Thursday 5 May 2011

Play Houses

Hello Lovelies , thank you all so much for your great comments on my last post. We are back indoors again today :0)
I wanted to share some beautifully styled greetings cards I found this week with you lovelies....

How sweet are these ?? I'm not sure I will be able to send them to anyone , I just bought them because I find the images so inspirational and totally gorgeous. These shelves full of pretty blue and red pots, not to mention the best flowers...tulips, roses and sweet peas favourites. I LOVE   the tea cosy with it's crochet flowers too...........

How cute is this little polka dot chicken sitting on a red shelf and the pretty floral wallpaper.......

And this wooden bobbin with its pretty ribbon.......

And that blue polka dot enamel coffee pot...

The second card is even more drool worthy in my opinion....

A vintage caravan!! with pots of geraniums, more tulips and a gorgeous table and chair. Can you see under the chair,there are some vintage annuals and some polka dot pumps ... so sweet .....

And look through the window....

Gingham curtains , pretty canisters and , just visible, floral curtains too.
 You can just about see in the door..there ,on the left ....

a tantalising glimpse of a glass fronted cupboard with fabric hearts hanging from the handle. I would LOVE to have a look around this cutesy caravan. Do you think the shelves are inside ??? Wouldn't that be great !!

Since I found these images I've been having a little day dream about owning a vintage caravan too. It wouldn't have to go anywhere. I could just enjoy it in the garden...use it like a summer house . Yes that sounds wonderful . I could make it really pretty with thrifted finds and crochet cushions . I could sit in it and crochet .The little built in cupboards would make a great place to store fabric ...hey I could have my sewing machine set up on the table, it would be my crafty Wendy house :0)

Maybe one day....a girl can dream...... In the mean time I have this to share with you ....

It's my strange crochet object a little further on , and here's the other part.......

Yes it's toadstool ( well done on guessing correctly Heather:0) ).... here's the finished object looking pretty on my mantle ....

A little toadstool house .....

The pottery tortoise I found in a charity shop a few weeks back is looking pleased with this make. So am I , I even managed to embroider on a few flowers , they are far from perfect but not bad for a first attempt.The door and window are felt .
This idea just sort of evolved , as many of my projects do . To start with it was going to be a little container with a removable lid ( like Victoria's lovely version HERE ) but it wasn't working so I decided to stuff it instead. I'm not really sure when it changed into a house.

That's a lot of little projects I've been enjoying's been good fun and I'm hoping I can now pick up one of my blankets again :0)
I haven't forgotten the Hexagon tutorial...thanks for being so patient.
It's almost the weekend .Yay.
Jacquie x

Edited to Add ....thankyou Vicki for telling me where I can indeed see inside this gorgeous caravan !!..Do check out Happy Loves Rosies Blog , its stunning :0)


  1. I have a book called "My Cool Caravan" which is choc-a-block full of gorgeous vintage caravans just like the one in the photo - I like to drool over it now & again!!

    Your toadstool is very sweet - I had a couple of attempts at amigurami when I started crocheting but they ended up looking a bit scary so I've stuck to gloves & cushions for now!

  2. I have some of those cards - they are pics of HappylovesRosies house - she's a wonderful blogger.

  3. Those cards are indeed stunning!!

  4. I LOVE your toadstool house! I want one too! The details on it are too cute for words! Don't you just love the way you start out with one thing and end with something totally different!?!? Ahhhh, the joys of creativity. Now that I'm really getting the hang of crochet, I find myself walking around looking at things and thinking..."I could crochet that!" Yesterday it was a bird house! Do I need a crochet bird house? NO! Would anyone else want one? Probably not! OK...not so much on the crochet bird house...maybe. But it's fun to realize there are NO limits on what you can do if you open your mind to it! Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing your toadstool house and the idea of embroidering on it and the felt window...I really DO love it!

  5. Oh my goodness I love your toadstool! It's fab!!!

    Jo x

  6. Oh my!! I *love* that toadstool!! Have you written down the pattern? We need a tutorial!!

    S x

  7. I love the cards, as already posted they are from Happy Loves Rosie who designed my blog! She has a beautiful home!

  8. Oooh those cards are fab, love that caravan!!!!! Your toadstool is fantastic, very cute!!!!

  9. The images on those cards are so sweet (making my toes curls looking at them). LOL! I love that toadstool. It's so cute!

  10. Oh!--I love it--what a cute toadstool house! So much sweeter than the one I made. I adore it.

    You could frame your sweet little cards and hang them somewhere special. Inexpensive artwork!

