Sunday 16 March 2014

More Photos from my Week

Hello Lovelies, 
If you have read my blog for a while you will know of my past running exploits. Well, all running stopped in October due to health problems ( probably caused by a combination of over training and stress ).
 Over the winter I've enjoyed walking and considered stopping running permanently. But with reassurance from my G.P. that  there is no reason I should not run I've dug out my trainers again and started off with some gentle 1 mile walk/jogs.  

On Wednesday I set out to do this mile with my camera, as there are so many pretty things I wanted to share now spring is here.
 I love the Flowering Currant............

And pink blossom..........

And because I was enjoying taking photos I decided to run a little further, past the church...........

In the end I did two and a half miles ( with a few walk breaks ) and I was so happy to finally believe I'm making some  progress. 
I'm hoping it will help me loose the pounds that have crept on over winter and and  I love the sense of achievement running gives me.
If you want to get into ( or get back into ) running I would recommend THIS NHS programme 

I've also done some of my usual thrifting this week. I really like this old bottle found on the shelves of unloved things for 50p.................

And I LOVE this skirt ............

 £ 2.50 from the same charity shop, it's like new.

The bright sunshine and mild temperatures we have enjoyed this weekend  has been so welcome and my garden is bursting into flower..........

The spring bulbs are really eye-catching but I do have a soft spot for the hardy Lungwort with it's pretty pink and purple flowers............

and the acid green Euphorbias looked stunning in the sunshine...........

This last photo is of my two eldest boys "new" bikes..........

On  Monday, as I was typing THIS post, where I mentioned my oldest boys needed new bikes, our neighbour knocked on the door.

When he stood there and said he had two bikes that might be the right size for my boys...... and did I want them, otherwise he was going to have to take them to the tip as he needed the space in his garage......... you could have knocked me down with a seemed like the most amazing example of serendipity.

 I'm so grateful not to need to spend lots of money on bikes that will probably be outgrown in a couple of years and thankful to have such a kind and thoughtful neighbour.

I do hope some good fortune comes your way this week lovelies.
Jacquie x


  1. What a lovely post and fabulous free or thrifty items that have been drawn to you. The bikes are brilliant esp as they will get outgrown and can be passed on again. Your run looked great and sounds like it has done you a power of good.

  2. Congratulations on running again! What a great neighbour with two wonderful gifts.

  3. Bargains all round!! Love the skirt why would someone part with that I wonder, and what a good neighbour you have, I bet your boys were pleased, x

  4. I've never been a runner but I'm a walker, when I broke my leg 2 years ago I was incredibly happy when I was finally able to walk again, so I understand your joy! : ) Great flowers photos, as usual! ; )

  5. I understand how you feel about being able to run again. I have a hospital appointment next Monday, and am hoping they will be able to cure the pain in my foot (they believe it's a neuroma), and I can't wait to be able to walk when I want, how far I want, wearing whatever shoes I want, without it hurting.
    Glad you enjoyed your run - the blue skies make such a difference don't they. x

  6. Goodness I wish I could just get up and run 2.5 miles after not doing any running for a while! I have been running (fitness allowing) for 3 years and I still struggle to go over 2! Well done you!

  7. Congrats on your successful run! Walking and hiking I love to do, run, I could never manage. lol How wonderful to have such a neighbor! The flowers are so lovely, some of the same blooming here, which we enjoyed yesterday on a long walk in the warm sunshine, today it's raining. So I'm off for a spot of crocheting. :)

  8. Now that's the Universe (or God if you're a believer) providing what you need! I'm glad you're running again, and that you have loads of photos to show.

  9. No spring yet here (Michigan), and my women's fitness group ran/walked a 5k this morning in 10 degrees (F), with -4 (F) windchill. We're tough in the U.S. Midwest! I don't like to run, but I love to walk, and this group has been great. Our yards and gardens are still encased in ice and snow, but the sun is shining, so Spring will come--eventually. Back to my latest project--a zig zag throw for for a friend.

