Friday 15 May 2015

A Day Away

Hello Lovelies,
Last Friday  I had a bonus day off work and had arranged a little grown up away day. I was really looking forward to this return visit to Lincoln....having been so impressed with the city back in February.

Now, with the addition of spring greenery, it looked even prettier.........

I loved this statue of Tennyson and his dog....I think it's the way he's looking down on a chap with his dogs.........

I was visiting with a friend, not to look at that statue, or the pretty houses...though they were adorable........

We were both here with our cameras in hand to enjoy and photograph this place.........

The stunning Cathedral.......

This is the back...if that's what you call it, but it's the prettiest aspect I think.

And how I loved the spring flowers here..........

The trees were just coming into leaf....beautiful shadows and a touch of green....perfect......

It was such a gorgeous morning that it was kind of hard to head indoors, but that's what we had come for.

This is not a building I've ever visited before and my first thought was WOW...........

The sunlight filled this stunning space and my eyes were drawn upwards towards the ceiling and the beautiful windows..........

Remember that flower shaped one...we will be getting a closer look at it soon :0)

Within the cathedral there are many small chapels, we loved this light filled corner.........

and the colours of the stained glass illuminating ancient the stone floor.

The glass really shone on such a gorgeous morning........

And the traditional designs were stunning............

Overhead more colour was added to the arched ceilings.........

But it was the plain stone ceiling of the Chapter House that really entranced me.......

early thirteenth century builders certainly knew how to impress!

I started to get a stiff neck from all the gazing upwards.......

Looking down for a rest, I smiled at more gorgeous stained glass colours on the floor........

By now it was 11am and we had to be back at the entrance to join a tour....of the roof...eeep!

We steadily climbed up through the oldest part of the cathedral....which is Norman and dates back to 1072. It was interesting to get a glimpse of the Norman part, which is now hidden within the Gothic architecture.
But it was this view from a balcony, looking down on the Nave that I loved........

And right behind us was that gorgeous flower shaped window....depicting the first bishop, looking rather forlorn as he holds the early cathedral..........

Up close the stained glass was a delightful sight, with it's intense colour, pretty details, and even the odd tiny hole............

I loved being able to touch it ...........

The tour then took us into the bell tower...........

Where somebody had upset the bells :0)......

Then we were in the roof space....admiring a beautiful model that showed how the cathedral looked when it had it's spires. Before 1548 this building was the tallest in the world, for over 200 years......

Then the tallest spire blew down in a storm.

Our guide was so informative, dates and facts tumbled out of his mouth....but by now I really wanted to see the view from this high place.

In the end we had to hurry outside anyway, It was nearly Twelve and I think being so close to the bells would have been deafening. 

Oh, how I loved being up so high, looking out across the city, towards the horizon......

Listening to the peel of the bells from the tower still high above us.......

It wasn't scary at all....just beautiful........

Soon we headed back inside and  walked along these wooden paths in the timbered space between the ceiling and the roof..........the cathedral's attic :0)

Then out of another little door........

To gaze up at the sooty looking front of the building...........

With it's view towards the castle........

It's a shame the sun had stopped shining......but how I LOVED this view. So many pretty rooftops and so much history.........

Red roofs and trees with intensely green, new leaves...........


After the tour we left the cathedral for a while, stopping to gaze back up towards the place we had just been..........

Then headed down the cobbled street in search of lunch...........

The little shops were looking so pretty...........

And lunch HERE was delightful, sat among the second-hand books listening to classical music.

Afterwards, feeling refreshed, we headed back uphill for a second look at the cathedral. I loved the detailed stonework by the door.........

And the organ..........

Small details made me smile this pretty tapestry.........

In every direction the building is stunning.........
The high altar

St Hugh's Choir

The prayer corner

The East Window

With all it's jewel colours.........

And the green of the grassed Cloister.........

This quiet day, spent appreciating this magnificent building, was such a different sort of day for me. And one that I enjoyed immensely.

Jacquie x


  1. Its a place that I have visited often and love it, it never ceases to make you smile.

  2. Magnificent photos and details of this lovely building!

  3. What a beautiful place, I shall add it to my list of places to visit!x

  4. Wow, what a stunningly beautiful place. And how wonderful to have a tour of the higher up parts as well. The views are breathtaking. There's so much to take in isn't there. How lucky we are to have such treasures in our country. That's put a smile on my face, thank you for the tour Jacquie. I hope you have a good weekend. CJ xx

  5. What a wonderful place, thank you for our tour.
    I shall go back to Lincoln this year and have a proper look round.

