Friday 10 May 2013

Wonderful World :: part 2

Hello lovelies ,
I'm carrying on with my posts celebrating spring ....hope that's O.K. with you :0)

At the moment I just want to get outside and revel in the beauty that mother nature creates in May.
Yesterday morning was lovely and sunny and I headed out along a footpath I haven't explored for ages.
It runs along the edge if a field..........

and then straight through the middle of it.........

it seemed a bit wrong to walk among the farmers crops but as you can see here it's a well trodden path......

In the corner of the field I climbed over the style.........

 and this time I was among the livestock, saying hello to the sheep, who did not seem interested .......

I do think the protected footpaths we have in the U.K. are wonderful.....I really appreciate being allowed to wander over private land, getting away from busy roads and closer to nature.

In the corner of this field was another style....which led into a wooded area. The thing that struck me here was how wonderfully bright green everything was.......

The cow parsley has just begun to flower.....oooh I love this lacey and a few days the verges will be a mass of these tiny white flowers........

I love the dappled sunlight on the path......

 Here there is a little bridge over a stream and huge willow trees...

Their branches hang right down to the ground in places..........

Delicate curtains of fresh green waving gently in the breeze created a special and very enchanting atmosphere...........

 May is my most favourite month, everything is new and fresh....and summer is still to come.........

I hope you lovelies are able to enjoy the season , whether it's Spring or Autumn where you are.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you continue to leave me, they are very kind.
Jacquie x


  1. I always think its a special sort of green at this time of year, especially fresh. Love your photos, makes me want to head out for a walk!! Sarah (just leave all my house work behind)

  2. Beautiful pictures Jacquie, so verdant and full of life! I love Cow Parsley too (it does make me sneeze though!) and noticed the other day that it was springing up everywhere ... let's hope we get lots of sunshine so we can enjoy it on our walks!

    Have a wonderful weekend

    Claire xx

  3. Lovely, springy photos Jacqui, thanks for sharing your walk with us!


  4. Lovely to see everything grow.

  5. Lovely post Jacqui! So glad that Spring is really here at last!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Rachel x

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely walk with us... Cx

  7. Wonderful, I'm looking out my window at all the beautiful greeness & your post makes me want to stroll out & wander for a few hours while the rain has stopped :).
    Love the old style, haven't seen one in such a long time
    Karen x

  8. I think you are a gem, Jacquie, because you show how simple pleasures delight so many of us. Life doesn't need grand happenings in order to want to share.

  9. Such a beautiful walk and just the thing I love to do and yes, it's so good to be able to get away from the noise and have just the noise of nature. Fab photos! x

  10. Thanks for sharing Jacqui, your pretty sunny walk has brightened up the very dull grey morning that I have to spend in the office. Sarah x

  11. A beautiful walk ... it is such a fabulous time of year! x

  12. A lovely walk and photos - I wish Spring would come back though! Winter has returned and I have the heating on!!
    Hope you have a great weekend and can appreciate the outdoors. x

  13. What a lovely walk! It's a bit dull and chilly here today, but I still like getting outside. Have a great weekend.

  14. what a lovely walk :) I think you'd have enjoyed my latest walk post, the sunshine and the onset of spring have been wonderful.

  15. May is my favouritst month too, there is so much to love in May! Blossom and bluebells and cow parsley and wild garlic and English asparagus! Everything is so green and lush and delicious in May.
    Long days and short nights and Summer still to come. Wonderful xx

  16. Una preciosidad de paisaje. La primavera es mi estacion preferida , me encanta!!!! Cordiales saludos.

  17. Love love love that second photo!! Such a beautiful walk!
    Kate :}

  18. What lovely photographs - makes me want to pop on my walking shoes and head out. Hurry up and grow puppy, so I can take you for walkies!!!
    Angie x

  19. Lovely spring pictures! It was chucking it down here yesterday and so blustery I ended up putting the heating on. I got soaked through when I went on the school run and couldn't warm up after. Pictures like these remind me that we ARE coming into a lovely season though, which has cheered me up no end. Thank you!

  20. I feel like I have been for a walk! Jo x

  21. I love this time of year too with everything so green and fresh. I always think it is a shame the cow parsley isn't around for long. It was wonderful taking this walk with you.
    Sarsh x

  22. Love the photos! Such lush landscape and those lambs are too adorable!

  23. Thank you for allowing us to wander these spring filled country paths with you...your pictures tell a wondrous story of natures best today!

  24. How precious to have those ancient rights-of-way. Who knows how old this path is?

    May is the most beautiful month, I think - such a fresh green month when everything is light and new. Lovely walk!

  25. Wow, I saw your photo's and they made me cry, in a good way. I've lived in nz for nearly twenty years,but I grew up in the Surrey countryside. These photos really reminded me of when I was growing up. In the past two years both my mum and my brother have died, and your pictures reminded me of the times we rambled through the farmers fields. It was such a precious time. Thanks for sharing your walks.

  26. These photos are just so beautiful thank you for sharing this beautiful place

  27. Lovely. I do love cow parsley and the way it brighten up the hedgerows and footpaths. x

  28. Jacquie I can just get lost in your pics........♥


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