Hello Lovelies, thank you so much for the welcome back.
As you may know 2023 was my year of decluttering. My main reason for getting to grips with my level of possessions was to make life a bit simpler, to make functioning in our home easier and reduce the time it takes to clean.
From my experiences at work I've come to realise how much difference a streamlined space can make. Less excess furniture and decor means things are easily moved when cleaning. Messes are less frequent ( if you don't own something it cannot get into a state 😁) and easier to quickly tidy up.
January 2023
I concentrated on my own things and household stuff that I use most.

I've been ruthless and revisited areas on more than one occasion, to see if I could let more go. It's been amazing how much calmer and more pleasant our home feels.
Once you only have what you love and use, things are so much easier to keep tidy...did I already say that?
July 2023
Obviously some areas need constant maintenance and I've worked hard to build good habits. I'm constantly reminding myself "don't put it down, put it away". When things have a proper home, it's not so hard and a good sign you have decluttered enough.
January 2024
By the end of 2023 the chap in the nearest charity shop to home said to me "is there anything left in your house?" as I dropped of another weekly donation 🤣
Don't worry, there is! I think our home still feels cosy, the walls are still displaying mum's art and family photographs. We still have ornaments...just not as many.
My mission for 2024 is to maintain our current level of possessions and be really intentional with purchases.
Enough mugs....not excess
There are so many YouTube channels promoting no spend months or even all year. Obviously that only refers to no spending on non essentials. I can see this is good if you have a lot of debt or a big saving goal.
Kitchen drawers are not overstuffed
Personally I think I need small treats, and things to look forward to. What I do want is to be more careful about is impulse purchases.
In the past, if something only cost a few pounds and I wanted it in the moment, I would often buy it. With the ease of ordering online for home delivery these days it's so easy to end up with stuff that is ill considered you end up regretting.
Only one fridge magnet....my favourite one. I made it years ago.
So, this year I'm trying my best not to fall into that trap. I'm recording all my non essential spending and only buying things I've taken time to give some consideration to the pros and cons about.
I'm also trying to focus on experiences over stuff.
So how has my year started?
In January I've only bought one thing on a whim...a jumper from the charity shop.
As I said I do like the occasional small treat. What I don't want is to buy things because they are cheap, only to end up re-donating them a short time later. It may support a good cause but my life is simpler with less to manage.
Jacquie x
Lovely post Jacquie. I am reading Kate Humble's book from the library (which I will be making much more use of), A Year of Living Simply. It makes so much sense on many levels and it is certainly a way forward for the planet and our well being. But it was also the way we lived in our childhood due to a combination of living on (and below) the breadline plus less availability of cheap and disposable goods. The jumble sales of the 70's was a regular affair to get "new" clothes and toys!
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a great comment Suzie. It was how we lived. The easy availability of so much cheap stuff is a disaster for the planet really. I'm feeling proud of myself for not ordering anything from Amazon so far this year. Kates book sounds fascinating xxx
DeleteWhat a great experience you had last year! Hope 2024 brings you more of the good life lessons. Yes, less clutter, easy work spaces, is much easier te clean.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Anita. Best wishes for your 2024 too ❤️
DeleteI don't know where I would go if it wasn't for Amazon. So many shops have closed down in Derby.The latest was Wilko's. Theres plenty of nail bars, beauty salons and Turkish barbers though. Its ok if you have a car and can go to the out of town places but I don't. Went to Burton last week and its the same there. We don't have a market. They closed that. Most of the space in Burton market hall is taken up with mobility scooters for sale.
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame about the markets , isn't it Caz. Amazon is a godsend sometimes, but it also leads me to order things because it is so easy. This year I'm trying extra hard to only buy needs and think outside the box to explore alternatives xx
DeleteI suggested a couple of book series to read in your last post but neglected to suggest you should read them in order if possible. They would be much more enjoyable this way. Have fun reading.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Dot xx
DeleteYou have made some great pledges there. I always think as soon as stuff gets out of place, it makes a new place to pile stuff. I like labelling so that everyone in our house can put stuff away too.
ReplyDeleteOh yes Jo, clutter definitely attracts clutter. Labels are so helpful aren't they. Thank you for the kind comment xx