Sunday 7 January 2018

Simply Seasonal.... 7th of January

Hello Lovelies,
right now I'm entering my eighth year of blogging. Eight Times change but I think there is still something special about our corner of blogland.

It's true I do enjoy joining in with that quick and easy Instagram interface on my mobile phone these days But I really  don't want to loose touch with my little blog. 

So this seems to be the ideal time to show this rather neglected, but much beloved, space of mine a bit more attention. Last year I only published 38 blog posts. My lowest yearly total ever. So I'm determined to do better this year. It's just how best to get my blog habit back?

This desire has led me to come up with "Simply Seasonal". I'm hoping to publish these posts every Sunday and focus on the simple things that have been making me smile that week. The changing seasons have been a source of inspiration to me for many years now. Hence the title.

It is a comfort in even the most testing times to notice those "small joys" and feel gratitude for the good in your life, so this year I'm using my blog to do just that again. I suppose that I may have a very occasional moan. I do hope you will forgive me :0)

So without any more waffle, here is my first weekly  roundup of happy things....simple, seasonal or both :- 

1 ♥ Sunshine on Wednesday. I love this day when mum and I get to catch up. We still drive to a local market town and do a bit of essential shopping. We travel the back roads and sometimes stop to admire the view.


2♥ Thrifty finds. Mum found these books in the charity shop and treated me. I'm so looking forward to discovering some new places this year. Thank you Mum x

I bought some glasses to replace a couple of breakages. I'm always happy to avoid buying new where possible.

Look, no Packaging either:0)

 3 ♥ Great gifts The Christmas decorations are now safely packed away for another year, but I have kept this   new snow scene that mum painted for me on the mantle. It's such a great seasonal picture. Another thing on my mantle that's making me smile is this scented candle. I thoughtful gift from a friend, I just love the scent...sugared apple

4 ♥ A warming breakfast. It's so comforting making porridge on a chilly morning. For one person you just need half a cup of oats,

which you combine with one cup of milk...any milk you like.
Then you stand a stir till it comes to the boil. It doesn't take long and the heat from the ring is very welcome.

Once it's creamy and bubbling you are good to go.

Add whatever you like, fruit, sugar, honey. Or golden syrup like me.

I then add a little cold milk so it's not quiet as thick and it doesn't burn my mouth when I dive in :0)

Then it warms you from the inside too. Perfect.

5 ♥ A walk with surprises. Even when it's chilly and grey I love to get outdoors for a walk. The bare trees look beautiful.

And the churchyard is peaceful.

I wanted to leave some food for the Robin I saw here the other week, so I placed some on top of this post and started to leave.

But almost immediately he appeared.

Tentatively he hoped towards the food.

Picked up a seed and studied it.

Then ate it.

Bless him.

That really made me smile, and so did the green shoots emerging  at my feet.

6 ♥ Buying local I do feel lucky to live where I do. As well as plenty of walks in the countryside I can also walk to local shops straight from my door. One is even a lovely yarn shop. I know!
I do think it's great that we have this shop, but I haven't used it much. This week I was in search of some soft red yarn for a project, so I popped in here.

It was more expensive than my usual Stylecraft, but it felt good to support local independents. I will be going back. And they have a "Knit and Natter" group. I think I may be brave and try that too :0)

7♥ The Kitchen When it's chilly I like to be in a warn kitchen cooking for the family. Everybody likes carbonara.

And as I had an extra day off work this week there was time to do some soup making.  It's great to turn a few vegetable into a tasty lunch.

Leek and potato with warm crusty rolls. Yummy and healthy. I used THIS recipe.

There was even time for some baking that took a little planning ahead. Time to soak the fruit overnight.

then enjoy the baking smells in the morning. I just adore Cinnamon.

Warm tea loaf with melting butter. So comforting on a cold January day.

8 ♥ Winter Sunshine, oh I think I've had this one already....but this is indoor sunshine. I love the low angle of the sun at this time of year. It shines right into the house.

And when it hits my rainbow maker the room just glitters.

9 ♥ A New Project This is what I wanted that red yarn hats. No, they are not for me.

On our local TV news I leaned about THIS great idea. Basically all newborns are given a colour coded hat to wear straight after birth. It's to avoid them getting chilled and the colours are an easy reference for the staff to see which babies are more at risk. I think it's such a clever idea. The simple ideas are often the best aren't they.

When my twins were born  prematurely the hats I had bought were way too big and I was very thankful that the hospital had donated hats in smaller sizes that they could wear.

I don't think I have found the perfect pattern yet. Those I found online have needed adapting to get the right sizes and I am not totally happy with their shape. I will keep trying. Does anybody know a pattern they use for premature and newborn sized baby hats?

It's at times like this I wish I could knit....ummm. Now there's an idea :0)

Have a great week Lovelies
Jacquie x


  1. Happy New Year, Jacquie! I love your robin pictures and how he hopped in to get the food! I shall look forward to seeing more crochet from you this year, if that is part of your plans!


    This is the link to the pattern I use for preemie hats. I think the hats you made look great.

