Thursday 30 June 2011

June Nature Notes

Hello Lovelies,
It's that time again ....time for me to share some of the lovely illustrations from Edith Holden's " Nature Notes of an Edwardian lady" the sister book to her Hugely popular "Country Diary".
This is the sixth monthly post I've written and I can't believe we are half way through the year already .
June , the start of summer and a time of really long days, and now ,so quickly, it is almost over ....sigh.

Here is the folk law for this month....

Edith's illustrations are so lovely and once again reassuringly familiar 106 years later........

I think the wild roses have been particularly beautiful this year.....but maybe it's just that I'm noticing them properly for the first time......

I have already shared some of my own photos of the countryside in these parts in this post. Here are some more ...there has certainly been plenty of beauty to capture...and I do enjoy being outside looking for likely subjects :0)

Hay ( or possibly silage ) making.....

Tall grasses gently waving in the breeze on a hot day.....

The seed head of Goats Beard ...similar to a dandelion clock but more robust.....

Clover...every where and so easy to overlook but gorgeous in Macro :0)....

Thistle flowers...such a pretty flower on such a painful plant !....

I've included this picture because I love the fuzzy background of the road stretching into the distance and the steely blue sky.....

More clover this time in pink.....

Duckings, already almost as big as their Mum...

Rosebay Willow Herb...I've always loved this wild flower .We used to gather it as a treat for our goats when I was little ....this was snapped in the car park at work :0)........

The perfect Wild  Rose......

And finally ( I know this is a rather long post ! )..... taken today....more Poppies .......Looking wonderful with clover and ? fever few ( correct me if you know better )......

A wonderful vista ...Standing ,drinking in this view ( waiting for the sun to return ) made me think if this poem

Hope you are making the most of Summer ( or happy that the days will soon be longer, if you are on the opposite side of the world )
Jacquie x


  1. Gorgeous photos, Jacquie, just capture the season beautifully x

  2. Hmmmm, LOVE your photos! That field of poppies, etc. with the sky behind is magnificent! x&o, Annette

  3. I love your post Jacquie (not too long for me) with so many beautiful images of your beautiful countryside. I do so appreciate you taking the time to take photos and then post them for our enjoyment.
    I can hardly imagine wild roses growing. It sounds divine. The photo with the poppies and wheat growing behind is just beautiful.
    So you had goats too when you were younger? Aren't they just the most lovely animals! Naughty, but such personalities.
    Enjoy your day,
    Anne xx

  4. What a wonderful post, thank you. Your photos are really stunning.


  5. oh the last one is so fabulous -I would frame a picture like this - you captured it so well.

  6. Love these, especially the poppys! Though I keep being distracted by the lovely blanket!

  7. I know what you mean about noticing things for the first time, since reading blogs I'm so much more aware of the nature all around me,Your photos are beautiful,thankyou.juliexxxx

  8. Love your first poppies shot - what a contrast to here! (all bare branches and blustery and frosty toes)...

  9. Lovely pictures. I love the one of the poppies. x

  10. beautiful images- really captures the month of june and the starts of july...i love that book, i have a similar one. ;0)x

  11. What on earth is the post above mine Jacquie????
    Great photos as always!
    Your farmer will be making hay as he's turning it!
    Silage is just cut, usually left to wilt and then either baled or forage harvested!

  12. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos Jacquie!!

    S x

  13. Gorgeous photos - I'm a big fan of my camera's macro setting too!
    June has been an amazing month for wild flowers this year.

  14. Beautiful June photographs :)

  15. oooH. i love illustrated books. and poppies. and blue skies. and that crocheted rug. xxxx

  16. Oh Jacquie, those last two photos are my favourites. The poppies ut on such a stunning display.........

    You do have the most picturesque countryside.

    Between your photos and ECL magazine my desire to visit the UK is somewhat assuaged. Of course it doesn't beat seeing them in person, but that's not to be at the moment...........and posts full of beautiful pics are never ever too long.

    Claire :}

  17. That poppy picture against the cloudy sky is fab-fantastic. Something I would have as a poster on the wall!


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