  6. Your pictures make we want to pack up and head your way. It is on my bucket list to go to England one day. As always, big thanks for taking us along on your adventures!

  7. OOh! I love a good church post! Great pics of the views from up high and I love the shots of the coloured glass reflecting on the floor. Thanks for taking me along!

  8. i went to lincoln for the first time on a chrsitmas market school trip! it was a magical cobbled place! so much history and remember it being all lit up in the cathedral with candles ;) thanks for the tour, im thinking of a coach trip and saw licoln on my list! ;)

  9. Excellent photo tour - thank you for sharing.

  10. Such a beautiful cathedral. My favourite pic is the one from the balcony :-)

  11. Stunning! Thanks ever so much for sharing! The attention to detail, sadly is lost today. If those walls could talk....

  12. Wow, what a beautiful place, no wonder you enjoyed visiting it! : )
    Wish you a lovely weekend! xx

  13. I am speechless! That is a beautiful cathedral. I love the Nave and all of the stained glass, but actually, each and every photo is stunning. I would love to visit sometime but knowing that probably won't happen, I appreciate your amazing photos.

  14. Beautiful - and more! Thanks for taking us along. (and you are one brave lady - those rooftop pictures make me dizzy)

  15. Beautiful pictures of a lovely away day, I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much.
    Jackie x

  16. What brilliant photos it must have been a wonderful visit. You are so lucky to have been able to take photos too. My favourite is Durham Cathedral but you are not allowed to take photos.

    I loved the stained glass photos, the colours are so gorgeous. Those pillars with the amazing stonework as so lovely. Days like that are glorious thanks for taking the time to share it with us.

  17. Wow, what a stunning city. Your photos are brilliant, love the architecture of the Cathedral and those stained glass windows are something else. The views looking out towards the Castle are wonderful as well, I need to visit Lincoln one day to see it for myself. I have nominated you for the Two Good Reads tag on my blog - if you pop over you can see the details. hope that's ok :) Jan xx

  18. You summed it up nicely: stunning!

  19. Amazing, so high! I would have been a little scared! x

  20. Wow, what amazing views! You must have a good head for heights as I think I'd be quite dizzy up there. I love all of that wonderful Gothic architecture. Lincoln looks like a beautiful place - I shall have to visit one day. Thanks for taking us on the tour with you :)
    Cathy x

  21. Ahh so much lovely history! Something we incomers sadly lack in Oz!

  22. Dear Jacquie, I think that by now you do know how much I love visiting your site and seeing your beautiful posts, particularly those that show your countryside walks. Having said that...I must tell you that this reporting of your visit to Lincoln and to its cathedral, is absolutely dazzling. I've never been to Lincoln, now wish to remedy that lack, but all the same feel as if I was right by your side as you traveled there.

    The cathedral tour sounds so very well thought out, and your photographs are so rich with details that let me know that you took long appreciative looks at views that would also have drawn my eyes.

    I cannot thank you enough. Promise to return here for a longer look, and just might need to leave you a longer thank you comment. xo

  23. I've not been to Lincoln in years, have they still got all those secondhand bookshops down the hill? Spent hours in there, now that's why I've not been...two girls, secondhand book shops, not a great mix! Have a lovely weekend :) xxx

  24. Thank you for posting this. I used to work here in this beautiful restful place. I was Schools Officer and enjoyed showing all the hidden things. Did you see the original column base under the trap door, or the graffiti near the prayer corner from a little boy who got locked in way back? If you stand in front of the organ and look towards Bank's view you'll see that the nave is not symmetrical! Oh thank you again! Lots of memories and I must share this one. A little five year old boy was sitting with me and listening to the drilling that was going on. "What are they doing?" "The workmen are up in the roof" Pause. "Hmm Mummy said it was a 'holey' place!" . Priceless. :-)

  25. Beautiful! I really would love to visit Lincoln... That blue house looks wonderful, and so does the cathedral. And the shops!
    I went to the top of the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool a few years ago and was absolutely petrified although I did manage to stop my legs shaking and get a few photos!
    Hope you're having a great weekend.
    S x

  26. The tulip display was in the news - I found a link for you in case you are interested. Its a great story.
    I grew up in East Leake so lots of photos on your blog are familiar places :)

  27. I loved the photos of Lincoln cathedral - I've only ever seen it from down below at the bottom of the hill. Wonderful! Susie x


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