  11. What a beautiful set of little cards :) and the toadstool is sooo cute :) Thank you for this wonderful post!
    Have a lovely we Jacquie!

  12. Hey Jacquie, must be the week for toadstools, hehe.....

    Love your little toadstool house, too cute for words, might have to get out my hook and some yarn and forget about dinner.........

    Those cards are sweet as, shame you didn't buy two lots, one to keep and enjoy and one to send.
    Had to laugh at the vintage annuals, I thought you were talking about the flowers in pots...... I realised you meant the books when I saw the closeup pic.......doh...

    Have a great weekend and thanks for popping by mine,

    Claire :}

  13. Lovely cards i was just going to tell you who's caravan it was but see someone has already told you ;-)) Love the little mushroom house to so cute, have a lovely weekend, dee x

  14. I LOVE your toadstool house - its gorgeous. You should sell them - i'd buy one! I would love that caravan, but it wouldnt look like that once I'd had a holiday in it! xxx

  15. Hi I have made a felt toadstool similar to yours from a tutorial I got online somewhere. My daughter made one at the same time and we did a reveal at the end to see how we had made the same item with our own style it was great fun. I didnt keep mine though I used at to decorate a present I sent to a friend. I used brown paper and string to wrap it and even though i say it myself it looked beautiful.

  16. I love your toadstool, it's adorable, it would make a grogeous pincushion if you haven't one ;-)

  17. Love the cards but that Toadstool is amazing!!!! I want one!!! x

  18. What a lovely, lovely post! LOVE the cards and the caravan and the toadstool and the.... (I could go on!) I can spend many a happy moment while I'm doing something completely mundane, like the dishes, fantasising about owning an old caravan/camper van. Funnily enough I never actually go anywhere in it, in my fantasy, I just spend a LONG time making it look beautiful. Bonkers.
    Emily x
    PS - would you mind telling me how you did the edging on your little round mat please? I'm currently crocheting a scarf and I think this edging would look perfect on it. Thank you!!!

  19. The toadstool is gorgeous, I love all the little details on it.

  20. What a cute little toadstool! Adorable :)

  21. I love your toadstool, so cute.
    Anne xx

  22. Wow--I had NO idea that my little mushroom inspired you to create your absolutely darling toadstool house. Thank you, Jacquie, for posting a link to my blog. I do so appreciate it very much so! Honored, Victoria

  23. i love your style, im going off now to make some toadstools :) x

  24. I do like your doily in the first picture on this post too :o)

    I don't know where you live Jacquie, but at ( 'Vintage at the Village Hall' handcrafted and vintage fair this coming Monday 9th may, they are having a vintage caravan which they are selling teas etc..from . I'm hoping it will be as gorgeous as Happys one is :o)

    Hope you can get there :o)
    Have a lovely weekend Jacquie. x

  25. I'm drooling uncontrollably at all those gorgeous images you've shown us today! The toadstool is amazing!

  26. What a beautiful cards!
    Your toadstool is just the best! How qute and love the apple, too!
    Have a great weekend! Teje

  27. Happy's caravan is beautiful isn't it? She designed my shop front for the salon and I'm so happy with it. We can dream can't we? One day? xxxx

  28. Those cards are GORGEOUS!! Sigh... how I would love to live somewhere like that.... what a dream it would be! Thank you muchly for adding the picture/link to my giveaway too, really kind of you! Have a great weekend xx

  29. oooooohhhhhh, I too buy cards just because they give me inspiration and I put them up on my wall by my sewing table and just look at them...... for ages sometimes!!

    {and I have a little obsession about buying an old caravan which would live in the garden and become my sewing room......*sigh*}


  30. Beautiful cards Jacquie - sometimes I just buy cards to keep too :o)

    Love the toadstool - can't believe I thought it was going to be a daffodil!! Silly Jones. I really like the crochet apple in that photo too - did you make it? Looks good enough to eat!

    Jones x

  31. your toadstool is so cute and adorable, it would be the perfect pin cushion for a crafter, you are very inspriring

  32. Oh my goodness, your toadstool house is ADORABLE!!! :)

  33. gorgeous, gorgeous as always, your t'stool is too cute for words.
    Was also going to chip in and mention happy loves rosie, her flickr stream is such eye candy, here is the caravan set...


  34. Your toadstool cottage is very cute

  35. OH my goodness! I love toadstool houses!!! AND I used to have a china tortoise like that, in fact it had a baby with it!! :o


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