Monday 25 July 2011

Slowing down

Hello Lovelies ,
           this weekend it's been such a relief to sloooow down. Term is finished and the boys have six whole weeks of holiday to look forward to. I'm just enjoying relaxing moments in my garden. Simple pleasures like picking a posy of sweet peas before breakfast .
.....Trimming the "lawn" in the fairy garden ...hello tortoise :0)

..........Enjoying sunny Marigolds whilst they are at their best.........

........Looking forward to my crocosmia flowering ( I would grow this plant just for it's foliage ...the lovely flowers are just a's definitely one of my favourites ).....

..........Noticing my sweet Himalayan Poppies  beginning to bloom ( so glad there is more colour returning to the garden after the slump of the last few weeks ).............................

..........Discovering this colourful painting whilst sorting through the boys school work. I LOVE this acrylic of a watermelon painted by my eldest :0)........

Indoors I'm trying hard to ignore the chaos and admiring my recently delivered yarn instead. This lovely lot of stylecraft arrived 36hrs after ordering from Masons . There's Shrimp bottom left ...some of which has already been incorporated into my Giant Granny. The other colours are Raspberry,Cloud Blue,White and Lemon. Yummy ........

I actually ordered a green too, it was a bit of a shock to see how bright it was in reality ( it didn't look  neon   on the chart).......... I suppose that's the risk you take ordering online .

Want to see ?

OK but sungalsses are recomemded :0)........

It's shade name is " Bright Green " ....and it certainly is !!

Thankyou for all your answers to my question about how you make your granny squares. I added up the results and marginally more of you lovelies (11 to 9) add a chain between each cluster. The most popular number of chains to use at the corners is 2 .
As some of you commented.....there is no right or wrong way , I just was interested to see which method is most thanks for the feedback :0)
Have a great week .
Jacquie x


  1. Oooh, a posy of Sweetpea flowers, beautiful, love their perfume. I hope to pick quite a few posies come Summer.
    Nice to have some colour in the garden Jacquie.........
    Yes, that green wool certainly is bright but I'm sure you'll be able to use it in a wonderful make. Love the Shrimp coloured wool and the colours of your sons painting are wonderful, so Summery.

    Six weeks of holidays , how wonderful, enjoy each and every day.

    Claire :}

  2. Your flowers look so lovely. It's been so hot here, with record high temps, that our plants look quite forlorn. I especially enjoy your son's watermelon artwork--he did a great job. It's worth framing!

  3. Beautiful sweet peas, the colours so pretty. I can almost smell them from here. :)
    I'm loving your son's watermelon painting. I hope you are going to display it somewhere, it's so bright and cheery.
    Anne xx

  4. I love the way you take pictures!!!Everything looks so beautiful!!The fairy garden looks so pretty!!

  5. Lovely colourful post :)

    That painting is one to treasure :)

    I missed the poll but for a granny square - I do one chain between each shell and 2 on a corner.

  6. You have just love sweetpeas, i bought some last week at the market and they are just the most devine smell i love them and they are one of my favourites. Love the colours of your wool and i really like the green it reminds me of peppermints. Your sons picture is fab and such great colours childrens art work is some of the best. enjoy your week, dee x

  7. Gorgeous sweet peas, such lovely vivid colours. And your son's painting is great - always good when they bring something home that you like for more reasons than just because they did it! That Stylecraft is such amazing value, isn't it? It means you can take those risks with ordering bright colours ;)
    Jane x

  8. Picking a posy of sweet peas; what a perfect start to the day.

    I love your son's watermelon painting. Acrylic paints seem an expensive medium to use in a school. Have you any idea how they keep them workable for children?

  9. Gorgeous flowers, especially the sweetpeas - check out the post over at mine today about my sweetpea debacle!!

    Love the painting too, fabulous!!

    S x

  10. Lovely pics, the sweet peas are gorgeous, I just love the colours, they are so pretty. Shame about your green wool though - I actually saw some in a charity shop the other day - would have snapped it up if it hadn't been so neon as you say - was SO bright!!! xx

  11. I love the sweet peas and fairy garden! And lol, I ordered the bright green stylecraft as well and was equally shocked when I saw how neon it was!

  12. Like you, I have had some mishaps with Stylecraft colours - some are really really bright! But hey, the odd ball in an odd colour is not so bad considering how inexpensive it is. Hope you enjoy the summer hols. x

  13. I have that green too, yep, quite a shockingly bright hue isn't it!

    My sweet peas aren't flowering. Any tips for me? The poppies seed heads are drying out now so I'll post them to you soon.



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