Tuesday 28 January 2014

Rainy Days

Hello Lovelies,
On Saturday afternoon we had an exciting thunderstorm and on Sunday morning,  a real downpour.
"Lovely weather for Ducks" is what my dear, late Dad always used to say on this sort of day. When it rains  I often think of it and remember him fondly. With no place we had to be, I was happy to stay indoors.

It seemed like a great excuse to do a little daytime reading. I'm SO enjoying Susan's book. I read about the wonderful places she visited in Kent....this is Sissinghurst, I'd love to visit here too.........

After a while I got a bit chilly and decided to turn on the oven and do some baking. Some SIMPLE FLAPJACKS using yummy golden syrup....I get to lick the spoon:0)

While they were in the oven there was time to look around the kitchen.
The first flower has opened up on my Amaryllis and it's not the bright red " Red Lion" that was pictured on the box! I think someone mixed up the bulbs. Oh well, it's still gorgeous......

I also noticed my favourite tea towels hanging on the oven door. One is a souvenir from our Cornish holiday last year....... Happy, sunny memories.....

When I chose my oven the most important thing on my mind was a long horizontal handle that you could hang tea towels and oven gloves over :0)

The flapjack turned out pretty good........

And after dinner the sky lightened so we decided to pop out for a bit of fresh air.......

It's not always easy convincing my three that walking is fun........but the promise of puddles did the trick.....

I loved the light and the reflections on the river.......

And the colours of the narrow boats........

here part of the river is diverted into a canoe slalom course, the water was really thundering under the bridge and flooding the course........


the hardy canoeists were sensibly keeping to calmer waters........

Thankfully there wasn't any flooding by the long boating lake, but there were lots of puddles and it was a joy to watch my boys running and splashing through them...........

Then they found the biggest puddle ever, a flooded field..........

They were so happy ...........

Simple joys.

It was lovely weather for ducks.......and boys :0)

Jacquie x


  1. What a lovely day! I don't have to go far for a puddle - my back garden is flooded.

  2. I confess that i like splashing in the odd puddle. I love flapjacks but hate golden syrup, unless of course it is adorning a steamed pudding and floating in a big yellow puddle of custard. i did say that I liked to splash in puddles, I forgot to say what sort.

  3. Simple pleasures indeed! That is a great syrup tin that you have there! xx

  4. Beautiful and stunning pictures Jacquie, the flapjacks look so delicious.

  5. Καλημέρα και σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για τις κατατοπιστικές οδηγίες!!!Φιλιά από την όμορφη Ελλάδα...

  6. You definitely made the most of what many dubbed a rotten day! Flapjacks and giant puddles are any child's dream (grown-up children included!). Chrissie x

  7. What beautiful photos. There's plenty of water here at the moment too, and flooded fields all over the place. I like to bake when it gets a bit chilly. It sounds like a really good day.

  8. I've read a few Susan Branch books, I love her style and illustrations but I've not seen the Sissinghurst one. We visited Sissinghurst some years ago and, even heaving with people it was a magical and inspiring place.
    Love your photos, the light on the water looks wonderful.

  9. Hi this is the first time I've commented on your lovely blog, I have just this minute finished making your super cute crochet owl . I have only recently learned to crochet after being inspired so much by your crochet on your blog . your wonderful tutorials have made learning new stitches and technics a absolute pleasure so thank you so much for going to the effort of photographing and writing out patterns its very much appreciated .
    Lucy xx

  10. Sounds like you had a perfect Sarurday, I'm down in Kent but have never been to Sissinghurst, must check it out, we had a adventure on Saturday afternoon, a Safari a Kentish one!!! at Port Lymne it's very wet and flooded down here too so I felt sorry for the animals althought the Water Buffalo and Giraffes didn't seem to mind.
    Clare xx

  11. Jacquie I love coming over to read your blog and taking pleasure in the photographs of your daily doings. Yes I gave in and asked DH to order me the Susan Branch book ,it looks a delight to read.
    Thanks for cheering me on a dull and dismal day.

  12. Such a nice day :-) Thanks for sharing your photos.

  13. I love flapjacks and I love puddles :)

  14. Oh Jacquie, those narrow boats are stunning! Let me dream.... :-)

  15. What a wonderful day for ducks and little boys! We don't get outside in the rain as much here, probably because we know it will pass over us soon and the sun will come back out. I love Susan Branch, too! I have a couple of her books here, but not the one you have. I'd love to see a recipe for your flapjacks. They look like they are baked oat bars of some sort. Here in the USA, "flapjacks" are just another name for pancakes, fried in butter in a cast iron pan on the stove top.

  16. Here I am confused again. First it was the Yorkshire Puddings. Now it's Flapjacks. Flapjacks are pancakes where I come from. Your puddings are our popovers. :)
    It's a great day for sharing and learning. :) Thank you for the inspiration.

  17. I found your blog....I crochet as well...I am currently stitching a afghan for my bed...I haven't worked on it for a while.

    I am now a follower of your Blog....I too have a Blog and here is the link to my blog:


    I would like for you to be a follower of my Blog as well.

    I love reading your Blog and looking at all of your photos that you have....

    Happy Crocheting
    Linda K, Railroad

  18. Oh hello flapjacks!!! I went out to buy some butter so I could make some yesterday - bit of baby brain, didn't realise that I didn't have enough of the other ingredients either!! Another day maybe... Love your bright wellies, perfect for sploshy days,
    Jones x

  19. Jacquie this was a fabulous post and really had so much in it - loved the look of those flapjacks in fact could just eat one now with my coffee! Your outdoor photos are gorgeous, I could almost feel the crispness of the day. Always look forward to your posts Jacquie as you put so much into them. Thank you and have a great week. Big hugs


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