Friday 31 October 2014

Thursday Moments

Hello lovelies,
here are some snapshots of yesterday. I'm really enjoying taking half an hour from my day to write a little blog post about the previous 24 hours....I do hope you are finding these ordinary days interesting.

Thursday was another "at home" day. I had offered to have a friends two boys for a few hours. At this age ( almost 12 and 14) they are no trouble.....but added to my own three growing lads they certainly take up a lot of space......gangly legs to trip over everywhere :0)

I retreated to the kitchen and chopped veg for a slow cooker casserole ..........

and smiled at the seasonal colours.

Then I decided to do a little baking. I got out my old recipe file and found this......

I put my electric fan oven on 150 degrees Celsius.

I didn't have any oranges, but managed to "sort of" zest a couple of satsumas.......

and I decided to swap the marmalade in the recipe for this ginger preserve. I've had it for ages, but  didn't fancy eating it on toast.

The mixture was very sloppy but it did cook in an hour and smelt wonderful. I left it to cool and popped out on my bike.

I liked this Halloween window display..........

and the fireworks, to include bonfire night too.

and the florists display was very seasonal.........

After lunch I retreated upstairs, to enjoy a slice of home made cake..........

It was yummy and I was happy that everybody liked it. 

The ginger preserve just gives a little warmth, without overpowering the other flavours. And it's lovely and moist. The boys loved the crunchy top that the sprinkle of demerara sugar makes. There's not much left now.

I spent a couple of hours happily sitting on the bed, making circles......

and now I'm looking at my multicoloured sample again, I think I have to go with it.

At 4pm........with the moon already rising....eldest and I went for a little walk........

To make the most of the daylight, as I must at this time of year............

just a wander along our usual route is enough.........

I picked up more cherry leaves..........

because they are perfect at the moment.

Some more crochet in the evening takes my current circle total to 207.......yay, nearly there.

Right, I'm off to supervise pumpkin carving......Happy Halloween.

Jacquie x


  1. I think daily posting like this is such a good way to look back at all the simple little pleasures of your day and if I had the time, I would love to be able to do this! It looks like this are still green over there, and it's funny to see how our Autumn here in NY is a little ahead as mostly all of the leaves have fallen and the grass is starting to brown. (There is a chance of snow here this weekend!). Hope you have a great day and thanks for sharing your lovely photos :)

  2. I'm loving all your moments posts Jacquie. All those boys in the house will no doubt take lots of feeding too!, it's hardly surprising that there is hardly any cake left! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog this morning. Enjoy your weekend :O)xx

  3. I have immensely enjoyed your daily posts this week. ^^

  4. Sounds like a perfect relaxed autumn day! Your cake recipe sounds delicious - I love the idea of ginger preserve in a cake.

  5. Really enjoy these posts! Love those cherry leaves. A house full of...girls is the usual here, lots of giggles and squeals, a lot different I imagine than a house full of boys. lol Happy Halloween! I've decked out my porch with festive décor and the candy bowl is full (mostly ;D) just waiting till dark to enjoy all the trick or treaters, and maybe a bonfire for the older ones.

  6. Loving the sound of your cake, I could smell it cooking from all the way down in Devon. What a perfect Autumn day you had :)

  7. I love so so much your blog and I travel with you.Im from Argentina and here spring is so warm. I wish go to your country a day. Enjoy your blankets and cooking. Kisses!!!!!!

  8. I'm loving your daily posts about what you have been doing and your cake sounds yummy
    Jackie x

  9. A lovely week, the deer were a special sight and the weather has been kind to you all in all.
    The huge teen boys-it was the pile of enormous sized shoes left by the door that always tickled me-until I tripped over them several times! That was a Helen does witch moment.
    Hope the sun shines for your walks this weekend.

  10. Lovely leaves, and your recipe sounds yummy! : )

  11. Sounds like a great way to spend a day during half term - contented children, crochet and cake. :) x

  12. Honestly that sounds like a perfect day. I'm glad to hear that boys are no trouble at 12 and 14, this is something for me to look forward to! There's often more than a little trouble at 6, 8 and 11. I especially like the sound of retreating upstairs with tea, cake and crochet. Blissful. CJ xx

  13. That sounds like a lovely day. The photos were gorgeous. Beautiful colours.

  14. I love your everyday days.. that bread looks DELISH! I finished a little crocheted hat for my nephew's 4 year old daughter and we delivered it this afternoon.. fun! We head home tomorrow.. we have really enjoyed our week by the sea.

    *H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. I do hope your pumpkin carving went well. Halloween is a mixed bag here in Australia. To me, it seems strange to be celebrating such a holiday when the days are lengthening and the weather is warming. The leaves are not decaying on the ground - the trees are bursting into life, birds are madly trying to feed greedy little gobs in nests all over the place!
    And well done on the crochet front! So close to the goal. And then there's the bit where you have to choose where they go! I know that feeling from patchwork. :)

  16. I love your posts, this one made me smile, it echoed my life almost, especially the going upstairs bit. Many a time I have found myself quietly retreating into my bedroom to give a housefull of boys (not all mine) room to, well, be boys. Thats how I resurected my nearly forgotten teenage crochet skills. Yours and other blogs I read have made me realise I am not just a "single working mum machine" , I am also me. Thankyou for your inspiration x

  17. I love your days too. Sometimes they really echo my own and sometimes they are so different. Jo

  18. Sounds like a lovely day- the boys happy, lots of gorgeous colour & cake!!!

  19. That cake really looks very, very delicious and a perfect choice for autumn. I"m glad that you are going for the multi-colored crocheted square option. It's beautiful, as are all your lovely landscape views.


  20. Hello Jacquie I love it when you do these posts...that loaf cake looks scrummy too!
    bestest Daisy j xx

  21. That loaf cake looks good, those flavours must make a pleasant change x

  22. Yum that orange and raisin loaf looks great, we've got lots of tangelos ripe at the moment so I'll have to give it a try! Love those leaf colours... Autumn is very special xxx

  23. that loaf looks very delicious and perfect for a autumn day. love your crochet.
    thanks for the wonderful photos !!!!
    have a wonderful time,

  24. Great descriptions of your days. You're doing really well with your crochet.


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