  10. Another lovely post, your photo of blossom is especially beautiful. So nice to find bargains, th elittle bottle and skirt both mook great and the manifestion of the bikes is just the ticket. If only more people were so thoughtful. Have a lovely week. Elaine

  11. Such a lovely post, I discovered some Lugwort in the garden this afternoon when I was out with my camera so pretty and new to our garden, yay for free plants that suddenly appear. Such wonderful news about the bikes. My lovely hook turned up yesterday thank you so much I love it, especailly the glittery bits. Have great week and enjoy the running
    Clare x

  12. What a cute skirt! I over did it with running a few years ago and hurt my knee. Now I have to do all these preventative exercises before and after running--but at least I'm at it again. Which feels so good. Good luck to you!

  13. It must feel so good to be free to run again Jacquie! The blooms you have captured are so beautiful, thank you, and what a lovely surprise that those bikes found you after you expressed the need for them; I'm sure your boys are going to enjoy them! Joy xo

  14. Wow, fantastic bikes, how lovely that he thought of you. Great charity shop finds as well. I always think I should try some running, maybe with my eldest. You have beautiful photos on this post, those flowers are wonderful. I haven't seen a flowering currant for ages, but we did have them when I was little. You have reminded me! I hope you have a good week Jacquie. CJ xx

  15. Where to begin. I will choose your decision to get those trainers on again, and to find your own way to gradually get your feet moving. (Today in New York a half-marathon was's quite chilly here, so it was odd to see folks clad only in skimpy shorts and metallic finish-line wrappers emerging from my neighborhood subway station as I made my way to that same station in my layers, down-filled coat, hat and gloves.)

    Great to see that your lads are going to have new-to-them bikes! Yes, they will outgrow these bikes soonish, but bet that they will like having the wheels for a while.

    I also enjoyed seeing more pictures of your visit to Sudbury, and liked the look of those scones. When did I last bake scones? What's stopping me from baking some tomorrow.


  16. Such lovely photos - the blossom picture is STUNNING!

  17. Glad to hear you're running again Jacquie. Just take it nice and easy and enjoy the experience xxx

  18. What a great neighbour!
    You have a lovely run route. I also re-started recently, with the help of a Couch-to-6K App on the Phone. no music, just "Coach Connie" gently reminding me to "jog" or "walk", and when my pace is good, telling me "you've got this!" My route takes me through the uni's sport's grounds and past my old hunting ground, the experimental farm. Imagine that, jogging past cows in the middle of your country's capital!

  19. What a wonderful neighbour you have. That means you have two bikes that you can pass on now that the boys have something that fits them better!
    I haven't exercised seriously for years. Last year we bought a treadmill. I started walking on it but then I was too fatigued for exercise. I had an operation in October and because I was completely inactive, put on some extra kilos to go with the ones I already had!! My doctor was concerned about my blood sugar levels and suggested dropping a few kilos and referred me to an exercise physiologist. The programme she set for me was setting me up to fail. But I found Couch to 5k on the web, downloaded the podcasts and started back in January. I finished last Friday and have already begun the next phase of the C25K plan to increase my speed and stamina.
    I am so thrilled with what I achieved on the programme. I was never a runner. I did Little Athletics back in the mid 1970s, but was part of the sprint team, and now I can run for 30 minutes at a regular pace and without stopping!!!!
    The idea for running actually came from reading your blog Jacquie. When you wrote about your last run, it inspired me and was something I thought about often. I will be running the Mothers' Day classic in May, and a charity run for the local children's ward at the hospital in October. So, thanks! :)

    1. Your story is inspirational too Robyn. Your enthusiasm is infectious and encouraging. Good luck with the special events in May and October. I'm sure they will be a lot of fun, especially if you can go with a group. To be self-motivated and to remain so is a big achievement and how lovely that you are reaping rewards for your persistence. Onya!

    2. I agree with Jodie . What a brilliant effort on your part Robyn, I'm trilled that I was in some way a part of your motivation . Thank you for sharing this and all your lovely comments.
      Good luck with your organised runs, they sound fantastic.
      Jacquie x


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