if you have been reading my blog for a long time you will know I used to be a runner....never a fast runner, but I had stamina. I've done three half marathons, one of which was the Great North run back in 2012...........
Marshaling the local run yesterday inspired me. I have done hardly any running at all this year but I guess I decided it's not time to hang up my trainers just yet.
If I could only walk I would be happy with that. I do love walking, but while I can still consider running I want to give it another try.
My eldest is now 15 and told me last week he wants to run a marathon one day. He has the sort of determination needed to do it too, bless him. I never want to run 26 miles...but I would like to run with him while he's starting out. You never know, other members of the family may get the bug too if we are lucky :0)
I don't think I ever chatted properly about why I stopped running back in 2013. Well, it was a stressful year and I foolishly decided to try and train up for a half marathon in just a few weeks...after not doing any serious running that year.
I over did things. The physical exertion added to mental stress led to me getting Ventricular ectopics. It's an extra heart beat, that means you get a long gap after it and then the sensation of a jolt or a flutter in the chest as the next beat occurs. When it's happening a lot it's quiet alarming...and that probably makes it happen more...a vicious circle.
My GP was lovely and did tests...mostly to reassure me I'm sure. In the end I was told to carry on as normal and not to worry. But it did still concern me.
Thankfully since then it's got a lot better. Though not gone away entirely. It do know I want to avoid making it worse again so I need to build up slowly. Oh so slowly.
When you have been good at a thing it's easy to imagine you can still go for it like before. But I know I can't...yet.
What I need is a gentle reintroduction to running Something to stop me getting carried away and running before I can walk...so to speak :0)
And here it is ....the brilliant Couch to 5k...as in, it will take you from being a couch potato to being able to run for 30 minutes without a break ( which might or might not be five kilometres...depends on how fast you run...but that's hardly the point....running is running, even if it's just the gentlest of jogs )
Eldest helped me upload the podcast to my phone...but you don't even need that...any old MP3 will do.
Laura ( the friendly voice that chats to you and tells you when to run and when to walk) is like a running buddy.
There's music with the correct beat to motivate you too.
Today was day one, week one........
I turn fifty in June next year and what I would like is to be able to run a decent distance again by then. I'm not going to aim for a half marathon....it seems like a heck of a long way at the moment and I can do without the pressure. 10k would be brilliant....I'll try, but what will be will be. I'm certainly not going to rush anything. If I have to stick to 5k that will be fine as well.
I've mentioned this programme and the re-start to my running adventures on instagram today. It seems lots of you lovelies have had success with it.
Obviously I've only experienced the first podcast but it certainly impressed me. My only issue was it's quiet hilly where I live so when Laura told me to run sometimes it was uphill. Not great for a beginner. I'll look for a flatter route next time :0)
Jacquie x
Glad you're OK, it's always scary when there's something not quite right going on inside. I shall cheer you on with your couch to 5K - from the couch! ;) I'm happy to walk my few miles a day with the dog but have no desire to go any faster. I shall enjoy your journey xx
ReplyDeleteI too will cheer you on from the couch, a brisk walk is the best I can do these days and I am happy with that. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI remember when you stopped running, and assumed that you had had an injury at the time, so I am sorry to know that it was more than that, but glad to know that it has turned out not to be anything too serious. I hope that you enjoy your new running ambitions! Let us know how you get on! xx
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the running Jacquie. You are one amazing lady and I hope you are able to reach your goal by your 50th birthday. I have enjoyed my walking this year although nowhere near the distances you achieve but running would definitely be a step too far for my 61 year old body to cope with! xx
ReplyDeleteI've been dabbling with running lately. I was pleasantly surprised as to how long I could run for first time out but I'm quite slow. And I struggle to get out there now it's cold in the mornings. Must try harder! I hope your training goes well. I think you must be very fit already with all the walking, so no doubt you won't find it too hard going. You've quite inspired me though, I shall leave my running shoes out tonight! CJ xx
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed. I'll be 56 in February and the thought of a marathon terrifies me! :-) I will be cheering you on from the sidelines though. Please keep us posted on how you're doing.
Thanks Betsy.I'm not planning on any great distances. To be able to run for an hour would be amazing.
DeleteJacquie x
V.E.B's must always be taken seriously. Just listen to your body and stop when it tells you to. Good luck but take it easy. It doesn't really matter if you don't do the thousand miles mark. Sorry if my comment is a negative one. I notice that none of the other commenters will actually be doing any running though.
ReplyDeleteThank you Caz I did have them investigated and listened to my Dr's advice. I will be taking it very steady. The thousand miles is a walking challenge. I love walking and if the running makes my symptoms worse I'll be more than happy to stick to that.
DeleteJacquie x
well done you! this app has been on my to do list (the one in my head) for ages....xx
ReplyDeleteI never heard of this app before. My friend from http://essay-writer.club/ uses something alike. I didn't like her app and I think I should the one you use cause it seems to be easy in use.
ReplyDeleteI do recall when you 'hung up your running shoes' so to speak. Glad that dream/passion is doable again for you. Wishing you the best of luck with it, and that you can share it with your son. Sounds like a great app.
ReplyDeleteHoorah! Glad to hear you're starting running again and that's good plan to use. Just take it nice and easy and don't expect miracles to begin with and good luck to your son too. Susie xxx