Tuesday 2 November 2021

The Dahlias of Calke

Hello Lovelies, 
my new walking target saw me making the effort to do a half hour (1.5 mile) walk first thing this morning. This was just after 7am and I was so happy to be out, admiring the sunrise.

 The freezer is so iced up it's pretty urgent that I get around to defrosting it. I'm trying to use up the contents at the moment and a bag of frozen butternut squash has emerged now it's half empty. 

Time to make some easy soup.

Not a big batch as I don't want to have to freeze any 😁 Just enough for a couple of lunches. Yummy.

After lunch I headed out with mum, to one of my favourite local National Trust properties. Calke Abbey

I don't think the house was open today, but I hadn't come to see inside. 

I made a bee-line for the garden.

It was cold and sunny today, but warm and sunny in the greenhouses.

With gorgeous flowers.

But I was here  to see the Dahlia beds. Frost was forecast last night, but thankfully it didn't get that cold. Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of frost but the first hard one will surely be the end of this stunning display.  

Only the long shadows and chilly shade gave away that we are in November. Just look at this floral beauty.

I love Dahlias in all their different forms and was so happy I see these before they are spoiled.

These single ones with frilly centres were my favourite today.

The kitchen garden was still looking splendid too.

And this handsome chap caught my eye as I headed back to meet up with mum, sketching in the car.

This is the view she had through the car window.

And this is the fab sketch she was inspired to draw. All the colour was such a nice surprise to me 😍💛💚💗

To finish our trip we made a quick stop off at the Ferrers Centre 

So much seasonal prettiness here too.

With frost forecast again tonight I feel blessed to have squeezed in my Dahlia visit and I'm very happy mum said she really enjoyed the trip too.

Jacquie x 


  1. I agree with you that Dahlias are wonderful with their different sizes, colours and shapes. Glad you enjoyed your time at Calke Abbey, we must put it on our list of places to visit as it is not too far away from us.

  2. Fabulous Jacquie Thanks for showing and your Mums art 😀 Go girl with your walking ❤

  3. What a wonderful day out with your mum! I love that first shot of the sunrise. If I lived in the country and could see scenes like that regularly, I would be in heaven!
    There's nothing like homemade soup at this time of the year - and this reminds me that my freezer section needs defrosting too!

    Fabulous dahlias! One of my favourite flowers. I have two small pots of little beauties on my balcony and they are still safe from frost!

  4. I’m so enjoying reading your latest posts and am glad you have started blogging again. You are just getting your first frosts, as we are hopefully seeing the last of them for the year. Dahlias are so beautiful. I can’t wait for ours to emerge from their hibernation. Good luck with your revised walking goal. I’ll have to hunt out my Mum’s Fruit Mince recipe. I’ve never had a go at making it and my hubby loves mince pies.

  5. I enjoyed your contribution. Thanks very much. It's so great that you can go on tours with your mom ... and it reminds me of my many activities with my mom, who is no longer here with me today ... but don't worry, she was 96 years old: - ) I love pumpkin soup ... I'll cook it tomorrow :-) And Dalien are splendid, just like this wonderful big house Calke Abby. Thanks for the link.
    Many greetings to you. Viola

  6. I haven’t been to Calke since 1990 so that was wonderful to see. And I do love Dahlias. Perfect. B x

  7. Wonderful day! Dahlias look great. I admire your walking goal: 1,5-mile first thing in the morning. I’m really not a morning person.


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