Sunday 15 February 2015

Last Week

Hello Lovelies,
is it really six whole days since my last post? 
I seem to have been busy, and struggling with the lack of light.

These first photos are from last Sunday. Just a little solo, local walk. I couldn't resist heading out with my camera.
The light was glorious and I really got the feeling that our spot on this wonderful planet is not turning it's back to the sun any more. But very gradually we are coming to the part of our journey through the solar system where we are beginning to bathe in those warming rays once more.......... 

The shadows are still long............

But theres a new warmth and longer days. The flowers know it............

and so do the trees and shrubs..............

 It's a good job I did take advantage of the blues skies on Sunday. They have been in exceedingly short supply ever since.
I've still been out walking, clocking up those miles, but it's not quiet as inspiring under a leaden sky.

Still, I shouldn't complain. There are tiny pops of colour if you look closely..........

 Pink Blossom....always a joy.

And Catkins , a sure sign of spring............

Even where there are no flowers there is some colour. I kind of liked the muted shades in this abandoned winter garden of an empty house. I think it's the sence of anticipation..........

And everywhere the birds are singing..........

I made a very short video of the little brown Dunnock's sweet song, you can here it HERE

It's so short because a bus was approaching,  and I didn't want to record that noise :0)

Yesterday youngest and I popped to the library and I found myself picking up lots of Travel books. Such a grey week is certainly enough to make me long for spring and summer........

But life is good. I have a holiday from work this coming week. The boys are on half term holidays. We have no firm plans, and I'm looking forward to taking each day as it comes.

 I am hoping to have some pictures and stories to share with you lovelies.
Back soon.
Jacquie x


  1. I love the photo of the viburnum - what a delightful soft shade of pink! And I've noticed the increase in birdsong lately. There is a small feeling of spring in the air, isn't there? I'm looking forward to half term this week, and recharging my batteries - hope you do too :)
    Cathy x

  2. It has been very grey hasn't it! However today was glorious, I even had the washing pegged out on the line :-) We too are having half term week off together, with only one plan so far, enjoyment! Let's hope the good weather of today stretches into the new week. Take care x

  3. That's a brilliant picture of snowdrops from underneath. You never see that side of them at all because of their droopy little heads. Lovely! xx

  4. Wonderful pink blossoms, pure joy. It looks like you had a good walk last week, and it's good that you've been getting out all week as well, despite the weather. I hope you have a wonderful half term break. CJ xx

  5. Oh Jacquie you have captured such a beautiful light in that first photo - and I love the idea that our planet isn't turning it's back to the sun any more! I also love the abandoned garden - I think my imagination could run wild with that one. Have a lovely week - the weather doesn't look great but I'm sure you'll make the most of the sun when it does shine! Jane x

  6. Great pics! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. It's really exciting to see so many signs of spring on your walk. The catkins are so interesting, I don't think we have them where I live. I hope you have a good week on break together.

  8. The winter sun looks lovely, but I am sure it was still so cold. I can't imagine that level of cold now. We think its cold here, when its 13 degrees we can't cope! Those snowdrops are so pretty.

  9. It has been rather grey recently, hasn't it? But I've noticed that the birdsong has really changed. It feels as if Spring isn't far away. :) Have a great half term with your boys. Xx

  10. Such gorgeous photos from what must have been a lovely walk. I used to love Catkins! I haven't seen them in years :(

  11. It is wonderful that signs of Spring are emerging especially after the grey murky days we have had recently. I love your snowdrop photo, a great angle to capture the beauty of this lovely flower. xx

  12. lovely photos, I needed a little reminder of impending Spring today, makes me feel a little more positive :) xx

  13. I always enjoy your pics, it's nice to see how Spring is coming already where you live, while here it's snowing again - think I'll have to wait some more! : )

  14. Lovely pics to brighten a grey, wet day!

  15. It's lovely to see all the signs of spring around us.

  16. It really is lovely to see signs of Spring and your pics capture it to perfection-they have inspired me to go out and look more closely at what is happening around us! Have a lovely week
    Alison xx

  17. Oh so beautiful.... travel is the only answer for dull days!!

  18. Thanks for another lovely walk! I always enjoy reading about them. Isn't it just great to hear the birds again. Saturday morning I lay in bed listening to the dawn chorus for the first time this year, it is so special to just hear the birds, it must be so hard to be deaf and miss those things! Enjoy your week. Sharon x

  19. Enjoy your time off! A few spring flowers are starting to bloom here along with a few trees. The birds are returning and pairing up, plenty of signs spring is on it's way! yay!

  20. Jacquie it's good to be at home for a week isn't it, I'm catching up and getting organised! And my thoughts have been turning to holidays too and guess where I'm thinking of.............Suffolk! Great minds think alike!

  21. I hope that you have a great half term week and enjoy reading your travel books. xx

  22. Your pictures are very lovely and I love your writing style. I bet it is very close to the manner in which you speak. It relaxes me to read your posts. I am inspired by how you take the time to walk with your friends and listen to them along the way!!


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