Monday 22 February 2016

Half Term in Pictures


Ah, half term I love them. I didn't get the whole week off with my boys this time but it's still a relaxing change to be able to forget about the school routine for a short while.
 There was walking...of course :0) 
Sometimes just me, sometimes Eldest and I (and the morning was perfect...chilly and frosty and bright) . On Thursday ( after a day of solid rain ...and crochet...on Wednesday) I dragged my other two out as well. We walked though the very soggy, but still quiet magical woodland. Well eldest was on his bike. He's a keen bike rider and has spent his Christmas money on lots of gear to go with the bike he had as his big present.

Today was grey and I walked with hubby and eldest along a disused railway line that is now a trail. We loved to get close to a sweet Robin who was singing his heart out....but heck....there was not much else to see, a little river being the other highlight. I'm sure I am being unfair...a grey winters day is not the best time to  judge, is it.
My crochet squares in spring colours will soon be a baby blanket...hurray for small projects. 
And this new yarn...I bought it to add to my range of Stylecraft colours with no firm plans for a project. Do you like it? 
I was a little unsure at first...but now I think YES I really do like it....and I LOVE that there are so many wonderful colours to choose from these days.
If you look at my Instagram feed I wonder if this yarn colour reminds you of any of my recent photos ? It does me, and my brain is already thinking up a new project...Yay
Hope you have a good week lovelies.
Jacquie x


  1. So lovely to see the countryside as it prepares to welcome spring! I love the pictures of the robin singing and your new baby blanket taking shape!

  2. Beautiful photos. I especially liked the "free range animals and children" sign. Does that mean the children are also "free range?" Ha! Beautiful blanket. I also have a similar one started but set aside while I knit lots and lots of mittens.

  3. Lovely photos of your half term adventures. I must admit I still can't make up my mind about the mustard colour and I think it might be trial and error to find the right combination of colours to go with it for it to look ok. xx

  4. I just love coming along your walks through your wonderful pics, and yes, that yarn look fabulous!

  5. visit my blog

  6. On the picture above the one has the sign about free range chickens and kids (LOL) the sun looks like it made a heart shape around the tree! Beautiful pictures. Love the yarn. I'm now following you on Instagram.

    Cindy Bee

  7. I love that mustard color. It's funny, I find myself loving the springy green, and I love this mustard color, and I love a beautiful rust color. Then my mind rebels and says, "Wait, we hate those colors because they are from the 70's when avocado, gold and bronze were so popular in the kitchen!" I just patiently tell my mind, "This is 2016, those colors are beautiful, and pipe down, for goodness sake!"

  8. Lovely photos off your week and yes I do like the mustard style craft
    Jackie x

  9. hello,
    lovely pics of your countryside.....i love it.
    the colour of your wool is beautiful. like your crochet quare!!
    have a nice week,

  10. It's all lovely. We're in that in-between time, when nature can't decide if it's still winter or early spring. With all the trees and early flowers showing signs of life. But, many grey days left I'm afraid...along with the mud. Fighting yet another cold here, not much walking taking place, glad you are able to get out and about. Love the baby blanket! I just sent off two (for twins) this weekend. I agree those quick projects are fun. I look forward to seeing what you do with the new wool. Hope the sun shines for you this week!

  11. How lovely to see so much blue sky! Its been lacking around here, just mainly grey and wet. Love the sweet baby blanket, such pretty colours.Really like the new yarn, I have some that colour too!
    Gill xx

  12. Looks like a wonderful half term!! Love your crochet!! xx

  13. Love that colour, I'd like a scarf in that shade, the perfect match to grey skies. Gorgeous photos, it's lovely to get out with the children isn't it. Glad you had a good week. CJ xx

  14. Hmm, your project idea makes me think of my local area, where last year's Ghosty Gum bark is peeling back to reveal white, pink, lemon, salmon and silvery grey new bark. I wonder....

  15. Beautiful photos, Jacqui! Lots of sunshine with springtime just round the corner. Love your baby blanket and mustard colour. Just bought a soft woolly scarf in that colour. x

  16. Just beautiful photo's taken in some lovely February weather.
    A joy to look at.

    All the best Jan

  17. The baby blanket is looking beautiful!! I like the feel of nice squishy mud under my feet (with boots.) That mustard color yarn is indeed pretty! Delightful photos.

  18. I love your photos, especially seeing ones of sunshine right next to ones of ice. You've captured this time of year perfectly. And the blanket looks absolutely beautiful, I can't wait to see the finished product!

  19. You've captured this time of year perfectly, with photos of sunshine and birds right next to ones of ice and mud. It really makes me feel like I'm there. :) And the blanket looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see the finished project!

  20. I always love to see your pictures. Thank you for sharing them! I really should do the same!


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