Sunday 7 July 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy ♥ 27/52

Hello Lovelies, 
Firstly I need to say THANK YOU for all your wonderfully kind comments on my latest posts. I was touched that so many of you took the time to encourage me in my drawing. And my poppy post contained so many good wishes for mum again....what can I lot and the best.

Here are some of my other happy things.

1. Warm sunny evenings. We are making the most of this glorious weather with many hours spent outdoors.
It's light till after 10pm at the moment and so pleasant to be outside, watching the sinking sun and the lengthening shadows. Much of this has been done at the park, playing tennis and various ball games.
This was a little trip to the river , to sit and enjoy a drink while this sky turned pink and the still water made beautiful reflections.........

 Love the names of these narrow boats. This ones called Tell me tomorrow.

And this name seemed perfect on such a still, warm evening..........

the next three are all garden related :0)

2. Rose season. The roses seem particularly beautiful this year. My neighbour across the road has a simply stunning display. These are picked from my own garden..........

And I've been planting more....a lovely birthday present from my mum in law....

3. cooling down in the sunshine. The boys talked me into buying a bigger paddling pool on Friday. Saturday morning saw us filling it up ( boys were sailing a boat while it filled ).
 It's been great to sit in the shade and watch then have fun with such a simple summer pleasure........

 4. Sparkle enjoying the run of the garden. We only have one rabbit now, she is such a sweety. While we are in the garden she has been enjoying a bit of freedom to hop about where she pleases . Mostly she stretches out in the shade. This was taken by middle son while they were laying under the trampoline together.......

Hot sunny weather... such a rare treat for us.

Hope you are enjoying it too if you are in the U.K.
Jacquie x

P.S. nearly forgot to mention.....I've added a BLOGLOVIN button as I think google friends connect is ending very soon....why? !


  1. Aww...Sparkle looks like a mini version of a bunny we had, Thumper. :) Very sweet.
    Looks like you had a very nice, sunny week and beautiful pictures to show it.
    Wishing you a happy, sunny week ahead.

  2. These long warm evenings are just the best! I was out on a little bike ride last night (way too hot during the day) and when I got back it was gone 10 o'clock - the light was just going but it was still warm! Sparkle is adorable - she's got just the right idea - stretch out and relax x Jane

  3. Sparkle looks very sweet. We seem to have an abundance if wild rabbits in the garden at the moment. So cute - at the moment! Have a great weekend in the sun. x

  4. And another lovely sunny day today!

    Have a lovely weekend, Helenxx

  5. Beautiful photos iOS happy moments. Loving the roses and this glorious sunshine. Enjoy xo

  6. Lovely photos Jacquie! I've just come back from the swimming pool as its scorching hot here too. Its so good to see everyone enjoying the summer through their posts here in blogland :-)
    Doesn't Sparkle try to run away or dig under the garden fence? This query comes from a pet rabbit ignoramus as I've never had a rabbit for a pet.
    She certainly looks happy where she is and quite relaxed.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  7. I look at little sparkle, then I look at my empty rabbit hutch...hmmm, a rabbit would look really good in the garden at the moment! We've just been for a walk and the sun has been beating down but luckily we are now home in the shade...with ice cream! Have a fantastic week it looks like it's going to be a hot one! xx

  8. Time for a Sparkle drawing? Enjoy the lovely summer weather while you have it. Here in Canada hot one day, cool the next. My roses too are looking lovely, but not as good as yours.

  9. I hadn't heard GFC was ending soon; that's news to me. I hope it's not true! I'm glad you're having good weather over there now, enjoy!

  10. Good Luck with the rose. Mine are all out in flower at the moment and look fab - no nasties this year so far - fingers crossed. Jo x

  11. My roses are just about to burst into flower. I can't wait!

  12. Beautiful pics Jacquie, once again, and I love your little rabbit and roses! I'm so happy that you lovely folks over there are enjoying some nice weather at last!
    Joy x

  13. Love the hiding bunny! How cute.

  14. Beautiful roses Jacquie and your bunny is soooo cute.
    Anne xx

  15. Love the bunny! What a sweetie. Your roses look lovely and I can't get over it still being light at 10 at night. Here in Oz the sun is well and truly done a bit after 9 here on the mainland in summer. Although, in winter - right now - sunrise is about 7 in the morning and setting around 5.30 in my part of the country. I'd love a 10p.m. twilight though!
    Keep your lovely photos coming and your beautiful drawings.

  16. my bunny Zuki, (it was Sukie but then we found she was a he!) has dug himself a dirt hole in the shade of a brick wall, these animals are not daft! The guineas stretch out in favourite shady spots too. Wonderful to share your happy days x

  17. Lovely happies Jacquie! I think that is the first time I've seen a pic of your bunny, Bunny Mummy! (apart from the one in your sidebar!). Adorable!

    Saw a stunning poppy field today and thought of you from your previous post :)

    Jones x

  18. Such nice happies - it's always lovely how much your garden features in your happy things. And I'm so glad your mum continues to improve.

    What's all this about google friend connect finishing?? First google reader, now this?! That's how I read all my blogs! I do wish they'd stop tinkering with things...

    Gillian x

  19. Hi Jacquie,Lovely lazy summer days!!!Enjoy it while it lasts!!!Your bunny is sooooo cute!!!
    And your roses took beautiful!!!Glad your Mom is much better!!!Send hugs and kisses!!!!

  20. Hi Jacquie, I am loving your drawings and the roses in England are amazing at this time of the year. Really enjoy your blog.
    Sandi x


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