    1. Thank you so much for this Jacque. I will give them a try
      Jacquie x

    2. Good morning Jacquie,I've used patterns from that site and love them. They have style and easy to follow instructions. Love your posts the most.

  3. Another Awesome post.I for one would really miss your blog,it's always so uplifting and very interesting.Your photographs are just Beautiful.I Love Robins they are so funny and not at all frightened of us are they.I like Delia Smiths Sultana Tea Loaf so yummy,yours looks delicious too.Great idea to make those lil hats.Happy New Year.xx

  4. What a lovely post. Happy New Year.
    I love you blog,and enjoy reading, and love your pictures and photos

    Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. I think that is a fabulous idea and really suits your blog style and will showcase your photography perfectly - I will be tuning in. Jo x

  6. I'll be here to read and enjoy as many times as you prepare and publish posts. I love that the robin quickly came to enjoy the seeds that you left on the post.

  7. I've always loved dropping by and reading your posts. I'm not always good at commenting though x

  8. Happy new year Jacquie! Love your idea of simply seasonal posts. The leek and potato soup and carbonara look delicious and I'm inspired to try making some.

  9. Mmm, soup and tea loaf, lovely winter things. Your mum's snow scene is great. Well done on seven years of blogging, I shall look forward to reading your Sunday posts. CJ xx

  10. Ah that’s a lovely post, Jacque. That robin is so cute! And the carbonara looked delicious, as did the soup. I love your mum’s painting - indeed I follow her on Instagram because of something you said months ago. Does she sell her work at all? I would love one of her watercolours. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  11. Happy New Year - I love your photos and the little Robin is adorable. My mother had one who used to eat from her hand. I just adore your mother's paintings - they're amazing. Does she sell them? A weekly catch up is such a good idea, I may try to do that too as I fell behind with blogging last year. Thank you for sharing all your idea and makes - I made soup this week as well! I'm just home from the first market of the year in Winchester and had a busy day - it was cold though! I'm off to put my feet up and do some crochet now. Adaliza

  12. A great post, Jaquie! I love that you take bird seed on your walks.. and the images you captured of the darling little robin are wonderful! We don't have them here, our robins are totally different. You've been very busy making your world and the one around you a better place. Bravo! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. What a great idea for a weekly post, I enjoyed reading this :)

  14. Good to hear from you. I read blogs like we used to read penpal letters!

    I'm knitting for my hospital nursery programme as well this year. But for a slightly less fortunate group. Neonatal demises. The baby is dressed and photographs may be taken if the parents wish. Well, I'm knitting the bonnets.

    I'm hopeless at reading crochet patterns and am on the lookout for cap patterns.

  15. A Happy New Year Jacquie! And congratulations on it being your eighth one blogging. That's quite an achievement. I've really enjoyed looking at your photographs but now feel a little bit guilty about the amount of porridge I consider to be a portion! X

  16. My friend Willow at Willow's Cottage knits hats for nicu babies so maybe she has a pattern that will help you out.

  17. Loved the look of your Carbonara - regularly make your flapjacks. Do you follow a recipe for the carbonara, would quite fancy having a go.

  18. A lovely post. Your British robins are just adorable. They are small and rotund with that bright orange breast while our U.S. robins are large and lean, and rather drab. Yours, in this post, seemed to be grateful for your thoughtful offering. He did pose nicely for you too. Is the painting of the rabbits (I don't think they are hares, are they?) your mum's? I do love her work. The one on the mantel, and the others, on the wall, with their winter house scene, I assume are hers too. How nice to have these. I do envy your weekly jaunts with your mum. My mother died in 2012 and we lived 600 miles from each other, so once a year was all we got to visit in person; the rest of the year it was weekly phone visits. I've missed her every day since she died. Here's to health and prosperity in 2018 and many good years of weekly outings for you and your mum. It was a pleasure to see more of your world. Thank you for taking the time.

  19. Oh Jacquie, what a lovely seasonal post. Yes to the sunshine inside and out and the beautiful bare trees. I like my porridge just like you, with golden syrup, although I sometimes throw on a handful of sultanas too. And you've reminded me to make a tea loaf. x

  20. Happy New Year! I like the baby hat idea. I hope you will find the right pattern ... or maybe start knitting.

  21. Oh my What a lovely lovely post. So many things to mention....the little hats, the sweet robin, new shoots! walking, new books, thrifty shopping, baking, gifts, soup making....all perfect. xxx

  22. Congratulations on your blog anniversary 8 years is an amazing achievement. Your seasonal post will be fun to read they are a great idea! Sarah x

  23. Jacquie, what a breath of fresh air this post was for made me smile all the lovely photos, particularly the Robin (surprise, surprise!!) and your mum's beautiful paintings, she's so talented. Homemade soup, creamy porridge, views of the countryside, it makes me happy reading this and do a bit of armchair travelling at the same time. Whilst I doubt I will blog again, I do hope to visit a few blogs this year and keep up with them. Happy blogiversary 8 years is certainly an achievement to be proud of lovely......Xx


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