanting, was owned by an elderly gentleman who welcomed us at the front of the house and told us his daughters were around the back.

Parts were a bit wild , but I think that really added to the charm..........

And he had some gorgeous flowers.
 Ooooh , Alliums....stunning.......

Bright pink Peonies....

wonderful clematis.......

And what a view at the bottom of the garden.........


When were were leaving I asked the two daughters who had shown us round if this was their swing. Yes, said these mature ladies , it had been their swing and they delighted in pointing out their sandpit and where their slide had been too. So many years of happy memories caught up here.........


We visited three gardens with canal side settings, what a treat to enjoy access to these normally private gardens in such a gorgeous location.........

Up the hill we felt a bit lost again , but finally found another gem . I swear it was windy, cloudy and cold around the font of this house, but when we entered the back garden it was like a different world. Sheltered and sunny..........

 There were tables and chairs arranged on the lawn close to the house and tempting cakes on display in the little conservatory. As soon as a table became free the four of us Made a bee line for it and I went to order.
The boys did have a soft drink , and shared the delicious carrot cake with their dad.
I loved the pretty miss matched china and the date cake........

 It really was an idyllic spot, hard to tear yourself away from . People chatted happily and an old dog plodded around looking for crumbs.

By this time I think we had seen about eight gardens so I promised the boys this would be the last one.
we followed a sign round the back and I gasped at the sight of these stunning climbing roses.....

 Just perfect don't you think ?

It turned out to be my most favourite garden of the day. I perfect English cottage garden........

There were loads of Geraniums ( not to be mixed up with Pelargoniums ) Claire explains the difference HERE.........

The owner was a real plants man and had helpfully labelled many of the flowers.These red beauties are "Lychnis chalcedonica" . I don't think I've seen them before.........

In the background of this photo you can just see some stunning  blue Delphiniums but the owner was keen to show us this favourite of the moment ..........

I loved it all and we were so lucky that the sun continued to shine during the time we spent there. The lady owner told me parts of the walls  were Elizabethan , they certainly made a wonderful backdrop.......

There was also a beautiful pond.........

But I think my favourite bit was this wonderful display of daises and geraniums........

Such a joyful, pretty and summery cottage garden scene, don't you think ?

Our weather maybe unreliable  and downright miserable at times but If it can still produce wonderful flowers like these and lush green countryside it can't be all bad.

All the gardens were generously shared by their owners and their enthusiasm was infectious. The event raised funds for a local hospice.

Thank you for indulging me today, I think I've rambled on a bit :0)
Hope you enjoyed the photos anyway.
Jacquie x

Monday 24 June 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy ♥ 25/52

Hello Lovelies, 
Thank you once again for your kind and supportive comments . I'm overjoyed to be able to report that mum is now well on the way to a full recovery . It's been a tiring and stressful time , but things could have been so much worse.

Here are my happy things from my birthday week 

1. Colourful annuals by my front door. I do enjoy perennial plants a lot, maybe because  I love to welcome back old favourites each year. But annuals are just wonderful for a hit of colour ........

Maybe you can see my Zinnias, to the left of the Busy Lizzie. Ummmm, not sure these are going to do quite as well. They are still rather small, but I haven't given up hope yet.

In the back garden the vegetable plot is looking quite full at the moment. As well as lettuce, spring onions, garlic  and carrots there are sunflowers growing up the side of the shed and the potatoes in pots are huge.......

In other pots I'm trying peas for the first time ( dwarf ones ) and I was delighted to spot some pods this week...........

2. Berries......... Strawberries and Raspberries are my favourites and they taste so good at this time of year. This was yesterday lunch time , Raspberries and Walls vanilla ice cream eaten in the garden...yummy :0)

3. My birthday prezzie. I'm very happy about this lovely gift. I've had my current camera since I started blogging in 2010 and I still love it , but there are things it's not good at.
 This model has a huge ( to me anyway ) 20 times zoom and I'm hoping it will cope better with low light levels than my little IXUS....initial impressions are good...........

It's a bit bigger than my old Canon but still small enough to go everywhere with me in my hand bag.

4. My birthday treat ( chosen by myself )  was to visit a lovely village which was hosting an "open gardens" event at the weekend. It was delightful and I will share LOTS more pictures in my next post.

Be back soon :0)
Jacquie x