Friday 9 December 2011

November Nature Notes

Hello Lovelies ,
 here I am at my penultimate Nature notes post. If you are not familiar with these there's an explanation  when I started these posts back in January HERE  .

On dull day November can feel rather drab and boring. But I hope you will agree Edith's illustrations have a certain charm about them that is rather special and so does November. I do love the changing seasons and this year I have become rather fond of Autumn ....not something I have really  felt before.I'm sure writing these posts has helped open my eyes to the beautiful things this time of year has to offer.

Here are Edith's illustrations for the month of November..........

Seed heads of hog weed this painting ......

Some interesting facts from the book .......

Here are my own images from last month.....I love the hog weed and the dock seed in the fore ground of this picture...........

These images were taken at the beginning of the month and you can see some trees were still green , there was also a very green crop growing in the field..........

I've included the picture as I love the gate, worn smooth by all the walkers passing through onto the foot path across the fields..........

Not many flowers to be seen this month but plenty of Fungi ..........

Rose hips ........

And Berries .....

Ducks on the lake.........

 I wonder why I've never noticed these conifers change colour before?  I was rather puzzled as I presumed all conifers were evergreen . Seems that they are not( took me a long time to realise this ...did anybody else think the same ? ) and I think these are Larch...........

Short days and low light levels can be rather depressing but I'm consoling myself that it's less that two weeks to the shortest day now ...........

Here are some pictures from the end of November..........

Some trees are bare but others were still looking gorgeous.........

Love the colour of this Beech hedge and the gentle , watery sun casting the faintest of shadows ........

Hope you enjoyed this belated Nature Notes post.

Have a great weekend .
Jacquie x


  1. Adorei as fotos. São inspiradoras. Lindas. Continue postando coisas lindas assim. Bjs.

  2. I love these. Your scenery is so different from mine, it is a pleasure to see it. I am inspired to look around my own world and see what beauty I can find.

  3. Beautiful photos!
    Hugs Crissi

  4. I love your nature posts. It's a shame that the book ends this month - it seems such a little treasure. x

  5. Thank you for all these photos, autumn it's my favourite season and both the pics from you book and those you made are just gorgeous!

  6. your photos are lovely, and make me quite jealous as it all looks so green in new england we are covered in snow which makes for a l.o.n.g. winter....(and makes blogland even more essential!)

  7. Hi Jacquie,
    I love your nature notes posts.
    I was at the library the other day looking thru craft books when I came across this one called The Country Diary Book of Crafts. I flipped thru it and it reminded me of your book you use for the nature notes, but then I checked the authors name and it is Annette Mitchell. So I checked it out and later when I got home and was looking thru the book it read Here are 100 new projectss to decorate the home and enhance the wardrobe that capture the essence of the English Countryside, Edith Holden's enchanting watercolors in The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, have inspired the designs for this collection of unique home craft ideas. The Country Diary book of Crafts is divided into the months of the year, and the designs within each month reflect the change of season. It also says just as exists a need to preserve the beauty of the countryside, there also exists a need to preserve the beauty of crafts and to encourage the survival of creative skills in a world of ever increasing mass production. To help safeguard the crafts the book includes crochet, knitting, embroidery, cross-stitch, needlepoint, ribbon weaving, rag rugs, patchwork, smocking, tufted rugs (I know as latchhook), dried flowers, making garlands and wreaths out of real evergreen foliage. Each craft item in this book carries it own Country Diary quotation as a title. I am very taken with one knitted sweater that is called Mistletoe (Knitted pearl sweater). Also take a her painting Goldfinch feeding on Thistle seed and they made a beautiful embroidery picture. The author of this book got Rowena Stott, Edith Holden's great neice permission to use the painting in the craft book. It was published in 1985 in Great Britain by Webb & Bower (Publishers) Limited. It was published in the States in 1986.
    Now that I've gone on and on, I just thought you might be interested in knowing about this craft book.
    I forgot to say, I really like the pictures you take and post at the end of your nature notes. You live in a beautiful area.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  8. I thought all conifers were evergreen too!
    I love your photo of the gate and the tree in the field.

  9. Beautiful photographs, and loving the illustrations in Edith's book!

    Julia x x x

  10. i always enjoy your nature notes sooo much x
    so much detail and lovely country pics, really enjoyed it xxxx

  11. Jacquie, your monthly nature posts have been lovely I do enjoy reading them and seeing Ediths beautiful paintings and then your own photos to follow.
    There are so may lovely pics but I particularly like the last three photos and the beautiful bright berries and Rosehips. The bright greens and reds certainly make a splash of colour.

    Once again I wish I could somehow step through the computer screen and be there to enjoy it all for myself.............

    Claire :}

  12. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨. *
    ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ **
    ****o***♥**o***o***♥ *

    todo lindo!

  13. Beautiful post again Jacquie, I really have loved following your nature notes this year. I sawa copy of this book in a charity shop and gave it to a friend of mine who is an avid gardener, she loves it! i too love love the hog weed and dock seed, so much so that I've had to pick some and put them in some of my old bottles to admire.
    Red berries always make me smile and are my favourite at this time of year xox Enjoy the rest of your weekend xxx

  14. Magnificent! Your photos and connection between your lovely book. If I were in UK, I buy this book without any hesitation!

    Thanks for sharing us!

  15. I love your book and the regular peeks at nature and your own pictures are lovely, seedheads and berries in particular.


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